I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 201: Destroy the dead pirates

Arthur stood up and continued to attack with energy rays. This time, he didn't dare to be too big. He was careful to deal with the enemy's attack, and used a magic shield to block attacks and sneak attacks from all directions.

Arthur moved forward while reaping, he came to Capri again, stomped his neck and ended his life, and then Arthur's eyes were on a huge sniper rifle.

That's what hit me just now! Arthur picked up the sniper rifle and put it in the storage space, waiting to go back and study it slowly.

Suddenly Arthur felt murderous behind him, Arthur turned around and blocked the enemy's fatal blow with his trident.

He was a transparent person, he didn't know what equipment he was wearing, but he was actually invisible. Fortunately, Arthur sensed his attack and successfully blocked the short blade in his hand with a trident.

Arthur only saw a blue light on a short blade, and then Arthur felt his arm go numb, and the short blade continued to cut towards Arthur's neck.

Arthur lifted his leg and kicked the transparent man out. This man was too dark, and the weapon was also charged with high voltage. If it wasn't for Arthur's high resistance to electricity, he would have been attacked.

The Invisible Man lost track after flying out, and the other little minions surrounded Arthur again.

Arthur knew that the invisible man was hiding and waiting for an opportunity, ready to attack, Arthur let go of his consciousness and "saw" that he was hiding in the corner and motionless.

Arthur didn't break him, and continued to fight with the little minions. Arthur rushed into the hall and saw Arthur walking into the circle of death pirates. People gathered in all directions in the hall to shoot at Arthur.

Arthur blocked all attacks with a red energy shield, raised his hand and shot a beam of energy towards the power control box on the wall not far away.

The power control box exploded, and all the lights in the entire base went out immediately, turning pitch black, with only a few candle lights emitting blue smoke still glowing.

Arthur raised his trident and launched an indiscriminate attack. The red energy ray circled clockwise, and countless members of the dead pirate organization were cut off and vanished.

The leader of the dead pirates, Blackbeard, and the cadres were shocked when they saw the situation in the hall upstairs. Where did this evil star come from?

He alone wants to kill the entire death pirate organization? Blackbeard couldn't sit still, and led more than 20 cadres to stand upstairs and start shooting at Arthur below.

And the death pirates who survived Arthur's indiscriminate attack just now continued to attack Arthur, and no one was afraid to escape, showing how crazy they were and not afraid of death.

Arthur looked up to see Blackbeard and found you! Arthur squatted down and stomped and flew up, rushing towards Blackbeard's position.

Suddenly, a large net exuding blue energy descended from the sky and wrapped around Arthur. With a flash of red light in Arthur's right hand, the whole person became transparent and passed through the large blue net.

The hall suddenly lit up again. It turned out that the controller turned on the backup power supply, and Blackbeard could see Arthur's face clearly at this moment, and Arthur had already flown in front of him.

Arthur grabbed the neck of the dead pirate leader who was big and three thick and had fish scales on his skin.

"You're Blackbeard?" Arthur asked, looking at him.

Blackbeard's men saw this and immediately stopped firing, watching Arthur nervously trying to find a way to save the boss.

"I don't seem to have offended your Excellency? Why do you want to get along with our death pirates?" Blackbeard asked with difficulty as his face was bloodshot by Arthur's vigorous pinching.

"I'm here to catch the Fallen Akarian, but seeing that you death pirates are doing all kinds of evil, I naturally want to seek justice for the people of the Void Realm." Arthur said righteously and loudly.

"Fair? Haha, who do you think you are? A superhero? Whoever has the biggest fist in this universe can do whatever they want!" A man who looked like a hill laughed and said to Arthur.

"Do whatever you want? Hey, now my fist is the biggest so I want you to die and you can't live!" Arthur looked around and said.

"Your Excellency! We have no grievances or enmity with you. If you let me go, I promise that the dead pirates and you will not commit river water in the future." Blackbeard said with difficulty.

At this moment, Arthur's body suddenly turned red and transparent, and a knife flashing blue light passed through Arthur's body, drawing a beautiful blue trajectory.

"I noticed you a long time ago, transparent man! Still want to do a sneak attack?" Arthur turned and kicked the transparent man who attacked him, and then the trident shot out red energy at the same time and slammed into the transparent man, and the transparent man instantly The entity was revealed to be a woman with only her eyes exposed. Her chest was instantly pierced by a red energy ray, and she immediately lost her breath.

Arthur pushed away Blackbeard's right hand and swiped with a halberd. Blackbeard's head flew out, fell to the ground and rolled around with his eyes wide open.

And Blackbeard's body also fell to the ground, purple blood flowing from his neck.

"Kill him!" The other cadres saw that the boss was dead, and rushed towards Arthur, ready to fight Arthur.

The trident in Arthur's hand made a great red light, and the red rays swept out the Reaper members one after another of the dead pirates.

This attack method is learned from Odin, who likes to use his scepter to send out sun rays to burn enemies.

But Odin's two sons didn't learn it well. Thor liked brute force. Loki, the number one mage in the Nine Realms, liked to use two daggers.

It's really a shame for the profession of a mage. In the future, Arthur will only admit that Stephen Strange is the number one mage in the Nine Realms.

Arthur continued to sweep the enemy with red energy rays, defended against enemy attacks with blue magic shields, and slaughtered in the death pirate base, where no one was innocent.

Arthur searched from room to room, leaving no one behind. Finally, Arthur came to the main controller of the base and kicked the door of the controller.

The only members of the dead pirates in the controller fell to their knees with frightened legs.

"Please, let us go, we have never offended you." The three of them cried and begged Arthur for mercy.

"Do you know where the fallen who joined the organization are?" Arthur asked, looking at the three kneeling at his feet.

"I know! I know!" The three nodded suddenly, and finally saw the hope of surviving.

"Send him a message and say that Blackbeard has something important to discuss with him, and ask him to come to the Dead Star immediately!" Arthur looked at the three and said.

"Okay, okay, I'll send him a message now!" A thin man stood up and said, tremblingly walking towards the console.

"Don't play tricks! Otherwise I'll let you three die miserably!" Arthur looked at him and said.

"Don't dare!" The man found the contact information of the Fallen and sent him a message, and the Fallen immediately replied with a text.

Arthur couldn't understand this kind of cosmic text, but he didn't believe that this man dared to make small gestures in front of him.

"The Fallen said he'd be here soon," the man replied, looking at Arthur.

"Very good! Then you can die!" The red light of Arthur's trident flashed over the two kneeling on the ground, and they were immediately smashed to pieces.

"You go back on your word! Didn't you promise to let us go?" the man looked at Arthur in horror and asked loudly.

"When did I say I would let you go?" Arthur grabbed the man's clothes, come here! Arthur put his hand on the man's head and checked his memory.

Arthur twisted his neck with satisfaction, and sure enough, there are no good people here! This man is also a pervert, and just now he did send a message to the fallen according to Arthur's words, without making any small moves.


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