"Wake up, we're almost there." The sleepy Arthur was woken up by Gamora.

Arthur rubbed his eyes, yawned, and had been in the spaceship all day, he was dying of boredom.

Arthur still couldn't adapt to the rhythm of life in the spaceship, and Arthur tried his best to open his eyes and look forward.

I only saw a blue planet that was constantly enlarged. This planet looks very similar to the earth, but the blue sea occupies a very large area.

The green land occupies only one-tenth of it. From the sky, there are islands one by one on the entire big blue planet. It looks a bit like the world of One Piece.

"This planet is really nice, it's my favorite place." Arthur sighed while looking at the planet.

"It does look very beautiful. I don't know if there are advanced life forms on it." Quill said while looking at the planet.

"Then let's land and see." The rocket said while controlling the spacecraft to fall toward the largest island.

"I'm Groot!" Groot also seemed to like the planet.

Arthur and their spacecraft landed steadily on a flat rock by the seaside of a huge green island.

Quill led the way down after the spaceship cabin opened, followed by Gamora and the Destroyer, followed by Rocket and Groot.

"Where's Arthur? What is he dawdling at?" Quill asked as he looked at the people who came down.

"Come on, I'm looking for my sunglasses." Arthur was wearing a beach T-shirt and big shorts, with two flip-flops on his feet, and a pair of sunglasses looking like a tourist on a tour.

"What are you doing? Are you wearing this to go on vacation?" Rocket looked at Arthur and complained.

"You don't understand, it's called a sense of ritual. The most important thing is to be happy no matter what you do." Arthur walked to a coconut tree and waved a blue coconut that flew down from the tree and fell into Arthur's hand. .

"It's amazing, the coconuts here are actually blue." Arthur took out a straw from nowhere, made a small hole in the hard coconut shell with his fingers, and put the straw in and tasted it beautifully.

"This is not the coconut you mentioned. It is called Cocoa Tea Fruit. It tastes sweet and is a relatively common fruit in the universe." Rocket looked at Arthur and said.

"It's called coconut in our place, but it's not blue." Arthur Howe said indifferently.

"Okay, I thought Quill was unreliable. I didn't expect you to be more reliable than him. We have to find our target when we leave." Gamora looked at Arthur and said.

"Our target is a blue crystal called the heart of bossa. It is said that it exists in the deepest part of the bottom of the star of bossa." Quill took out an instrument, which showed the appearance of bossa's heart.

"The bottom of the sea? How do we go, only Arthur can go down." The five came to the edge of the cliff, and there was an endless sea below, all of them turned to look at Arthur.

"I'll take you down. Of course, you can wait for me on the spaceship if you want to go or not." Arthur looked at the five and said.

"Of course we're going, adventure is my favorite thing to do!" Quill said, patting his chest.

The other four nodded, agreeing with Quill that they all didn't want to miss out on this undersea expedition.

"Let's go then!" After Arthur said, he jumped off the cliff and rushed into the sea.

"Wait! What do we do then?" Quill shouted while looking at Arthur's back, but Arthur was nowhere to be seen.

"Come on, trust him!" Destroyer patted Quill on the shoulder, then jumped into the sea too.

Rocket and Groot jumped without thinking, leaving Gamora and Quill alone.

"Do we jump like that?" Quill asked, looking at Gamora.

"Otherwise, what else do you want?" After Gamora finished speaking, she jumped, jumped off the cliff and rushed into the sea, disappearing without a trace.

"Okay, then I'm here too!" Quill opened his helmet and jumped down.

He plunged into the warm sea water in an instant, and inertia made him rush to the depths. However, at this moment, a blue energy cover wrapped him, separating the sea water around his body, and also providing the oxygen he breathes.

"Why are you so slow? I've been waiting for you for a while." Quill saw clearly that Arthur and the other five were waiting for him not far away. Except for Arthur, all four were wrapped in a blue energy cover.

"Hey, let's go." Quill opened the mask, smiled awkwardly, and said to everyone.

Arthur rolled his eyes at him and took everyone to swim towards the bottom of the sea. The five didn't need to swim at all. It was Arthur who was controlling the movement of the energy cover.

"Your speed at the bottom of the sea is really not covered!" Rocket looked at the scene of continuous high-speed retreat and sighed at the speed of Arthur's advance.

"Of course, it's my territory in the sea, but we have to slow down and slowly look for that kind of blue crystal." Arthur said to several people.

Arthur took everyone to dive into the depths of the seabed. The seabed of this planet is different from that of the earth. The plants here are more peculiar, with various shapes and colorful lights, which look dreamy.

The fish are also all kinds of strange, transparent, various colors, and some long like a ball, which made Arthur an eye-opener.

"The bottom of the sea is so beautiful!" Gamora sighed while looking around.

"Yeah that's beautiful!" Quill said, pulling Gamora's hand.

"That fish looks delicious." Destroyer pointed to a red fish and said something that made people laugh and cry.

"Okay, we're not here to see the scenery, it's business to find the crystal quickly." Rocket scolded several people.

Arthur took a few people to swim to the deep sea in the distance. The deepest sea on this planet is much deeper than the earth. Arthur and the others swam to the deepest for a long time without seeing the seabed.

Originally, Arthur thought that the deeper the sea, the weaker the light, but in this sea area, the bottom of the sea is actually dyed with blue light, just like there is energy in the sea.

Arthur didn't feel any strange energy fluctuations on this bottom of the sea, it was a strange sight.

Arthur took the five people to sink at a very fast speed for more than an hour before they saw the outline of the deepest seabed. It was too deep here.

Such a deep sea floor is still full of plants. If there is no plant here on earth, because the light cannot reach such a deep place.

But in Poza, it is very strange. The sea water on the seabed seems to be self-illuminating. The seabed is covered with huge trees. The leaves of these trees are soft like kelp, and they dance with the waves of the sea. .

"It doesn't feel right, how come there are only plants but no animals on the bottom of the sea?" Quill was naturally alert and found that it was unusual.

"Is it possible that no creature can live in the deep sea?" Gamora said.

"Impossible! Since there are so many plants here, there must be creatures!" Rocket refuted Gamora's point of view.

"How about we continue to look around and talk about it." Destroyer suggested.

"I'm Groot!" Tree Groot said as if he felt something and pointed in one direction.

"What? You said there are creatures over there? Let's go and see." Rocket understood what Groot meant.

The six swam in the direction Groot pointed...


PS: Thank you for the recommendation tickets and monthly tickets that you have given to the author recently. I will not name them here. Your support authors are all in my heart, thank you! ! ! Friends who think this book is okay can add this book to the bookshelf and wait to gain weight and read it slowly. The author must update two pieces of it every day! Thanks again for everyone's support! Little red heart × 3

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