I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 179: Come to Xandar again

Arthur persuaded Wanda to leave the earth alone and go directly to Xandar through the portal.

Arthur met a few Nova Corps people when he was recovering from his injuries on Xandar Star last time. Arthur wanted to ask them if they had the contact information of Star Lord Quill.

Arthur came to the Nova Corps to meet the captain of the First Legion, Nallion, and asked him about Quill and them.

"You said Quill, he has been very active recently, taking bounties everywhere in the universe to earn bounties," Captain Nalyan said.

"Is there any way to contact them, I have something important to find them." Arthur asked Captain Nalyan.

"Wait for me to ask you." Captain Nalyan raised his right hand and dialed a strange-looking alien through the communication device.

"Oh, Captain Narian, what are you looking for from me? I've been very disciplined recently, and I've never done anything against the law," said the weird-looking alien.

"I didn't say you broke the law. I have a friend who is looking for Star-Lord. Do you know where he is?" Captain Nalyan asked.

"Star-Lord, I've seen him at Katy Star recently. I don't know where they went, but I can hold you to contact him and ask him to come to Xandar." said the star.

"That's really good, you ask Star-Lord to hurry up, there are his friends from Earth waiting for him here." Captain Nalyan said.

"No problem, I'll contact him right away." The strange-looking alien hung up the phone.

"Thank you so much, Captain Nalyan, you have helped me a lot," Arthur said to Captain Nalyan.

"Small thing, last time you helped us resist the Kree invasion, I should help with this." Captain Nalyan said politely.

"By the way, what will happen to the Kree after that time?" Arthur asked.

"After Ronan's death, some Kree people seem to have followed their new owners. I don't know what they are planning recently, and there has been no news from them for a long time." Captain Nalyan said.

"Okay, thank you for your help, I'll go first." Arthur knew that the Kree were helping Thanos to collect information about the Infinity Stones, so he didn't move. Next, Arthur just had to wait for Quill on Xandar. Their arrival is on it.


Peter Parker was having dinner with Aunt May and Ned, who had just come from the hospital.

"The beloved Dalmore sandwich shop in Queens was destroyed in a seven o'clock blast tonight. The explosion was caused by a thwarted ATM robbery, and it was Queens' local crime that justified it. Terminator, former Avengers member Spider-Man! Spider-Man was in the process of stopping their robbery, a powerful shock wave was triggered, which shredded the shop opposite. Miraculously, no one was injured, and the police are following up on the case. Deal with it." The latest news spread on the TV on the side.

Ned looked up at Peter Parker after hearing the news, and Peter Parker secretly shook his head at Ned, telling him not to talk nonsense.

"Oh my God! The law and order is really messy now. Peter, if you encounter such a thing, you must leave immediately and don't try to be rude, you know?" Aunt May said to Peter Parker while watching the news.

"Okay, I try to stay away from those dangerous things," Peter Parker assured Aunt May with a nod.

"Good boy! Study hard, find a good job and live a good life in the future, so as to be worthy of your parents." Aunt May said looking at Peter Parker.

Peter Parker was silent after hearing his parents, nodded and lowered his head to eat from the plate.

In Peter Parker's room after dinner, Ned and Peter Parker were working together with Lego.

"What's going on with the news today, didn't you say you just went shopping? I almost got hurt when I watched the surveillance video." Ned asked Peter Parker with concern.

"This is a common occurrence, the Avengers just need to deal with some special events, so the action is very dangerous." Peter Parker said.

"Aren't the Avengers really disbanded? They just found a place to hide." Ned suddenly asked in a low voice.

Peter Parker glanced at Ned in surprise, not expecting Ned to be so smart to guess the truth.

"I don't know either. It was Captain America who announced the disbandment, and then I haven't seen them. I've only seen Tony Stark recently." Peter Parker still couldn't tell the truth.

"I know that in New York, only Iron Man Tony Stark and you are still in the public eye, and all the other Avengers have disappeared." Ned said.

"So you have to keep the fact that I am Spider-Man a secret. If you are known, you will know the consequences. Now the US government is trying its best to track our whereabouts." Peter Parker looked Ned in the eyes and said.

"Okay, I promise to keep it a secret, don't worry!" Ned replied.


Arthur was wandering bored on Xandar, and he bought some special gadgets of Xandar, ready to go back to Wanda and the other Avengers.

At that time, he didn't have a penny, and the money he paid to the Xandar star was made by him using the Reality Gem.

Arthur was eating with a box of fried alien kebabs. He didn't know what it was, but it tasted pretty good, almost like beef.

"Hey! Isn't that Sea King Arthur from Earth sitting over there?" Suddenly a familiar voice came from not far away.

Arthur looked up and saw five familiar people, Star-Lord Quill in red leather, Gamora in green skin, Draculas in the ferocious Destroyer, Raccoon Rocket and Tree Groot.

"Oh! My friends, long time no see!" Arthur got up and ran over to hug the three of them, Kazuki and a raccoon.

"How are you doing?" Arthur asked the five.

"Of course, we are the Guardians of the Galaxy, and there is nothing we can't handle." Quill said happily.

"Did you rob someone again?" Arthur asked with a smirk.

"Of course, as long as we encounter big bad guys, we won't let them go easily," said the rocket.

"I'm Groot." Tree Groot also greeted Arthur.

"By the way, why are you looking for us in such a hurry? I came right away when I heard your message, how about being friends." Quill patted Arthur on the shoulder and said.

"Of course I have something important to do with you. This is not the place to talk. Let's go to the spaceship and talk." Arthur looked at the five and said.

"OK, let's go buy some supplies first, we have a task to complete soon," Quill said.

"Then let's go, this time I'm ready to act with you." Arthur said.

"Really? That's great, we can fight side by side again!" Quill said happily, and the other friends were also very happy to be able to take risks with Arthur again.

"Let's go, let's buy something delicious to celebrate," Gamora said.

Everyone walked towards the place where Xandar Star purchased supplies.


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