I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 180: Interstellar Bounty


Arthur followed the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy to buy some necessities and a bunch of delicious food at the market.

The six returned to Quill's Predator ship, and Arthur looked at the same ship and recalled the memories of dealing with Ronan with them.

"What exactly are you looking for with us, can you tell us now." Quill looked at Arthur and asked.

"I suspect Thanos may come to you at any time!" Arthur looked at the five and said.

" Thanos came to us? What does that mean?" Rocket asked, looking at Arthur.

"The goal of Thanos is six Infinity Stones. He stole the Power Stones from us before, and the remaining four are in our own hands, and the only thing he can find is the Soul Stone." Arthur told everyone explained.

"Soul Gem? What does this have to do with us?" Quill asked, looking at Arthur.

"Gamora is more clear about this issue." Arthur said to no one.

All four of Quill turned to look at Gamora. Gamora's face changed when Arthur said the soul gem, but when everyone looked at her, she immediately pretended to be nothing.

"How would I know, it's useless for you to see me!" Gamora said insincerely.

"Don't hide it, I can tell you a secret, the soul gem must be obtained under certain conditions." Arthur looked at Gamora and said.

"What conditions?" Rocket asked.

"I'm Groot." Tree Groot also wanted to know.

"That is to sacrifice the most important person in your heart!" Arthur told the secret of the soul gem.

"What! Sacrifice the most important person?" Quill thought he heard it wrong and said aloud.

The other four were also taken aback, how could there be such harsh and ruthless conditions.

"Yes, if you want to get the soul gem, you need to sacrifice the soul of the important person in your life to the altar of the void, and the most important person to Thanos is you! Gamora!" Arthur Talk to no one.

"I'm the most important person to him! Haha, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard. For my father, only his goals are the most important, and he doesn't care about the others!" Gamora laughed at herself said.

"Whether you believe it or not, Thanos' feelings for you are different from other people's. And you also know the whereabouts of the soul gem, so you are in a very dangerous situation now." Arthur said to the five.

"Haha! Dangerous? I'm waiting for Thanos to appear. My goal is to kill him with my own hands and avenge my wife and children!" Destroyer Dracula suddenly laughed and let out harsh words.

"Very determined, but when you meet Thanos, the only outcome is death. He has the Power Stone, do you think you are his opponents?" Arthur looked at the Destroyer and asked.

"Then what should we do? We have to find a way." Rocket said to everyone.

"We don't know the movements of Thanos, but I guess he must be inquiring about the whereabouts of the Infinity Stones now, so you'd better keep a low profile recently, and don't let the whole universe know about your movements." Arthur said to everyone.

"Well, that's all, we're going to do a bounty task next, you go with us." Quill said to Arthur.

"What mission?" Arthur asked.

"Go to a planet full of water to find a crystal for the buyer! As long as we bring it back, the buyer will pay us that amount!" Quill said to Arthur, beaming.

"It sounds quite interesting, well, I'll take an adventure with you, and also prevent Thanos from attacking!" Arthur said to everyone.

"Great! We can fight side by side again!" Destroyer happily patted Arthur's shoulder and said.

"...If Thanos comes, do you have the confidence to defeat him?" Gamora asked Arthur in silence for a while.

"I'm different now. He only has one gem of power, and I have two gems. Now that I meet him, it's not without the power to fight!" Arthur raised the two infinity gems in his right hand, one red and one yellow. Appeared in Arthur's hand.

"Oh my God! You actually have two Infinity Stones, it's amazing!" Quill looked at Arthur and exclaimed.

"I still remember the scene when you used the power gem to destroy Ronan. Now you actually have two gems. It seems that you are much stronger than before." Rocket jumped on Groot's shoulder and said.

"I'm Groot!" The tree Groot was also surprised that Arthur had two gems.

"...I think you are Thanos' biggest target now, you are more dangerous than us." Gamora said looking at Arthur.

"The tyrant won't know that these two Infinity Stones are in my hands for the time being, so we still have time to prepare a way to deal with it." Arthur said to no one.

"Okay, then our Galaxy Guardians will set off immediately to go to the Poosa star to find the lost treasure!" Quill said to everyone.

"Go!" the crowd shouted together.

Arthur followed the Guardians of the Galaxy and flew into the boundless universe in the Marauder spaceship...

earth usa new york city

Tonight is an activity day for Peter Parker school classmates to gather together. Basically, all college students will go to the school auditorium to participate in the party.

Peter Parker and Ned didn't go, Peter didn't like going to parties like this, and Gwen warned him not to talk to other girls privately.

Ned had only one friend of Peter Parker, so naturally he didn't participate. He came to Peter Parker's house to find Peter Parker to play League of Legends with him.

"Mid! Mid! Why don't you go to the party?" Ned asked Peter Parker while operating the excavator jungler on his phone.

"It's boring, I don't want to meet those female classmates either." Peter Parker was also holding the tablet that Arthur gave him to operate the Hand of Noxus on the top lane and facing Demacia.

"Are you afraid that Gwen will be taught a lesson by her after she finds out? Come and help me in the jungle!" Ned's excavator encountered a blind monk on the opposite side in the enemy jungle, and asked Peter Parker for support.

"Don't talk nonsense, Gwen has never cared about me!" Peter Parker controlled his hands to rush towards the upper half of the wild area while speaking with his conscience.

"Do you think I'll believe what you say? Yes!" Demacia, who came with Peter Parker's Noah, was not spared after successfully killing the enemy jungler under the siege of Peter Parker and Ned. Killed by them. Ned's excavator got a double kill, and he jumped for joy.

The two were playing games in Peter Parker's room, and Aunt May brought a plate of fruit for them to eat together.

"How about we go to the new pizza place on the street behind the school tomorrow after school?" Ned asked Peter Parker.

"Okay, I'll take you as much as you want!" Peter Parker now gets paid every month since he became an Avenger. Of course, what he told Aunt May was the salary of his internship at Stark Industries.

And Aunt May also got a hospital job with Stark's help, and their lives are much richer than before.

Aunt May is also very grateful to Arthur and Tony Stark. Just when the Avengers announced the dissolution of Aunt May, Aunt May was worried that Arthur would be okay. Peter Parker told Aunt May that Arthur was fine now and had a nice deal. girlfriend.

Aunt May was overjoyed to give him the opportunity to sneak Arthur home for a meal, to which Peter Parker nodded.

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