I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 176: powerful enemy

"Then what are we going to do? Can we just wait for Thanos to come?" Colonel Rhodes asked aside.

"The only good news now is that we have three Infinity Stones in our hands, one is in Asgard, and Thanos has only one for the time being." Arthur analyzed to everyone.

"Can we defeat Thanos with three gems?" Pietro asked worriedly.

"Definitely, this battle is about the survival of half of the life in the universe, we can only succeed and not fail!" Steve Rogers said firmly.

"So we have to unite all the forces on earth to fight against Thanos!" Sam also said.

"We have Hulk, Thor and Arthur, and I don't believe we will lose," Tony Stark said.

"Actually, I already fought Thanos once, and he stole the power gem from me." Arthur told everyone about his fight against Ronan on Xandar.

Everyone had a solemn expression after hearing this. They never thought that such a powerful Xandar star in the universe was so afraid of the Kree people. Fortunately, with the help of Arthur, he defeated Ronan, but Thanos didn't play. The power gem was snatched from his hand.

And after listening to Arthur's description, everyone understood the power of the power gem, and even a single blow can destroy a planet. Will the earth face such a powerful enemy?

"So when will Thanos invade Earth?" Peter Parker asked weakly on the side.

"It is estimated that there is still a period of time. He is actually still collecting the news of the Infinity Stones, and he is more afraid of Asgard's God King Odin, so he will not come to Earth for the time being." Arthur explained.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, yes, there are the warriors of Asgard, and the omnipotent father of the gods.

"But don't be too optimistic, the supreme mage of the earth, the ancient one, has passed away, and now Stephen Strange will inherit the position of the supreme mage. As far as I know, Asgard's Ragnarok is coming soon. The end of Ragnarok is when Thanos comes, so we don't have much time," Arthur told everyone.

"The Ragnarok of the Gods? Isn't that a fairy tale? Is Asgard really going to be destroyed?" Natasha asked aside.

"Yes, this is unavoidable, Odin's age is already high, when the end of his life is the arrival of Ragnarok in Asgard, Thor's departure this time is not because he has been prompted Did he just go looking for answers?" Arthur told everyone this ruthless truth.

"Well, let's not be too stressed. I believe that as long as we are united, we can defeat Thanos. For me, there is no enemy that cannot be defeated!" Steve Rogers stood up and said, he has experienced countless Every time it seems that there is little hope in the war of fighters, but he has survived, and he is determined that he will be able to defeat the evil this time too!

"Okay, then what should we do? I'm going back to sleep, I'm sleepy!" Arthur yawned and walked towards the door, Wanda and Pietro followed, they had already taken the villa Moved from New York to the beach in Wakanda.

"Then I have to go back, or Aunt May will talk about me again, and I will have class tomorrow." Peter Parker said.

"Let's go, let's go together, I'll ask Happy to take you back in a while." Tony Stark patted Peter Parker on the shoulder and said, now it's convenient for them to go back, and they can come here at any time with the portal.

Scott Lang also followed Tony Stark and the others, and Scott Lang went back to see Dr. Pym and his daughter Cathy.

T'Challa and Princess Sully also left the Avengers base and went back to the palace.

All that's left at the base is Steve Rogers, Natasha, Banner, Lord, Bucky, Sam, and the snoozing Venom.

The next thing for the rest of the people is to move some supplies to the Atlantis base. Dr. Banner also wants to move the laboratory to the Atlantis submarine base. He prefers to be there, even if he runs away. He couldn't destroy anything under the sea, and the Atlantis base was an excellent hiding place for him.

Natasha and Dr. Banner were reconciled as before. After passing through the red room, Natasha's heart was also opened. With the help of Venom, she finally recovered and became a normal woman.

Now she could even think about having a child, but Natasha wasn't in the mood to think about the child at the thought of the upcoming battle.


Arthur took Wanda and Pietro back to the seaside villa not far away, and the three finally lived together again.

Pietro looks a lot more mature after two years of training. He is now one of the most powerful members of the Avengers, and his speed is even close to the speed of light.

Tony Stark also made a suit for Pietro. Although there is no exaggeration of steel armor, it can also protect Pietro's body from being hurt by weapons for lightness.

The main function is high temperature resistance. When Pietro moves at high speed, the friction between his body and the air will generate very high temperature, and even generate electric current, so the suit designed by Tony Stark for him is a bit like the suit of the Flash. But it's silver.

Wanda and Arthur have now moved into the same house, and everyone has accepted the fact that they are together. Pietro is also happy for this, and Wanda finally has a good home.

On the contrary, Wanda is now a little worried about whether Pietro should find a girlfriend. Pietro is almost thirty years old now and has not been in love yet.

Pietro himself is also very handsome, especially the silver hair looks very temperamental, so Wanda has been looking for girls for Pietro.

But Pietro didn't have this idea. He wanted to quickly improve his strength. In the future, if he could protect Wanda and Arthur by himself, it would be his biggest wish.

Arthur took a shower, lay on the bed and played with his mobile phone. Under Arthur's favor, League of Legends also launched a mobile version, which is now particularly well received by players.

And the League of Legends has become a leader in online games. It has brought a lot of income to the Avengers. Now the Avengers are disbanded, and the League of Legends has also been assigned to Stark.

Wanda also took a bath and then came to lie down next to Arthur, took out the Chaos Codex that she never left her body and looked at it.

"Do you want to work so hard, I'm a little embarrassed to be lazy." Arthur squinted at Wanda and said.

"I feel a lot of pressure listening to you introduce the enemy we are going to face today. I have to race against time to make progress, and I can't hold you back." Wanda turned a page and said.

"Who said you're holding me back? You're better than me now. If I lost the Infinity Stones, I wouldn't necessarily be your opponent now." Arthur turned over and kissed Wanda's cheek and said .

"Then let me protect you, then you can just hide behind me." Wanda joked.

"If I need your protection, no one is going to say that Arthur eats soft rice, no! You are not allowed to watch it, go to bed!" Arthur threw away his phone and rushed towards Wanda...

"Don't... itchy..." Wanda giggled and begged for mercy from under the quilt.


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