I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 172: Avengers submarine base

T'Challa and Princess Sully are already waiting for everyone by the sea.

After getting off the plane, the Avengers came to the T'Challa brothers and sisters.

"How can such a large warship be built so quickly, it's amazing!" Steve Rogers patted T'Challa on the shoulder and praised.

"It's all thanks to Su Li's help. She has an amazing talent in weapon design!" T'Challa said, looking at her sister Su Li, who was standing beside her.

"I dare not say anything else. Among you, only Mr. Stark can compare with me in terms of weapon design." Princess Suli raised her head proudly and said, like a proud little peacock.

"Ah! It hurts!" Su Li said holding her head.

It turned out that it was T'Challa who patted Princess Su Li on the head and said, "If you say you're fat, you're still out of breath. Everyone just doesn't have the same knowledge as you."

"Su Li does have a set in technology research. I have also communicated with her. Your Wakanda's technology is really not built." Tony Stark stepped up and said.

"Okay, two geniuses, stop touting each other, we will leave the weapons of Atlantis to you to improve." Arthur said aside.

"No problem! Leave it to me!" Princess Su Li patted her chest and assured.

Everyone laughed, Princess Su Li's character is really cute.

"Let's go, let's get on the boat and have a look." T'Challa said to everyone.

Led by T'Challa and Sully, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha, Banner, Lord, Sam, Arthur, Bucky, Wanda, Pietro, Peter Parker, Scoo Trang boarded the Avenger submarine base battleship together.

Different from the sci-fi appearance outside, the interior of the Avengers base is quite simple, and the wide aisles are not composed of various pipes and metal doors like the cabins that everyone imagines.

Instead, it is as spacious and bright as the Wakanda base. The aisle walls are white metal, and there are blue lights above the head, which looks very technological.

The crowd passed through three automatic glass doors to the first hall. The entire hall is the size of two basketball courts. It has all the facilities in it, including computers, sofas, refrigerators, and TVs. This is where the Avengers go about their daily activities.

Next to the hall is a conference room. The conference room is of normal size. There is a long table and more than ten chairs in it. Going further is the warehouse and the weapons warehouse. Some of the materials from the previous Avengers base have been placed in it.

There are two laboratories in the back, which are used by Tony and Dr. Banner.

The second floor is a very large training base with various training equipment, which is big enough for everyone to do activities.

The third floor is the room. Each of the 30 rooms is equipped with a bathroom and toilet, and there is a huge kitchen at the back.

The fourth floor is where fighter jets and submarines are parked, and you can go directly outside the base.

The rest of the control room and other places have also been visited one by one, and everyone is very satisfied with this submarine base Avenger.

The entire submarine base has no special power because it does not need to move, but there are many defensive weapons that can resist invading enemies.

And there is an advanced seawater to freshwater system, and the electricity is of course generated by the infinite special energy invented by Tony Stark.

In general, everyone is very satisfied. As a base, the basic needs have been met, and the space is large enough to withstand the water pressure under the 10,000-meter-deep seabed.

"This base is very good, then let's go directly." Steve Rogers said to everyone from the control room.

"Okay! Let's go!" Princess Su Li jumped to the console in the center of the control room, and operated on the computer while others watched.

Tony Stark also stepped forward to help, and after a while the Avenger was activated, and three huge screens in the control room lit up, showing the scene around the Avenger.

"Avengers, set off!!" Princess Su Li shouted the slogan.

Everyone suddenly felt the hull move, and watched the display screen on the Avengers leaving Wakanda and heading for the distant sea.

"Every data is normal, the power system is normal, and now we will start diving." Princess Su Li operated, and the Avenger slowly dived into the sea and disappeared into the sea.

Everyone looked at the situation on the screen and knew that they were now sailing under the sea, and the position of the Avenger and the destination of Atlantis were displayed on the radar.

The speed of the Avenger is still quite fast, and at this speed, it will be there in more than four hours.

Princess Su Li switched to the autopilot mode, and everyone left the control room to choose their own room.

Arthur and Wanda are now together publicly, so the two asked for a big room to live together, Natasha and Dr. Banner reconciled again, and the two also chose to live together.

Natasha's body has been completely cured by Venom, and now she has become a complete woman. As for whether the two will have children, they have to consider themselves.

Steve Rogers and Tony Stark were sitting on the sofa in the living room chatting, Rhodes and Sam came over with two bottles of wine and a few glasses, and the four drank together.

"Why don't you call us to drink?" T'Challa, Princess Suli, and other Avengers walked over together.

"You guys drink first, I'll get a table of sumptuous dishes for everyone to have a drink!" Arthur said aside.

"Yeah! I'm already hungry!" Princess Su Li said happily.

"You know how to eat!" T'Challa patted Su Li on the head and complained, and Su Li stuck out her tongue strangely.

"I'll help you," Wanda said to Arthur.

"I'm going too!" Pietro said on the side.

"Let's go." Arthur nodded and walked towards the kitchen with Wanda and Pietro.

The rest of the Avengers were also sitting on the sofa chatting and drinking, as warm as a family.

Natasha enjoyed the scene, sitting next to Dr. Banner listening to Peter Parker and Princess Sully chatter about America and Wakanda, a family gathering she really enjoyed.

The three of Arthur came to the kitchen. This kitchen is very large. There are refrigerators, stoves, steamers, ovens, and dishwashers. All kinds of tableware are available. T'Challa is very reliable.

Arthur opened the refrigerator. This refrigerator was full of various meats. He opened the second refrigerator, which was still meat, and the third one was meat.

Arthur was speechless, why is it all meat, but Wakanda people rely on meat for a living, which is normal, but not without vegetables.

"Wanda, come and fry the steak. Pietro marinated this little wild boar and baked it in the oven. I'll go to the restaurant to get some vegetables." Arthur told the two of them.

Wanda and Pietro nodded, watching as Arthur opened a magic portal and left and started to do their own thing.

Arthur teleported directly to the Atlantis restaurant, found Zhao Long, and asked him to help him prepare all kinds of fresh vegetables, which he wanted to pack and take away.

Zhao Long had no choice but to take out all the vegetables in the restaurant warehouse. Arthur put the vegetables into the dimension space and left without looking back.

"Walk in a hurry without chatting for a while?" Zhao Long shouted at Arthur's back.

"The oil in the pot is still hot, and Wanda is still waiting for me. Let's talk next time, bye!" Arthur walked into the magic portal and disappeared.

"Grass! The guy who cares more about color than friends!" Zhao Long looked at the disappearing portal and scolded with a smile.


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