I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 189: unexpected encounter

NYU Earth

"First of all, I think we should use a mass spectrometer to analyze the composition of the luminescence," Ned told Peter Parker.

"First, I think we have to think of a better name than Glow," Peter Parker replied.

"Makes sense." Ned agreed with Peter Parker.

At this moment, two people came out from the corner in front and startled Peter Parker. They were the bald and white men who were selling energy weapons that Peter Parker met at that time.

"Damn it!" Peter Parker dodged to the corner of the wall at a fast speed and hid.

"Come over here!" Peter Parker whispered to Ned, who was still standing there dumbfounded.

Ned also immediately ducked over, and Peter Parker stuck his head out to look at the two.

"College really makes me uncomfortable, it has a strange smell, you know?" the white man said to the bald head beside him as he walked.

"That's the two people who tried to kill me last night!" Peter Parker whispered to Ned.

"What?" Ned was shocked.

"Yes, that's them!" Peter Parker said.

"Then we have to run quickly!" Nedra said to Peter Parker.

"No no, I'll have to keep up with them, maybe they can lead me to the weird guy who threw me in the lake!" whispered Peter Parker.

"Someone threw you into the lake?" Ned only knew that Peter Parker went to check on the explosion at the latest, not knowing what happened.

"Yeah, that's not a good taste." Peter Parker watched the bald-headed two go toward the corridor again, and Peter was going to follow secretly.

"Peter!" Ned called anxiously.

"Ned, stay here and don't move, I'll take a look!" Peter Parker followed secretly.

Peter Parker followed the two to the locksmith studio where he and Ned were just now. Peter Parker sneaked behind the table to see what the two were going to do.

"If the boss knew where we were, what would he say?" the white man asked the bald man, looking around the locker room.

"The reading shows that there was an energy pulse here." The bald head looked around with an instrument.

"But the weapon isn't here!" said the white man.

"Even if it was there before, and it's gone now, let's go." The bald head said, it turned out that they came to find the energy weapon that was lost last night.

The bald head turned around and suddenly saw a chair on the table shaking, which immediately aroused his alertness. He put his hand in his pocket, grabbed the pistol, and walked towards the table step by step.

The bald head looked up and looked around, but found nothing, was he too sensitive? The bald man gave up checking and walked towards the door with the white man.

What they didn't know was that Peter Parker was hanging upside down under this fitter's table, right under their noses.

Peter Parker stretched out his hand, and shot a small pea-sized mechanical spider from the spider equipment in his hand toward the bald leather shoes. The spider crawled in from the bald-headed trousers and fixed it firmly in his pants.

This is a tracker function for Tony Stark to make new armors for Peter Parker. Peter Parker stopped following them for fear of exposing the target.

After school, Peter Parker and Ned went back to Peter Parker's room together.

Peter Parker removed the instrument from the suit's wrist, flipped the switch on it, and an instrument was activated, projecting a small 3D image outward.

"This is amazing!" Ned said.

"Really?" Peter Parker sat down beside Ned.

Ned poked the 3D projection with his finger, and the projection immediately zoomed in. It was a map with a spider head marked on it, and that was where the little spider was tracking.

"They're in Brooklyn!" Peter Parker said, looking at the 3D map projection.

The two have been watching the light spots on the map keep moving, indicating that the enemy is also on the move.

Waiting like this until the middle of the night, Ned was awakened by the alarm sound of the device. He picked up the device and said, "They finally stopped."

"Maryland, what's there?" Peter Parker asked Ned, jumping off the bed.

"I don't know," Ned replied.

"Evil lair?" Peter Parker asked after some thought.

"They'll have a nest?" Ned asked rhetorically.

"Dude, a gang with alien weapons and the boss's wings, do you think they won't have a home?" Peter Parker asked Ned.

"Great! But how are you going to get there? It's 300 miles away." Ned agreed with Peter Parker, but said worriedly.

The two suddenly thought of something. The school was going to hold an academic competition in the Washington area. Ned had signed up, but Peter Parker had already withdrawn from the application.

"It doesn't seem too far from Washington," Peter Parker asked Ned.


the next day

"Hi, how are you all?" Peter Parker ran to the group who were about to leave for Washington to participate in the academic competition with his schoolbag on his back.

"Hi, Peter." Peter Parker's classmates greeted him.

"I hope to return to the team, should it be too late now?" Peter Parker asked everyone.

"Welcome back, Peter!" the lead teacher said to Peter Parker.

"Well, can we go, I want to go to the embassy to protest for a while before dinner." Peter Parker's classmate Michelle Jones said.

"Protesting is a patriotic act, okay, let's get on the bus together." The teacher who led the team said to everyone.

Everyone got on the bus and the car drove towards Washington...

On the bus, the leading teacher and team leader Liz Allen were conducting a pre-match drill. Liz Allen asked questions and the students answered them.

The atmosphere in the car was very good, and Peter Parker also answered several questions correctly. Peter Parker's studies have always been very good, and he participated in this academic competition as the main player.

Peter Parker's phone rang suddenly, he took out his phone and saw that it was Happy, he and Liz Allen apologized and went to the back of the car to answer the phone.

"Hello?" Peter Parker answered the phone.

"The dots on my screen say you're out of New York City?" Happy said to Peter Parker, holding a tablet and looking at the location on it.

"Yeah... Yes, the school organizes activities, it's okay, I have to say that you are following me without my permission, completely violating my personal privacy." Peter Parker immediately thought of the new suit Tony Stark gave him Locator installed.

"This is what Stark did, but you don't know what situation you are in? If you are wearing a spider suit and act elsewhere, you will be arrested by the police immediately!" Happy warned Peter Parker.

"I know, I'm just going to participate in the academic competition, it's not a big deal." Peter Parker explained aggrievedly.

"I don't care if it's a big deal. It sounds like it's not a big deal, but remember, you have a special status now, and Stark can only guarantee that you will act in New York! You'd better not mess around!" Happy again Warned Peter Parker.

"OK, OK, I'm really just going to participate in the academic competition, you don't have to notify Mr. Stark." Peter Parker said.

"It's up to you whether you tell me or not, don't mess around!" Happy hung up the phone immediately after he finished speaking.

"Beep..." Peter Parker lowered his head helplessly, listening to the beep coming from the phone.


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