I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 188: Guardians of the Galaxy Departure

"What soul gem?! You didn't lie to me, did you?" the boss asked Gamora in surprise.

"How is this news enough?" Gamora asked, looking at the boss.

"I agree to exchange messages!" the boss said to Gamora.

The next day, the groomed Guardians of the Galaxy assembled again at the gates of Utgart, and Quill and Rocket didn't look very happy. They must have gambled for nothing.

The Destroyer looked like he had won five million dollars, humming while walking, while Gamora and Grude were expressionless.

"Why, how many opponents did you beat yesterday?" Arthur asked, patting the Destroyer's sturdy arm.

"Have you seen it? I've won so many games." Destroyer made a gesture of eight. It seemed that he had won eight games in a row, no wonder he was so happy.

"Every time the big guy comes, he has to bully the gangsters in the arena. How did you go last night? Did you find a beautiful girl to enjoy it?" Quill smirked and bumped his shoulder against Arthur's arm.

"I'm a gentleman, don't talk nonsense, I just found a place to sleep beautifully after a big meal last night." Arthur said with a grand expression.

"Do you think I'll believe it? There's no ordinary place to sleep here, you must have played comfortably all night, right?" Quill looked at Arthur suspiciously and said.

"Who do you think is the same as you? Hurry up!" Gamora stepped up and kicked Quill hard in the calf.

"Ah!! Alright, alright, let's go." Quill jumped up after being kicked by Gamora, clutching his calf and limping towards Gamora in front of him.

Arthur looked at a few people and smiled knowingly, their relationship was really good.

The six people got on the small spaceship, left Kati, the paradise of the wanderers, and returned to the Marauder spaceship.

"I already know the general location of the Fallen, and someone saw him appear in the Void Realm just the day before yesterday." Gamora said to the five.

"As expected of Gamora, doing business is never ambiguous. Did you go to the news shop?" Rocket looked at Gamora and said with satisfaction.

"Void Realm, it's a little troublesome for him to be there." Quill lowered his head and thought about what to do next.

"Where is the Void Realm?" Arthur thought of the mantis in the League of Legends after hearing the Void Realm.

"The Void Realm is a space surrounded by something called Void Mist. The Void Mist is a purple gas. Although it is non-toxic and tasteless, it blocks light, so the planets in the Void Realm cannot see light. It's like moving in the dark, it's easy to get lost." Rocket explained the situation in the Void Domain to Arthur.

"How big is this so-called void field?" Arthur asked, looking at the rocket.

"The entire Void Realm contains more than 300 planets, it's not very big, but it will move. We have to explore which planet this Fallen is on." Quill explained to Arthur.

"It's not good, then let's go quickly and get the Fallen before he runs away." Arthur said to several people.

The rocket nodded, sat in the driver's seat, started the spacecraft's engine, and flew into space.

"I also heard the latest news about Thanos..." Gamora said suddenly.

"Let's hear it," Arthur replied immediately.

" Thanos led the Qitarui to attack several planets, killed half of the life on the planet, and left. He seemed to be looking for the whereabouts of the Infinity Stones," Gamora said.

"The tyrant doesn't know that the gem is in my hands for the time being. He probably only knows that the Rubik's Cube is in Asgard, but he is still a little bit afraid of Asgard, so he must be looking for the whereabouts of other gems." Se pondered for a while and said.

"I thought about it for a long time. Sooner or later, Thanos will know that I know the location of the Soul Stone. We are in danger. So I told the owner of the news shop where the Soul Stone is located." Gamora hesitated and said. came out.

"What! You revealed the location of the Soul Gem? Isn't that the same as giving it to Thanos? What do you think?" The Destroyer looked at Gamora in disbelief and said.

"Actually, this is not a bad thing. The soul gem is not very useful to tell the truth. After the news is revealed for those who want to get it, Thanos will move the target elsewhere to buy us time." Arthur thought for a while and said. .

"Does it really matter that Thanos gets the Soul Stone?" Rocket asked, looking at Arthur.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in front of Thanos, we will have four Infinity Stones. At that time, gathering everyone's strength is enough to fight Thanos!" Arthur said firmly.

"Well, I hope your judgment is correct!" Rocket said, looking at Arthur.

"Actually, we can tell this news to as many people as possible, and let as many people **** the soul gem as possible, as long as the water is muddy, we will have a chance." Arthur continued.

"This is simple. After this mission is completed, I will quietly reveal the news. It is estimated that there will be a **** storm in the universe." Quill said.

"That's it, but you must call me when you fight Thanos. I have a mortal hatred with Thanos. I will send my double-edged blades into Thanos' heart!" The Destroyer is playing Said fiercely with its two daggers.

"Don't worry, it's time to rely on everyone to fight against Thanos." Arthur asked the five.

" Thanos is our common enemy, we will definitely help you!" Gamora looked at Arthur and said, and the other four nodded.

Arthur felt very moved when he saw the five people who were talking about their loyalty. To help himself, he had to risk his life to fight Thanos. It seems that everyone has come to their senses.

Arthur himself has become enlightened. Since he came to this world, Arthur has found that he has changed a lot and is no longer afraid of death.

Many things that seemed very dangerous in the past, Arthur would have a feeling of not caring, even now he can sacrifice himself for others, it seems that he has become great after spending a long time with these superheroes, Arthur thought to himself.

The six people drove the Marauder spaceship to make a space jump. The Void Realm is a very far away place from the Milky Way, and it takes many space jumps to get close to that realm.

"Are you alright, do you want us to fix it before we set off, or I think you're going to die." Rocket asked Arthur, who was squatting on the ground and vomiting with a trash can.

Arthur was a little uncomfortable when he was a spaceship, let alone such a continuous space jump, Arthur felt that he was about to faint.

He didn't know why, he wouldn't get dizzy when he flew randomly in the air, but when he came to the spaceship, he would get airsick.

It may be the reason that the gravity of the earth is different from that of the earth. Arthur said that he needs a large space battleship so that he will not get airsick.

"Then take a break and then set off. I really can't hold on to jumping like this." Arthur said weakly.

"Hahaha, you still need more practice! The physique is too bad." The Destroyer patted Arthur's shoulder hard and said.

"Hehe, I thank you." Arthur said while looking at Dracula the Destroyer.


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