I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 171: Peter Parker's day

Peter Parker's actions have been cautious since Steve Rogers announced at the United Nations that the Avengers were disbanding half a year ago.

Today he came to the Stark Tower, watching the reporters downstairs without eating or drinking, waiting for Tony Stark to come out to interview him. Peter Parker is very lucky that no one knows he is Spider-Man.

Peter Parker took the NYU student ID card and fooled the reporters' inquiries, and successfully entered the Stark Tower to meet Tony Stark.

"You see, those **** reporters have already drained the company and my house, and now I have to sneak out in a battle suit when I go out!" Tony Stark complained to Peter Parker.

Tony Stark successfully developed the Mark Fifty Nano Warframe, which is composed of vibration gold and a special alloy. The entire warframe can be stored as energy in a small Ark reactor.

"I saw it, so what are you going to do?" Peter Parker followed Tony Stark and asked as he walked to the top of the building.

"What can I do? Just pretend they don't exist, let's go, I'll take you to see the new Avengers base, you haven't been there yet." Tony patted Peter Parker on the back and said.

"Great, I've been staying at school and at home every day recently, and I'm dying of suffocation. I can finally meet everyone!" Peter Parker said happily.

The two came to the top of the Stark Building and boarded a Tony's private Quinjet. Wakanda was a bit far, and it was too full to take Tony's helicopter.

"This is your new equipment, do you like it?" Tony Stark took Peter Parker to a locker room on the plane, with a new set of spider suits hanging inside.

"Uh, this looks no different from the previous one." Peter Parker said strangely, looking at the suit that was exactly the same as the one he was wearing now.

"The difference is big. The functions of this suit are more comprehensive, there are dozens of attack methods, and the material is breathable and high temperature resistant, which is very sturdy." Tony took out a tablet computer with information on the new suit. .

"This is so cool, I like it so much, thank you Mr. Stark!" Peter Parker said, looking at the new function of the suit on the computer. The suit was also made by Tony Stark before, but it was not so strange. function.

"If you like it, I will make you an unexpected suit next time." Tony Stark looked at Peter Parker and said.

"Don't bother! This set is enough for me, thank you very much!" Peter Parker said to Tony Stark.

Tony Stark has the best feelings for four of all the Avengers, Steve Rogers, Arthur, Lord, and Peter Parker.

Tony regarded Peter Parker as his own child, and he felt that Peter Parker's ability and character were qualified to be his successor.

Therefore, Tony Stark cultivated Peter Parker very much. Not only did he build a spider suit for him, but he also gave Peter Parker a chance to be an avenger trainee, so that Peter Parker could have an income to improve his family life.


The two came to the new Avengers base in Wakanda in a Quin-fighter plane. Tony Stark and Peter Parker got off the plane and walked towards the base.

"This is the new base? Why does it feel like it's not as big as before." Peter Parker said looking at the base in front of him.

"It's not as big as before. How many staff members were there in the former base? There are only a few of us here. Why do we need to be so big?" Tony Stark explained to Peter Parker.

"Oh, it's a bit big for the few of us," Peter Parker said.

The two came to the gate of the base. After verifying their identities through laser scanning, the steel gate opened automatically, and the two walked towards the base.

Peter Parker was observing everywhere while walking, and he was still chattering. Tony Stark had long been used to Peter Parker's usual words, so he thought he didn't hear it.

The two came to the second floor of the Wakanda base and met everyone here.

"Oh, Natasha, your new hairstyle is so ugly, I suggest you change it back!" Tony Stark said, looking at Natasha's short white hair.

"Yeah, I said it was ugly before, you still don't believe it, do you believe it now?" Arthur looked at Natasha and complained. He felt ugly when Natasha dyed her hair, which made Natasha look much older. .

"I want you to take care of me?" Natasha ignored Arthur and Tony, greeted Peter Parker, turned and left.

"Hi Peter, long time no see, how are you doing?" Arthur asked, looking at Peter Parker.

"Hi, Arthur, I've been doing okay recently, but now I have to dodge the police." Peter said speechlessly.

"We are all like this. You didn't see that I couldn't even go home? I moved my villas here. The US government has been looking for our traces, so you have to be more careful in New York," Arthur said. .

"I will." Peter Parker nodded.

"The new armor was successfully developed?" Arthur turned to look at the new diamond-shaped energy reactor on Tony Stark's chest and asked.

"I can't hide anything from you, the production has been completed, and it is still in the testing stage." Tony Stark nodded and said.

"Tony, are you here?" Rhodes came up from downstairs to greet Tony Stark.

"How about it, don't you feel unaccustomed to not going to do the task now?" Tony asked Rhodes.

"There is one thing, it feels weird to suddenly be idle, so I have been training with Sam recently." After the Avengers announced the disbandment of Rhodes, he was forcibly retired by the US military, and now he takes his family with him I came to Wakanda and lived here with everyone.

"You came just in time. The Avengers submarine base has been completed. Originally, I wanted to wait for everyone to be together to witness the official opening of the base. It seems that everyone is here today, just right!" Arthur told Tony and Peter Parker said.

"What, it's done! So fast?" Tony Stark didn't expect that the Wakanda people's industry was so powerful. It only took more than six months since the construction of the submarine base, and it was unexpected that the construction had been completed.

"Great, it just so happens that I can also witness this moment with me." Peter Parker said happily.

"Tomorrow is the weekend, and you just play here for two days and then go back." Arthur said.

Peter Parker nodded and would call Aunt May to tell him he was with Arthur, and then go back the day after.

Arthur called out all the Avengers, and everyone made a plane and sailed towards the seaside of Wakanda, where their submarine base, the Avenger, was docked.

Peter Parker, who was sitting on the plane, was stunned to see the Avenger like a hill parked on the shore.

This is not a ship, but a spaceship. The whole hull is round and has a long tail, the whole shape is like a ray.

The hull is made of black steel, and the whole is very huge, bigger than the Wakanda base. Its appearance is very sci-fi, especially like an alien warship.


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