I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 177: Peter Parker's day

The next day I took the bus to school. Although many people in the school drove to school, Peter chose to take the bus.

Peter Parker is walking the NYU football field as always, and his girlfriend Gwen Stacy has been accepted to Oxford, and now they only get to see each other on weekends.

Peter Parker became a person again. Fortunately, his high school friend Ned Liz also entered New York University with him, and the two became classmates again.

Peter Parker came to his storage cabinet No. 111, opened the storage cabinet, put his schoolbag in, and took out the textbooks he used in the morning.

"How about we build my new LEGO Death Star together?" came a familiar voice from behind Peter Parker.

"What? You got it? No way? How much?" Peter Parker asked, turning to look at Ned.

"Three thousand and eighty-three dollars!" Ned replied.

"Fantastic!" exclaimed Peter Parker.

"Yeah, do you want to fight together tonight? Yesterday I came to your house to find you but you weren't there." Ned complained.

"You know, I went to Stark Tower." Peter Parker winked at Ned.

"OK, I understand!" Ned suddenly knew what Peter Parker meant. Ned was the only classmate who knew he was Spider-Man.

Because Arthur Yon is a sea king is already known by everyone, and as his classmate Ned Liz naturally knows the relationship between Arthur and Peter Parker, and guessed Peter Parker's identity.

Peter Parker didn't deny it, so after Arthur dropped out of school, Peter Parker and Ned Liz's relationship became more and more dating, and finally became good friends.

"Why do you always go to Stark Tower? The Avengers have been disbanded?" Ned Liz asked in a low voice.

"I might go to Stark Industries after graduation," Peter Parker said.

"That was awesome!" Ned Liz exclaimed.

"Do you want to go? I'll introduce you then." Peter Parker asked.

"Great, it's settled, my future depends on you!" Ned Liz said happily.

In physics class, Peter Parker browsed his own personal account of Hero Video on his laptop. Now he is also a big Internet celebrity with 8 million fans. A down-to-earth superhero.

Peter Parker was looking at the recent comments, all kinds, mostly apologetic ones, and sighing that the Avengers won't be seeing any other superheroes.

Peter Parker spent the morning listening to lectures while fishing in this way. At noon, he and Ned had lunch in the cafeteria. The two discussed which girl was beautiful in college.

"How are you and Gwen?" Ned asked Peter Parker.

"Just like that, I went to see her at her house last week, and now she's intern at the Osborne Group." Peter Parker came back.

"Have you seen Arthur recently? I haven't seen him for a few years. I can still see his videos on the Internet before, but now he has basically no news." Ned lowered his head and whispered to Peter Parker. asked.

"Well, to be honest, I saw him yesterday. He recently moved to another place to live. He is no longer in New York. You don't know that Arthur is almost two meters tall now. I really don't know how he grows. So high," Peter Parker revealed to Ned.

"He's from Atlantis. Of course, his body is different from ours. When I get a chance to meet him, I'll ask him for some autographs before I know he's a superhero." Ned Exaggeratedly said to Peter Parker.

"It's simple. When I have time, I'll invite him out and let's have a meal together." Peter Parker patted his chest and assured.

"OK, I'll wait for your words!" Ned gulped the milk in his hand happily.

There was a debate in the afternoon, and then it was school time. Peter Parker did not choose to live on campus and left the school quickly after school.

On the way back, he bought two bags of candy and a sandwich to supplement his hunger, then came to a remote alley, took off his clothes, and put on the new spider suit designed for him by Tony Stark.

Peter Parker began to wander around New York City looking for criminals, and the crime rate in Queens, New York City, dropped significantly because of the relationship with Spider-Man.

For the order of the US government to monitor Spider-Man's every move, the New York police also chose to turn a blind eye to Spider-Man.

If Spider-Man is arrested, who will help them catch criminals?

Peter Parker caught two thieves and a car thief on the street. The law and order in New York is pretty good today. Not even a single molester or robber can be seen. What's wrong?

The sun was setting, and the sky was getting darker. Peter Parker could only helplessly sit on the roof eating sandwiches, when suddenly he saw a few big men with bags walking in from an ATM bank opposite.

"Oh, it's finally a bit of fun." Peter Parker said excitedly, swallowing the sandwich.

Four middle-aged men with toy masks of the Avengers came to the ATM with two strange weapons. One of the men's homemade laser gun shot a purple energy laser, which easily cut the ATM. Machine thick steel plate.

Another man took out an instrument that looked like a grabber and pointed it at the ATM. The ATM was pulled out of thin air when the instrument emitted blue light. The rest of the people immediately took out the box containing the banknotes and put the banknotes into their backpacks. dressed.

Peter Parker came in from the door and closed the bank door with his backhand. He found that several fools here were busy moving money into their backpacks, and no one found himself in front of them.

Peter Parker put his hand on the wall and made a pose, coughed twice and said to several people, "How are you guys, did you forget your bank card number?"

The four of them were suddenly startled, raised their heads together, and looked at Peter Parker, revealing the toy masks on their faces.

"So you are the Avengers, so why are you here? Isn't the Avengers disbanded?" Their masks made Peter Parker laugh, an Iron Man, a Captain America, a Hulk and a Sea King .

"Iron Man" picked up a rifle and aimed it at Peter Parker, but was taken away by the spider silk from Peter Parker's hand, and hit his face with his backhand.

"I finally see you Arthur and the Hulk." Peter Parker knocked over "Arthur" in a circle and kicked the "Hulk" away.

"What are you doing robbing a bank? You're a billionaire!" Peter Parker dodged a few punches from "Iron Man", squeezed his hand and said to him.

"Captain America" ​​raised the three-clawed device and sucked Peter Parker into the air with blue energy.

"It feels so weird!" Peter Parker said struggling, "Captain America" ​​pushed Peter Parker out and slammed it against the wall.

"What are you doing? I'm starting to think you're not the Avengers anymore." Peter Parker just got up and was sucked by the strange device. The man in the Captain America mask smashed him to the ceiling and the ground. Countless banknotes were also sucked into the air and floated, which felt very dreamy.


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