I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 175: magic portal

"No problem, you only need two magical tools to do it easily. I believe you have seen this before." Stephen Strange took out a semicircular door handle, which is the method used by Kama Taj's portal. device.

Just by turning the semicircle mechanism, the portal can be opened in different positions. One magic weapon can be fixed in five places, which is really easy to use.

"Just use this thing? So amazing?" Sam asked, looking at the round doorknob in Stephen Strange's hand.

"I'll show you." Stephen Strange walked to a door frame that Arthur had prepared in advance. This door frame was specially used as a portal, and behind the door frame was a wall.

Stephen Strange put the doorknob next to the door frame and used a complex spell in front of the doorknob.

Everyone saw that the orange magic circle in Stephen Strange's hand flew into the door handle device, and then the magic device lit up, and yellow energy flowed out of the magic device, wrapping the entire door frame.

Then a magical scene happened. The original white wall behind the door frame has now become the scene on the next floor of the Wakanda base.

"What's this? Can I try it in the past?" Tony Stark immediately became interested when he saw such a magical spell, and he was very interested in these magical things.

"Please." Stephen Strange said to Tony Stark.

Tony Stark walked to the portal, hesitantly touched the space in the portal, his hand went directly through the portal, proving that the scene in front of him was not fake, and Tony Stark walked in.

The others also followed Tony Stark into the portal, and everyone found that they did come to the Wakanda Avengers base after walking over.

It was amazing, everyone felt the magic of magic, especially Peter Parker running around the magic portal and playing non-stop.

"Okay, it's not done yet, Stephen, go ahead." Arthur stopped Peter Parker and said to Stephen Strange.

Stephen Strange took out another identical magic weapon, installed it next to the portal of the Wakanda base, and entered the magic circle to activate it.

Stephen Strange twisted at the semi-circular magic weapon, and the environment behind the portal changed immediately, becoming the Tony Stark studio in the Stark Building.

Tony Stark walked in in surprise, and as expected, he passed through the portal and returned to his own studio in Stark Tower.

Everyone came over again, and Stephen Strange took out another of the same magic tools and installed them in Tony Stark's studio.

"Okay, now the three gates are all linked together, as long as you twist the mechanism, you can switch where you want to go," Stephen Strange said to everyone.

"This is so convenient, I want to go to Kama Taj to learn magic." Tony Stark said while looking at the portal.

"If you have friends who want to come to Kama Taj to learn magic, I welcome you all," Stephen Strange said to everyone.

"Then what is this magical weapon powered by, and how long can it be used?" Steve Rogers asked Stephen Strange.

"In theory, it can freely absorb the magical energy in the universe to charge, so as long as it is not destroyed, there will be no problem for a hundred years." Stephen Strange replied.

"It's great, I just need to come to Stark Tower if I want to go to Wakanda or Atlantis in the future." Peter Parker said happily.

"It can also be fixed in two positions, where else do you want to fix it?" Stephen Strange asked.

"I'll do it myself in the future, and now these three positions are enough." Arthur just watched Stephen Strange use the magic circle three times, and he had already learned the matching magic circle.

"Okay, then my mission is complete. I have to go back to guard the temple immediately. By the way, the New York Temple is on Brink Street. If you have anything, you can go there and find me." Stephen Strange prepared left.

"Okay, very nice to meet you, let's have a drink together next time." Steve Rogers saw that the sky was getting dark, so he would not keep Stephen Strange and invite him to the Avengers base in the future. Get together.

"Okay, I'm also very happy to meet you, then I'll go first, goodbye." Stephen Strange said goodbye to everyone and opened a magic portal to leave.

"Okay, now the portal is installed, and the entire base is officially opened. The old base of Stark Tower can also be used, but everyone should be careful when you come, don't let others see it, otherwise Stark will be in trouble. I'm done," Steve Rogers told everyone.

Everyone nodded. Now that there is a portal, everyone can freely enter and leave the three Avengers bases, but everyone is still mainly active in the Wakanda base, and the Atlantis base can carry out some secret experimental work. .

Everyone returned to the Wakanda base from the portal again, and everyone gathered in the base to discuss the next step.

"Our real enemy is the Titan Thanos Thanos. He has countless alien men, supported by two legions of the Cree and the Chitauri. And his goal is the six Infinity Stones in the universe. "Arthur explained the news of Thanos to everyone.

"What are Infinity Stones?" Peter Parker asked something that was unclear to everyone.

"The Infinity Stones appeared together with the birth of the universe. There are six known Infinity Stones in total, and they have different abilities." Arthur raised the green glove of his right hand and appeared in front of everyone, with two sparkling stones inlaid on it. gem.

"The Mind Stone, the scepter from Loki, it can control the minds of others! The Reality Stone, this gem has been coveted by the Dark Elves for hundreds of years, I hit the Dark Elf King and got it, it can temporarily change reality ." Arthur paused and continued.

"The Cosmic Cube is a space gem that can travel through space. The Eye of Argonaut guarded by Stephen Strange is a time gem that can change time. There is also a soul gem in the void in the universe, a power gem that has been It was snatched by Thanos." Arthur used the reality gem to throw the screen to introduce to everyone.

"You mean Thanos' purpose is to **** these gems, what is he going to do?" Tony Stark asked Arthur.

"His purpose is to make the universe peaceful... Don't look at me like that. Thanos thinks the war is caused by grabbing resources, and the reason for the lack of resources is that there are too many species in the universe. The purpose of Thanos is to get six A gem, and he just snapped his fingers to make half the life in the universe disappear without any pain, an act he called kindness," Arthur explained to everyone.

Everyone was silent after hearing this. I didn't expect that Thanos' real purpose was to wipe out half of the life in the universe, and his ambition was too great.

"Then why don't we destroy the gem first?" Tony Stark said to Arthur.

"Can you destroy the gem without saying, do you think Thanos will let the earth go without the gem? Wherever he goes, he will kill half of the local life indiscriminately, and the earth will not be spared!" Arthur told Tony Stark said.


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