I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 167: family

St. Petersburg farm outside the city

Melina brought the four to the cabin where she lived.

"Welcome to the humble house, don't be restrained." Melina opened the door of the wooden house and walked in, and the four of them followed Natasha.

The cabin looks very warm and is full of various plants. It seems that Melina is a person who likes to grow flowers.

The four walked into the house to visit, while Natasha followed Melina closely for fear of her tricks.

Arthur walked straight to the leather sofa in the living room carelessly, and sat down, not knowing where to make a thermos cup, drinking tea in his hand.

Yelena looked at the surrounding facilities in the dining room, and she remembered that when she and Natasha lived together as a child, the furniture was exactly the same as it was then.

Alexei hid in a room and didn't know what to do.

"Is there a trap around here? Is there anything we need to pay attention to?" Natasha asked Melina while visiting.

"I don't raise my daughters to let them fall into traps," Melina said to Natasha.

"You didn't raise us at all, we just lived for a while." Natasha found a cup and took a glass of water from the tap.

"Well, maybe... But if you become weak, you're not under my watch." Melina said, and brought Natasha to the dining room table and sat down.

At this time, Alexei's strange voice came from the room, like a howl of pain.

"Is he constipated?" Arthur asked in disgust.

"Maybe." Yelena answered expressionlessly while sitting at the dining table.

"Dear Sea King, Mr. Arthur Jon, what do you need to drink?" Melina came over and asked Arthur.

"Oh, no need to entertain, I brought it myself." Arthur shook the thermos cup in his hand and said, vaguely seeing a few wolfberry soaked in it.

"Then let's have a drink!" Melina curled her lips and suggested to Natasha and Yelena.

Melina took out a bottle of brandy and poured a glass for Natasha, Yelena and herself, and took out some food from the refrigerator.

The three of them drank like this. Arthur felt weird looking at this depressing atmosphere, but he didn't feel impatient. He was drinking tea by himself. Arthur wanted to see what Melina was going to do. .

"Cough, how is it? Does it fit well?" Alexei's voice came from the side.

Everyone looked at him, only to see that he was wearing a red tight battle suit, a red helmet, and a five-pointed star on it. If he took a shield, it would be a bit like Captain America's old uniform.

"My God!" Yelena and Natasha couldn't stand it, but Melina not only didn't dislike him, but also applauded.

"I haven't washed once... Come and have a drink." Melina still complained.

"Family, reunited again." Alexei looked at the three of them happily and said after walking to the dining table and sitting down.

"Given the structure of our family, it was just a planned tactic, and it only lasted three years. I don't think we can use the word family anymore, right?" Melina told everyone.

"I agree, let's do this next..." Natasha said that she was about to say the point when Alexei interrupted her.

"Okay, let's get together again, and...I want to say something right away, you haven't gotten old at all, have you, you are as gentle and beautiful as they arranged for our wedding day." Alexei looked at May Lina said.

"You've gotten fat, but it's still not bad." Melina also replied.

Natasha and Yelena were drinking heavily, and she was about to be disgusted by these two people.

"I just got out of prison, and I'm very energetic now!" Alexey looked at Melina and said with a smirk.

"Please don't do this!" Natasha couldn't listen anymore, interrupting the emotional communication between the two.

"The next thing is this, you have to tell me the location of the red room!" Natasha looked at Melina and said the purpose of their visit this time.

"It's like you told them they can stay up all night to catch Santa Claus." Melina didn't answer Natasha's question, but looked at Alexei sarcastically.

"That's funny, you know, Santa's going down the chimney, girls. Watch out! Where is he? You wait for him to finish the cookies and then you can see him there. No no, I think Go after their dreams, go after the stars, girls," Alexey said of a conversation he once had with Natasha and Yelena at Christmas when they were kids.

"Finding Drykov is not a fantasy, but my unfinished mission!" Natasha said firmly looking at Melina.

"You can't beat a man who dictates the will of others, and you'll never see the pinnacle of what we started in America. Neither do you!" Melina said to Natasha and Alexei, then rose from her seat stand up.

She stepped aside and took out a tablet, operated on it a few times, and then shouted, "Come in!"

Suddenly, a fat pig with flowery hair opened the door from the outside and walked in, and came to Melina.

"Did the pig just open the door?" Natasha asked, looking at the flower pig.

"Yes, good boy, Alexei, good boy!" Melina fed the pig as she spoke.

"You named a pig after me?" Alexey asked Melina angrily.

"Don't you think it looks a lot like you? Look, it sits like a dog. Well, next, watch, stop breathing!" Melina turned off the breathing item on the tablet to zero.

It's just that the pig didn't move suddenly, and struggled with suffocation.

"We infiltrated the North Lab in Ohio, where there was a cover of S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists, who were actually Hydra. Combined with the Winter Soldier program, they dissected and disassembled the human brain, creating the first The one and only cell blueprint of the basal ganglia is the hub of cognition! Autonomous movement, procedural learning." Melina said to several people, Yelena and Natasha looked at each other in shock, this is the red room Ability to control the secrets of the widows!

"We didn't steal weapons or technology, we just stole the key to free will." Melina looked at Alexei and said.

The pig on the ground suffocated and fell to the ground.

"You just got an idea from Hydra that the Loki scepter controls the human brain." Arthur stood up from the sofa, walked to the dining table, and stood behind Natasha.

"And this method is only the simplest one. There are many methods on earth to control others." As soon as Arthur waved his hand, the pig lying on the ground resumed its breathing and stood up, walking towards the door.

"I'm just telling you that the red room can order the subject to stop breathing, and there is no choice but to obey the order. Drykov used chemical methods to conquer the spies around the world." Melina looked at Natasha and Arthur said.

"Then do you know who they used it on?" Yelena on the side suddenly asked Melina.

"I don't know, that's not the department I manage, I'm only in charge of research." Melina shook her head and said.


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