I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 168: Antonia

"Please, don't lie to the children." Alexei looked at Melina and said.

"I didn't lie!" Melina said.

"You are the architect of Dreykov," Alexei said.

"Then what are you? If I'm his architect, you're his partner! You're his business partner!" Melina retorted looking at Alexei.

"No, no, no, I'm just a scapegoat!" Alexei exclaimed.

"Shut up! You're an idiot!" Natasha couldn't stand it any longer and yelled at Alexei.

"You are a coward! Our family has never been real, so there is no relationship to maintain." Natasha yelled at Melina again.

"Never had family? Right? In my heart, you are my family," Alexei said.

"Who cares? That's not true!" Natasha said, looking at the two.

"What? Don't say that, that's true, it's true to me, she's my mother, the closest person I've ever had! The best part of my life is the hypocrisy, and y'all didn't tell it Passed me! And those agents, you conquered the world with chemical methods? It was me who was conquered!" Yelena said with tears.

Melina was moved when she heard Yelena say that she was the vanquished agent.

"And you, you escaped, Drekov made sure that no one could escape, what are you going to say? No!" Yelena looked at Natasha and said, then got up and left, walked into the bedroom and closed the door.

"I don't know!" Melina said to Alexei.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll go talk to her." Alexey stood up and walked into the room to comfort Yelena.

Arthur came to the seat next to Natasha and said to Natasha, "You are our family! This will never change."

"Thank you!" Natasha lowered her head, trying to maintain her emotions.

"I'm going to ask you a question, Ms. Melina, are you procrastinating? I guess you already informed the red room before, I'm right." Arthur looked at Melina said.

Melina was silent, she did inform Drykov about the situation here when Natasha and the four of them came.

"But I can feel that you still have deep feelings for Natasha and Yelena. The current situation is which side do you choose to stand on? Enemy or friend, I will give you a chance to choose." Arthur looked at Merry Na said seriously, Melina was very important to Natasha, and Arthur could still see it.

"Can you defeat the red room and kill Drekov?" Melina asked rhetorically.

"It's as easy as the palm of your hand," Arthur said indifferently.

"I can help you destroy the red room and destroy Drekov!" Melina looked at Natasha and said.

"Do you want me to choose to believe you? You are not the first mother who chose to abandon me." Natasha said to Melina.

"No, you are not abandoned! You were just selected by a program to evaluate the potential of the baby." Melina interrupted Natasha and said.

"I was taken away?" Natasha looked at Melina in shock and asked.

"I'm sure your family will be rewarded when the deal is made, but your mom, she's been looking for you, and she's a lot like you in this. She's a persistent person!" Melina said.

"Then what happened to her in the end?" Natasha asked.

"Drykov killed her, and she threatened to lift the veil of the Red Room. In general, the behavior of a curious civilian will not be executed. But, as I said, she is persistent!" May Lina replied.

"I think about her every day of my life, whether I admit it or not, I have admitted it." Natasha said with red eyes.

At this moment, the lights outside the window came on, and four Kun-style fighter jets had surrounded the cabin, and the four planes simultaneously launched eight missiles towards the cabin.

"It's finally here!" Arthur said with a smile as he looked at Melina and Natasha.

boom! ! !

The cabin was hit by eight missiles at the same time in an instant, and it was shattered to pieces.

All four fighter jets landed from the sky, and then the mysterious man who attacked Natasha and the others led more than a dozen agents from the red room to the cabin that was bombed into ruins.

A gust of wind blew, and the thick smoke dispersed. The agents of the red room finally saw the situation in the wooden house clearly, and they saw a scene that they didn't expect.

In the middle of the ruins, where is a complete dining table, and Arthur, Natasha, Yelena, Melina, and Alexey all sat around the dining table unharmed.

As if the explosion just now had nothing to do with them, the agents immediately took up their guns when they saw this situation, da da da da! ! More than a dozen fire snakes spewed from the muzzle, and the agents opened fire on the five people together.

But a scene that made them unacceptable happened. A semi-circular red energy shield enveloped the five people. Countless bullets hit the energy shield and only produced faint ripples, which could not break through the energy shield and hurt the people inside.

"It seems that they didn't intend to let you go, so you are just a **** that can be discarded at will to Drekov." Arthur looked at Melina and said.

Arthur raised his right hand, and a blue energy beam shot out, blowing up all the more than ten agents who were shooting together now.

"Noisy!" Arthur said indifferently as if he had done a trivial thing.

Melina looked at Arthur in shock. She knew the Avengers were powerful, but she didn't expect them to be so powerful. Is this still a human?

Yelena and Alexei knew Arthur's strength when they were in prison, so they won't be surprised anymore.

"Let's go, meet this Drykov!" Arthur stood up and walked towards the dozen or so agents who fell to the ground.

Natasha and Yelena got up and followed. Melina glanced at Alexei and got up and followed.

More than a dozen female agents lost their breath on the spot, and only the mysterious man was still alive, and he saved his life by wearing a thick battle suit.

"It was he who was chasing Yelena and me in Budapest." Natasha said, looking at the mysterious man lying on the ground.

Natasha stepped forward and took off the mysterious man's helmet. Several people were shocked when they saw the mysterious man's true face.

She was a woman in her thirties, and her entire face should have been burned once, with terrifying scars.

Natasha stared blankly at the woman, wondering what she was thinking.

"Who are you?" Arthur asked, looking at the woman.

The woman with scars on her face was controlled by Arthur and her eyes were dull, "I'm Antonia."

"What!" Natasha covered her mouth when she heard the name and looked at the scarred woman in shock.

"What's the matter?" Yelena on the side asked Natasha, holding her arm.

"She is Drekov's daughter, and she is not dead." Natasha looked at Antonia apologetically and couldn't help crying.

Arthur stepped forward and put his hand on top of Antonia's head, the yellow energy enveloped her, and after a minute, Antonia's eyes rolled over.

"What have you done!" Natasha asked Arthur, looking at the fallen Antonia.

"That Drekov is really not a human being. He actually turned his daughter into a weapon. I just read her memory and released the control potion in her brain. She just fainted." Arthur shrugged. said with a shrug.


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