I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 169: Drekov

Natasha drove Yelena, Melina, Alexei and Arthur in the sky in a Quin-fighter.

This fighter plane is a fighter in the Red Room. It can directly locate the headquarters of the Red Room. The reason why the mysterious organization Red Room can escape the sight of the Avengers is because its base is not on land. but floating in the sky.

"It's no wonder that no one knows where the red room is." Natasha sighed looking at the strange buildings in the clouds ahead.

That is the base of the red room. The whole base is like a satellite. It is very huge. There are four helipads forming a cross, which looks very technological.

"There's no need to land, I'll just shoot him down from the air and it'll be over." Arthur looked at the base of the red room in front of him and said,

"Please, there are still many young girls in there. They are just controlled by Drekov. We are going to rescue them, just like you rescue the prisoners in the prison." Natasha said to Arthur.

"Okay, but Drekov knows that I'm here and probably wants to prepare to escape," Arthur said.

"Arthur and I went in to save people, you stay and watch these planes, don't let Drekov run away!" Natasha looked at Yelena and said.

"Can you two deal with them?" Yelena took the potion out of her backpack and handed it to Arthur.

"No, my ability is much stronger than this potion, and never underestimate the Avengers!" Arthur waved his hand and said.

Natasha parked the Kun-style fighter steadily at the start of the plane and ran to the top. Natasha changed into a black suit, and Arthur's white suit turned into golden armor again.

Although Arthur's armor is still full of cracks, under Arthur's warm upbringing during this period, the armor has recovered a lot, and the cracks have become very small, and it is not as obvious as before.

"Looking at your armor, I finally believe what you said about the Hong Kong War." Natasha looked at Arthur's golden armor and said, Arthur's armor has never been damaged so badly in the battle with Ultron. You can imagine what kind of battle Arthur has gone through.

"This is what I have repaired. The previous battle almost killed me and Wanda!" Arthur said as he walked towards the door.

boom! ! !

Arthur took out his trident, and a blue energy beam slammed into the door of the red room. Suddenly, the huge steel door was blasted with a big hole by Arthur. The enemies of the entire base immediately knew that someone had invaded, and the entire base was alarmed.

"You are really messed up, didn't you like to sneak in before?" Natasha said silently, watching Arthur's extremely domineering attack. Before Arthur's tasks were done secretly, why was it so violent this time.

"With the absolute power gap, there's no need to be cautious. I'm not the same now as I used to be." Arthur said coaxingly.

"It can be seen that you are becoming more and more arrogant, what are you going to do next?" Natasha asked, looking at the increasing number of enemies with weapons assembled at the gate.

Arthur didn't answer Natasha's question, and walked straight to the door with a big hole, and Natasha followed him behind.

More than 30 female agents took up weapons and stood at the door to shoot at the two. A blue energy shield enveloped Arthur and Natasha. The dense bullets hit the shield and only created a circle of ripples.

Arthur and Natasha walked towards them slowly. With a flash of yellow light on Arthur's right hand, all the female agents stopped attacking and stood there blankly.

"Go, get out of here in a transport plane!" Arthur ordered, and the female agents lined up to walk towards the transport plane at the parking lot.

"Let's go find Drekov." Arthur said with a glance at Natasha.

"It's easy to follow you, and the difficult tasks will be handed over to you in the future." Natasha said with a smile.

"Don't! You can spare me, there are so many capable people in the Avengers that I am not inferior to me." Arthur took Natasha to an elevator, which leads directly to the top floor, Drekov's office .

"You just like to be lazy!" Natasha and Arthur complained to him while standing in the elevator.

All the lights in the elevator suddenly went out, and the elevator didn't move, as if there was a power outage.

"It seems that Drykov knew we were coming, and wanted to trap us in the elevator so he could escape." Natasha said to Arthur without panic.

"It doesn't make any sense..." Arthur's right hand red gem lit up, the elevator resumed power, and continued to move towards Drekov's office on the top floor.

On the top floor, Drekov did know that the Avengers' Sea King Arthur Yon and the Natasha he trained back then had come to find him.

Since Melina sent the signal that Arthur and Natasha appeared, he decisively dispatched the combat operations team to destroy the two, so his order was to destroy together with Melina.

I couldn't find the action team and lost the news. I felt something was wrong when I got Drekov. I didn't expect them to find it so quickly.

Drekov had hoped that his agents would stop them, but he didn't expect them to solve it so quickly that all the agents came to his office in the elevator.

Drykov was a little panicked. He operated the computer to stop the power supply of the elevator, and then packed up and prepared to escape, but he did not expect that the elevator inexplicably restored the power and continued to come to the top floor.

"Grass! Damn it! Damn it! Stop!" Drykov pounded on the keyboard angrily, wanting to stop the elevator, but the elevator not only did not stop, but also reached the top floor.

Drykov raised his head and looked at the door of the office. Natasha in black armor with a pistol and Sea King Arthur in golden armor and a trident walked in from outside.

"Are you Drekov?" Arthur asked, looking at the fat middle-aged man with white hair and golden eyes and the image of an oil tycoon.

"Sea King Arthur Jon! It's an honor to meet you." At this time, Drekov calmed down again and said to Arthur sitting in a chair.

"Oh, and my child Natasha, you are still so beautiful." Drykov said to Natasha.

"I didn't expect you to be alive, Drekov! But you can't escape today." Natasha pointed a gun at Drekov and said.

"I didn't expect your ambitions to be quite big. Hiding in such a secret place and trying to control all the spies in the world is really amazing!" Arthur said while clapping his hands.

"I am not like you Avengers, swaggering all over the market, the real power comes from undetectable influence, the leaders and great men of the world they all obey my widows, as long as I have a command, a quarter of the earth Everyone will starve, and my widows can start and end wars. They can make kings, or they can destroy a kingdom!" Drekov said proudly to the two of them, as if he didn't feel his situation.

"Your ambition is really ignorant. The frog at the bottom of the well doesn't know how big the sky is. If I want to, I can make everyone on the earth surrender to me, but what can I get? The superior treatment and the look of admiration from others. ?" Arthur said with a frown.


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