I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 170: The Fall of the Red Room

"Okay, I won't tell you any more, remove the control of all the girls in the world!" Arthur controlled Drekov in an instant and gave him an order.

Drekov opened the drawer, and inside was a password device. His ring was the key to unlock it. After he unlocked the encryption, he operated the computer. The big screen showed that the brain control programs of all girls in countless countries in the world had been lifted, and they were completely free. .

"What did you do to me?" Drekov woke up after the operation, but he still couldn't control his body and could only speak freely.

"Don't you like to control others? I'll let you taste what it's like to be controlled by others!" Arthur said with a sneer.

Natasha walked to Drekov, looked at him steadily and asked, "What's my mother's name?"

"Well... where we buried her, there is a class tree and a pink flower, which is really beautiful. There is also a tombstone with her name engraved on it. What is her name? Hehe, unknown!" Drekov sneered. said.

"You have no humanity anymore. Did you ever regret turning your daughter into a weapon?" Natasha asked, pointing a gun at Drykov's head.

"Haha! Humanity? I'm just grateful that you made me a handy tool. Come on, Natasha, shoot." Drekov laughed and said with a distorted expression.

"Killing you will get my hands dirty! You can kill yourself!" Natasha put the gun on the table. In fact, Natasha couldn't shoot, because there is a gas around Dreykov that can make A man cannot do anything to hurt him.

"Since you like to let the widows deal with themselves when you fail, you should deal with yourself the same way!" Arthur said, looking at Drekov with his arms crossed, he could not have imagined that a person could be twisted to such a degree. At this point, it is even worse than a beast. Killing him Arthur also feels that his hands are dirty!

"No!!" Drekov looked stiff, but he was still scared when his hand automatically picked up the pistol on the table and aimed it at his head.

boom! !

Drekov pressed the trigger, and suddenly a blood hole was punched in his head. He fell backwards, and blood flowed out.

Natasha looked at Drekov's body lying on the ground with red eyes, unable to speak for a long time.

Arthur walked up and hugged her, patted her on the back, and said jokingly, "Okay, is this the black widow who is not afraid of anything? Why are you so rude today?"

"I'm fine, I just think of my mother..." Natasha pushed Arthur away and said to him with red eyes.

"...You know, I've never met my biological parents, my adoptive father brought me up, but he also left me when I was sixteen, and now you're my family, and right You say Yelena and Melina Alexei and we are all your family, aren't they?" Arthur said, looking at Natasha.

"Let's go!" Natasha wiped her tears, turned and walked out.

"Hey, am I your family? You can make it clear." Arthur chased after Natasha.

"You... Barely," Natasha said blankly.

"Then you have to be nicer to your family in the future. Don't assign tasks to me. You can discuss and solve them yourself." Arthur took the opportunity and said.

"You want to be beautiful!" Natasha said with a white glance at Arthur, and strode out of the door.

"Let's discuss it again! Don't go so fast, wait for me..." Arthur chased after Natasha, and the two left Drekov's office in the elevator together.

Arthur and Natasha searched the entire red room base and rescued all the young women and widows. Everyone came to the parking lot and boarded the transport plane to leave here.

"It's all settled?" Yelena asked, looking at Natasha and Arthur.

"Isn't it easy to catch me?" Arthur said proudly, raising his chin.

"Where's Dreykov?" Yelena asked again.

"He shot himself in the head and died!" Natasha said aside.

"It's good to die! Then let's get out of here." Yelena walked towards the Kun-style fighter.

Melina and Alexei are responsible for taking all the other female agents out of control.

"What about this base?" Natasha looked at Arthur and asked.

"Actually, it's good to be a base for the Avengers, but it looks too bad. Let Tony build a new one in the future. You go first, I'll leave it and deal with it." Arthur said to Natasha .

Natasha nodded, boarded Yelena's Kun-style fighter and left, while the other two transport planes also left, leaving Arthur alone.

Arthur opened his five fingers to face the base, and a red energy ball enveloped the entire red room base. Arthur waved his hand, and the huge red room base immediately flew straight into the sky.

The red room base was wrapped in Arthur's energy and left the atmosphere directly and went into space. Just as it moved some distance from Earth, the entire foundation exploded, and the Red Room shattered in space.

Arthur looked up at the exploded red room base from a distance, turned and left where Natasha and the others left.

The girls trained in the red room were all taken over by Arthur, and they were all orphans brought by Drekov, and they had nowhere to go.

In the days to come, they will live under the care of Melina and Alexei, and Dreykov's daughter Antonia is no exception.

And Yelena also rejected Natasha's invitation to join the Avengers, she decided to stay with Melina and them, Melina Alexei and Natasha are her family.

Yelena gave Natasha her favorite vest as a gift, and Natasha happily put it away.

Maybe these widows in the red room will set up a new agency. Arthur doesn't pay attention to these. For the enemies Arthur will face next, these spy agents are no threat to him.

Arthur accompanied Natasha to the place where Natasha's mother was buried as Dreykov said.

Looking at the tombstone with the unknown written on it, Natasha's eyes turned red. She squatted down and stroked the tombstone, picking up all the dead leaves around the tombstone.

Arthur handed Natasha the prepared bouquet of flowers, and Natasha put the flowers in front of the tombstone and stared blankly at the tombstone.

Arthur looked at Natasha and the lonely tombstone under the tree, feeling a little sad in the atmosphere, he raised his hand and stroked it in the air.

The land around the tombstone suddenly turned into a green grass, and red flowers emerged from the soil, the dead tree also re-emerged green shoots, and then bloomed clusters of pink flowers.

Suddenly, the environment became vibrant, as if spring had come.

With tears in her eyes, Natasha laughed at the sight in front of her. She turned to look at Arthur who was standing behind her.

"You really have a set. If you hadn't already had Wanda, I would have fallen in love with you." Natasha looked at Arthur and said jokingly.

"You can just say this here, don't say it in the Avenger Kiri, or I will be smashed by Wanda even if I don't get torn in half by Banner." Arthur answered righteously. The two who looked at each other suddenly laughed together.

The haze in Natasha's heart also dissipated instantly, yes, I still have these "cute" family members!

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