I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 190: Crack the suit

The school bus came to a large hotel in Washington, and the academic competition will be held in the Monument Auditorium not far from here.

Many schools have already arrived here, and the hotel facilities for the academic competition are very good. Under the leadership of the tutor, Peter Parker followed the students to a reception to sign in.

"It's so big here!" exclaimed one of Peter Parker's classmates.

"I've seen bigger ones!" another wealthier classmate boasted.

"Do you have a computer with you?" Peter Parker asked Ned next to him.

"Of course, what are you doing?" Ned replied.

Peter Parker looked at Ned and made a look you know. After Peter Parker and Ned signed in, they went to the hotel room that was assigned to Peter Parker.

After Peter Parker locked the door, he put the bag down from his back, and shook it upside down.

The Spider-Man suit in the school bag, various screwdrivers and the alien radiation he got last time all fell out.

Ned took out a data cable to find a data interface on the spider's suit lining, plugged it in and connected it to the computer, and used the software to crack the spider's suit's system.

Peter Parker, biting a flashlight, looked around for the location of the tracker on his suit.

"Peter? Why did you remove the tracker from the suit?" Ned asked while looking at Peter.

"Because I want to follow these people to their boss before they move again. And I don't want Mr. Stark to know that I'm operating outside New York," Peter Parker replied.

"So you're lying to Iron Man?" Ned asked, looking at Peter Parker.

"No no, not lying, he just doesn't trust me yet," Peter Parker explained.

"Then you are not afraid of being caught by the FBI after the Washington operation? Now the United States has banned the Avengers from operating privately." Ned asked Peter Parker worriedly.

"I promise it won't attract attention, I just need to catch them secretly and not be found." Peter Parker said confidently.

Peter Parker finally found a small tracker on the suit and removed it.

"Okay, Happy, go and track the lamp." Peter Parker put the tracker on the lamp.

"There are a bunch of other subsystems here, but they're all disabled by a protocol called auxiliary wheels." Ned suddenly noticed something unusual about the suit.

"What?" Peter Parker sat down immediately and looked at Ned's laptop screen.

"Auxiliary wheel protocol, turn it off!" Peter Parker said.

"Uh, this is not good, there is probably a reason for the ban." Ned shook his head and said.

"Please, I don't need an auxiliary wheel, I'm not a child, it's too much!" Peter Parker jumped to the side of the bed and complained that he was twenty-two years old, and Tony Stark still didn't believe he could be on his own.

"Even though you're an adult, Tony Stark is doing it for you!" Ned said to Peter Parker.

"Yeah, for my sake, Arthur, who is the same age as me, can travel to outer space, and I'm still a good student at school!" Peter Parker said more and more angry, although he was more capable than Arthur Almost, but he is not a person who can't do anything. Does Stark control himself like this?

Peter Parker doesn't understand his position in Tony Stark's heart. Tony wants to protect him and make him a superhero who can stand alone a little bit, and eventually become Stark's successor.

"Peter, I don't think it's good, what if it's illegal?" Ned said, pointing to his laptop.

"Ned, I'm breaking the law now! Please, this is my chance to prove myself! I can do it, Ned, come on!" Peter Parker jumped in front of Ned and took his hand. arrive.

"I really don't think so..." Ned was still struggling.

"You're my tech support, I need you!" Peter Parker said, looking at Ned.

"Don't do that!" Ned refused again.

"Come on, please!" Peter Parker insisted again.

Ned sighed helplessly, pressed the Enter key to enter a string of codes, and immediately closed the auxiliary wheel protocol of the battle suit.

At this moment, the entire battle suit suddenly lit up, as if the current was scurrying on the battle suit, and it really was different from the previous battle suit.

It's getting dark, it's time to act! Peter Parker put on his spider suit again, put on his backpack, opened the door of the room and looked around.

"The luminous thing is the evidence, you have to keep it safe," Peter Parker said, turning to Ned.

"OK!" Ned picked up the purple energy crystal on the bed and put it in his bag.

"They're still moving..." Peter Parker said, turning on the tracking projection on his wrist.

"Be careful!" Ned said as he sat on the bed and looked at Peter Parker.

Peter Parker closed the door of the room, and was about to turn to leave when he met Liz Allen, the beautiful squad leader in a swimsuit, which surprised Peter Parker.

"You came out just right, we're going to swim, let's go quickly." Liz Allen beckoned behind him.

The students behind Peter Parker ran out in their pajamas and greeted Peter Parker.

"I'm going to the business center to study," Peter Parker lied to Liz Allen.

"Peter, you don't need to study, you are the smartest person I know! Also, the group rebellion the day before the game helps boost morale." Liz Allen looked at Peter Parker and said.

"Is this competition really important to you?" Peter Parker asked, looking at Liz Allen.

"Yeah, it's our future, I don't want to screw it up, and we're taking the little shop by storm, these chocolate bars are only $11, put on your swimsuit and come on." Liz Allen smiled and threw it to Peter Parker After a chocolate bar, he turned his head and left.

Peter Parker is still stunned, which one should the swimsuit beauty invite or the enemy to choose?

"Peter Parker, you must be crazy!" Peter Parker slapped himself. He was a man with a girlfriend, how could he still think wildly, Peter Parker ran towards the door of the hotel.

Peter Parker came to the woods outside the hotel, and after making sure there was no one around, he took off his jacket, revealing the spider suit inside, and put on a spider mask.

"Good evening, Peter!" Suddenly a woman's voice came from inside Peter Parker's mask, startling Peter Parker.

"Hello? Who are you?" Peter Parker looked around and didn't notice anyone nearby, who was talking?

"Congratulations on completing the strict auxiliary wheel protocol, you can now use all the functions of the battle suit." The mechanized woman's voice came again, and the glasses of Peter Parker's spider mask also unlocked new functions, and countless icons appeared in Peter Parker in front of you, as if you were playing with a VR device.

"Ah, thank you!" Peter Parker sighed, and it turned out that Stark had also installed a voice assistant function in his suit.

"So where are you taking me tonight?" Friday's voice came from inside the suit again.

"I put a tracker on someone and he's a bad guy," Peter Parker said.

"The position of the tracker has been locked, and the interception target route is being planned." Peter Parker's eyes showed a map of the entire Washington, and Peter Parker's path was marked with a red straight line on Friday.

"OK, as long as I can get back before the academic competition!" Peter Parker shot out spider silk and swung into the distance.


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