I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 157: Wakanda base

"This design is really good, how long will it take to complete?" Arthur asked, looking at the rendering animation of the design of Tony Stark's submarine base ship.

The entire submarine base ship is very large, similar to the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier. It does not need any special power, but only needs a solid metal that is not crushed by the pressure of deep sea water.

The whole is a round battleship, with four layers in the cabin, and an exit hatch on the top of the head to allow small submarines to enter and exit. The overall design is still in line with Arthur's aesthetics. Tony didn't say anything about the design vision.

"It may take four months, because we are going to join the vibration metal manufacturing for surgical metal, and the power is also provided by vibration metal, so the construction period will be longer." Tony Stark said.

Dude, Wakanda is really rich, how much vibranium does it cost to build a warship out of vibranium.

"How's your research going?" Arthur asked, looking at Tony Stark, who had recently been obsessed with T'Chaka's Nano-Vibranium armor.

"I found a new metal that can replace vibration gold. Its properties can not only be nanosized, but also can generate huge energy. I have to continue to study it." Tony Stark replied.

"OK, don't go back and do research, stay with Little Pepper, be careful that she breaks up with you." Arthur advised Tony Stark.

"...She hasn't paid much attention to me recently. I'll accompany her when I go back this time." Tony nodded and replied.

"What's wrong?" Arthur suddenly saw that Steve Rogers was holding the phone and looked wrong.

"She died..." Steve Rogers replied.

It was Steve Rogers' girlfriend Carter Page who died. Arthur was surprised that what should have happened a few days ago did not happen, and now it seems that it is only delayed by a few days.

"Sorry, I'll give you a trip. If you go by yourself, I'm afraid the US government will want to deal with you." Arthur said to Steve Rogers.

"Okay, let's go." Steve Rogers nodded and felt that Arthur was right.

Arthur opened a portal and took Steve Rogers away.

The rest of the people continue to be busy in the base. Only Natasha has nothing to do now. Before, she was in charge of the diplomatic work of the Avengers. Now, she will be liberated after the Avengers have changed from the light to the dark. .

Natasha finally doesn't have to have those **** meetings with world leaders every day.

"I plan to rest for a few days. During this time, I am under too much pressure. This time I can relax." Natasha said to everyone.

The other Avengers nodded their heads. Among the Avengers, Natasha was indeed the most tiring. She didn't need to fight and kill but had to get an overview of the overall situation, especially when she faced pressure from various countries every day. , so everyone understands her.

"It's okay, go and rest for a few days. We are here, and there is nothing to do at the moment. We will wait for the establishment of the new base and laboratory." Dr. Banner said to Natasha, and the others also agreed to let her Go take a break.

"Do you need me to provide you with a place to rest?" T'Challa asked Natasha. The room in the new base has not been taken care of, and the members of the Avengers are still living with Wakanda.

"No, I have to deal with some personal affairs." Natasha walked towards the Kun-style fighter and turned back and said to T'Challa.

"Okay, goodbye then, contact me if you need it!" T'Challa said.

Natasha nodded, glanced at Dr. Banner, turned her head, boarded the fighter plane, took off and left Wakanda...

"What happened to you and Natasha?" Tony Stark came to Dr. Banner and asked him.

Why did he and Natasha feel so estranged recently, did they quarrel? Tony Stark thought to himself.

"Nothing, everyone has been too busy recently. Natasha was a little unhappy about my unwillingness to live in the London base. I'll just accompany her when she comes back." Dr. Banner said with a wry smile.

"Yeah, women's minds are hard to guess." Tony also sympathized with Dr. Banner. The relationship between Pepper and him has been getting worse and worse recently. Since Tony changed the Stark Building to the Avengers, Pepper Never gave him a good look.

"I'll leave the rest to you. I have to go back to New York to deal with a bunch of things." Tony would have a headache as long as he thought of the media inquiries and the upper-level American politicians he would face after returning.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of it here," said Dr. Banner.

The other Avengers said goodbye to Tony. Among all the Avengers, only Tony Stark couldn't stay in Wakanda for a long time. All his assets were in New York, and he couldn't just leave.

Tony put on the armor and flew into the sky and left Wakanda, while the rest of Dr. Banner, Rhodes, Bucky, Wanda, Pietro, and Scott stayed to organize the new base.


The United Nations enacted new measures immediately after the Avengers refused to sign the Avengers Agreement.

Members of the Avengers are strictly prohibited from conducting activities in other countries outside their own countries, members of the Avengers are strictly prohibited from participating in wars in other countries, and members of the Avengers are strictly prohibited from using weapons of mass destruction.

If the members of the Avengers do not abide by these regulations, the United Nations will have the right to arrest the members of the Avengers, and they will be held accountable according to law.

That is to say, although the Avengers are disbanded, the members of the Avengers will no longer be able to act legally. If they are discovered to act privately, all countries will be able to arrest the members of the Avengers.

Although the United States has not issued a statement, members of the Avengers know that Ross will not allow the Avengers to continue to operate in the United States.

Natasha drives a fighter jet to a small town in Norway, where a friend she used to know is waiting for her.

There is an RV in a forest. This is Natasha's former zero-hour residence. It is several kilometers away from the city. No one knows its existence.

Natasha is going to rest in this place for a few days, away from the city, to relax.

She walked into the RV and saw Mason, who was sleeping soundly in bed, and was speechless. Her friend always looked like she didn't get enough sleep.

"Why did you sleep in my bed?" Natasha said, kicking Mason up.

"I... I'm sleepy, I didn't even have a quilt." The sleepy-eyed Mason said after seeing that it was Natasha.

"Have you got everything on the list I sent you?" Natasha asked Mason.

"When have I ever let you down in my work? I bought everything you wanted, and I thoughtfully prepared a Norwegian passport, visa and local driver's license for you." Mason handed Natasha a stack of documents and said to her.

"Good job!" Natasha praised.

"There's also a generator outside, it's petrol-powered, the septic tank needs to be flushed in a few weeks... and you've got to haul the trash into town, it's only a 20-minute drive. I hid your basic hardware in the stairs Down." Mason asked Natasha chatteringly.

"You did a great job," Natasha said, looking at Mason.

"Are you all right?" Mason asked, looking at the tired Natasha.

"I'm fine," Natasha replied.


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