I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 181: High-tech weapons smuggling

"what is that?"

Just as Peter Parker and Ned were playing games, Peter Parker suddenly noticed blue flames rising into the sky in the distant woods outside the window.

"What are you doing?" Peter Parker said looking at the blue light in the distance, it should be a villa area outside the city.

"Did the gas explode?" Ned said, looking into the distance.

"You stay here, I'll go see what's going on!" Peter Parker quickly pulled out the Spider-Man suit from the closet and put it on him.

"Be careful!" Ned told Peter Parker.

"When Aunt May asked, she said I was out shopping!" Peter Parker said to Ned from the windowsill, then shot his silk and flew away.

Ned looked at Peter Parker's retreating back with worry in his eyes.

Just under a bridge in the woods outside the city, two men stood in front of a van, and one of them pulled the trigger on a worn-out car with a bizarre weapon.

boom! !

A ball of blue flame energy shot out of the weapon and hit the car, and the dilapidated car was immediately engulfed by blue flames.

And the blue flames were accompanied by lightning, and when the flames disappeared, only the charred car wreckage remained.

"Oh!! Haha, it's so powerful! It's made with the energy weapon recovered in Sokovia, let's try it out for you." After the white man finished speaking, he threw the weapon to the black man beside him.

"Dude, I just want to order something low-key, why are you selling me these high-end goods?" It turned out that the black man came to buy the equipment from this white man.

"OK, I have a bunch of good stuff here, wait!" The white man threw the weird weapon back into the van and rummaged through the car.

"I have black hole grenades, Chitauri railguns..." The white man introduced the equipment on the car.

And on the bridge pillar next to him, Peter Parker had already crawled here secretly, and he was shocked to hear what the white man said.

These are the things recovered by the Avengers logistics force, how could they be in the hands of these people, who are they?

Another bald black man got out of the car and walked in front of the two of them.

"You are still firing in the wild, hurry up." The bald head complained to the white head.

"Now times have changed, we only sell these high-tech weapons." The bald man said to the black man.

"So it is! It seems that the ATM robbers must have bought the weapons from them!" Peter Parker said with a sudden realization when he looked at the people below.

"I just want to buy robbery guys, I don't want to beat them all back to babyhood!" the black man said to the bald head.

At this moment, the mobile phone on Peter Parker rang, startling the three people below.

"What the **** is this?" said the bald head, looking around.

Peter Parker took out his phone, saw Ned's call, and hung up immediately.

"Is this your plan?" The bald head pointed at the black man with a pistol.

"Calm down, buddy! I don't know what's going on!" the black man said with his hands up.

"Hey! Come at me if you want to shoot." Peter Parker jumped off the bridge and fell in front of the three and said to the bald head.

"Okay!" The bald head turned and aimed at Peter Parker at the bridge and was ready to shoot, but Peter Parker shot the spider silk first and stuck the pistol, and pulled the pistol away from the bald head.

When the bald man saw that something was wrong, he thought of running to the cab, and the black man also rushed to his car.

Peter Parker chased after him, but did not expect that the white man took out a glove-like equipment from the van and put it on his right hand, with arcs flashing on it.

Unprepared, Peter Parker was blasted out five meters away by this equipment and fell heavily on the ground, paralyzed and unable to move.

"Oh hahaha!" The white man laughed loudly, turned his head and jumped into the van. As soon as his bald head stepped on the accelerator, the van rushed out, and the sedan also followed behind the van and left.

"What is that?" Peter Parker climbed on the ground and raised his head to look at the starting van, and shot out spider silk that stuck to the back of the van.

Peter Parker was dragged out by the van, and the van rushed to the road. Peter Parker was dragged to the ground all the time. His body was still paralyzed. Now that he finally regained some strength, he shot a second spider silk towards the van.

"We have to call the boss!" said the bald man.

"No need!" The white man took out a weapon with purple light from under his feet, and aimed a shot at Peter Parker.

But just as the car turned, the van door was thrown back, and the door was just hit by the energy grab and flew out.

"Are you firing again?" the bald man turned to the white man and asked.

"Shut up!" The white man stood up after falling due to recoil, and took up his weapon again, thinking about Peter Parker aiming...

"I have to call him!" The bald head took out his mobile phone and called their boss...

A burst of purple energy shot towards Peter Parker. Peter Parker could only pull the spider silk to change direction and dodge. Fortunately, the power of this weapon was not very great, and Peter Parker was fine with one shot.

Just then, a bump in the car threw the white man's brain into the car, and the energy weapon in his hand flew out and was removed on the side of the road.

Peter Parker was dragged and bumped around, bumping into countless trash cans along the way, and finally Peter Parker slammed into a road sign, and the spider silk in his hand was thrown away.

"That's great! Then I have to take a shortcut!" Peter Parker said as he got up and looked at the van.

Peter Parker ran towards the woods, shot out spider silk and flew through the air in the woods.

This is a villa area. Many people saw Peter Parker moving forward with spider silk in the air. Peter Parker also knocked down some tables in the courtyard. The scene was very funny.

Peter Parker chased the van all the way. He jumped on the roof of the villa and ran on the roofs of the villas.

"It's here, I expected you to pass by here, ah!!!" Peter Parker came here one step ahead of the van at a turning intersection, and when he jumped towards the van, he was suddenly caught by an unknown thing up to the sky.

Peter Parker looked at what was grasping his leg, a vulture monster in a suit, some two huge wings, and propellers on the wings to accelerate.

The vulture monster dragged Peter Parker to the sky, and Peter Parker struggled hard to break free from the monster's iron grip.

"What's the matter, are you a falcon?" Peter Parker flew higher and higher under the tug of the Vulture Freak, who wore a metal mask and had green lights in his eyes.

Just when Peter Parker reached enough height, his spider suit sounded the alarm, and suddenly the spider logo on Peter Parker's back exploded, and a parachute suddenly opened.

Peter Parker was also pulled from the claws of the vulture monster by the opened parachute and fell to the ground.

This is a safety device designed by Tony Stark, which will automatically open the parachute when the wind is too strong at a certain altitude.

However, Peter Parker was wrapped in a parachute and quickly fell from a height of several hundred meters. Fortunately, there was a lake below, and Peter Parker happened to fall into the lake. Fortunately, he did not end up being shattered.


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