I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 187: Fallen man

Quill came to a computer and called up the details of the bounty and looked at it carefully. It clearly introduced the identity of the Fallen and the place where he appeared recently.

The fallen, male, named Akarian, was a Kree star who grew up in Kree after losing his parents as a child. This man was particularly brutal. He once killed five comrades in his own legion, and then fled. out of Kerry.

Under the pursuit of the Kerry Legion, the Fallen not only was not caught, but also attacked the spaceship of the Kerry Legion many times. This person is particularly good at disguising and blasting, and can install explosives near you without knowing it. .

In this way, the Fallen, under the bounty of the Kerry Legion, has also carried out many sabotage operations, offending many organizations. The most serious incident was that he blew up the entire planet last year.

Trillions of innocent lives on the planet were killed, so he also got the name of the cosmic demon fallen.

Below are a few photos of a fallen person. It is a blue-skinned Kree who has undergone mechanical prosthetics in many parts of his body. Even his brain and eyes are mechanical, which looks a bit terrifying.

"This person is okay, he dares to openly oppose the Kree people, and he is lucky not to be killed by Thanos." Quill looked at the information of the Fallen and said.

"So are we going to take this mission? It's actually helpful for us to have him as an enemy of the Kree," Gamora said.

"Haven't you seen him do all kinds of evil? He's killed more people than I've ever seen. It's better not to stay in this world!" Rocket said with a rare righteous indignation.

"I've killed a lot of people. This kid is actually more ruthless than me. It seems that I have to go and meet him." The Destroyer was very unhappy when he heard the name of this fallen one, and the other party was actually a murderer. Crazy Demon, he wants to give him some color to see.

"Cut, what you said is really sincere, isn't it for the five billion?" Arthur withdrew his lips and ruthlessly exposed the faces of several people.

"What nonsense are you talking about? We are here for the peace of the universe, just to make some money by the way, don't you think?" Quill said with a laugh.

"Okay, we've taken this mission, and we'll set off after a day of repairing at Katy Star." Quill looked at the length of the mission, which was two years old, enough to see that this man was called the Fallen. The Cree are not easy to catch.

Quill submitted the bounty, and then led everyone out of the hall to the entertainment city on the side. It was time for them to experience the true face of the city of Utege.

It is said that the entertainment city is actually a huge casino, but it has everything here. It is a man's paradise for eating, drinking, playing, beauties, and drugs.

Of course, there are also many women who come here to enjoy, and various services for women are also provided here.

Quill looked at a huge gaming table, surrounded by people in front of them, all blushing and looking at the two little monsters in the middle of the gaming table fighting, and betting on the two little monsters on the side.

"Isn't this just cockfighting? I thought it was something." Arthur looked at these excited people and pouted, thinking how high-end gambling on alien planets was. It turned out to be similar everywhere.

Quill grabbed a handful of purple gold coins and threw it at the place where the alien monster called "Undead General" bet, and just by the name Quill pressed it to win.

Two little monsters with eight legs were fighting desperately, and the surrounding crowd shouted excitedly to cheer for them.

Arthur just watched for a while and then felt uninterested. He turned his head and saw that everyone except Quill was gone, and they went to play with their own.

Arthur was walking around in the entertainment city. He saw Rocket playing poker with others at a gambling table, and Tree Groot watched with interest.

The Destroyer is fighting in a boxing ring, and it should be the kind that can get a lot of money if you win.

Gamora disappeared, and Arthur turned around without seeing her. Arthur rejected one geisha who was now soliciting business on the street, and went to a very strange restaurant.

It is said that the restaurant is actually a food stall. The overall size of the store is not too big, it is similar to the former Atlantis restaurant, but the business here is very hot, and it is almost full.

Arthur found a place to sit down and looked at the menu. He found that this restaurant can actually make food from many planets. Arthur turned around and couldn't find the earth.

But Arthur found Asgard's Tomahawk steak, a very large steak. This steak uses a particularly fierce cattle raised in God's Domain, which is still relatively rare.

It's amazing that you can order in this store. Arthur ordered one, and then looked at the special dishes of other planets, and ordered everything that he could eat.

This time, it would be a worthwhile trip for him to taste the dishes of these planets in the universe. Arthur ordered seven kinds of drinks, and tasted how the wines of each planet tasted.

The food in this restaurant is still very fast, and the dishes are ready in just over an hour. Arthur first cut a piece of Asgard's Tomahawk steak with a knife and put it in his mouth to taste.

"Well, although the taste is almost, but it is almost the same as what I have eaten in Asgard." Arthur nodded, this restaurant is still doing a good job.

Arthur looked at other dishes again. As for what these dishes are called and what they are made of, Arthur has no idea at all, but they look pretty good.

Arthur tasted one dish after another, some were very delicious, sweet and delicious, and some were hard to swallow and even had a stench that Arthur couldn't describe.

In general, Arthur is still quite satisfied with half of the dishes, especially the grilled windbeast kebab from Kerry Star. It tastes a little chewy and tastes very good.

Unexpectedly, Kerry Star also has such a delicious beast. After Arthur finished eating, he asked for another one, and he ate it happily.

Wine is not the same, but some are stronger, some are lighter and a bit like fruit wine, anyway, Arthur does not reject it.

After eating and drinking, Arthur felt that his eyelids were fighting, and he had to find a place to rest.

Arthur went to a massage bath, found a beautiful mechanical girl who looked similar to a human, took a comfortable hot bath and climbed on the bed to let her massage.

Feeling the right amount of strength coming from his body, Arthur felt very comfortable. As expected of a professional robot, his technique was perfect.

Arthur fell asleep under the massage of the beautiful robot...


After Gamora left the five people, she secretly came to a mysterious small shop, which is a place dedicated to selling all kinds of secret information in the universe.

Gamora bought the latest news on the Fallen here, as well as news of Thanos' recent actions.

"This is Thanos' recent move. You should know how dangerous Thanos is, so the price of this news is not cheap!" the news shop owner said to Gamora.

"Of course I understand, how about I exchange a secret with you?" Gamora said to the boss.

"Hey, what kind of secret can be as valuable as Thanos' movements?" The boss said disdainfully, in his opinion, Gamora couldn't come up with a secret that could make his heart move.

"I know the location of the Soul Stone among the six Infinity Stones in the universe and how to get it. How about the secret?" Gamora asked while looking at the boss.


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