I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 156: The Avengers "Disbanded"

"Countless organizations in the world want to obtain the secret of the powerful strength of our Avengers members, and some of our members have even spent their entire lives evading the capture of other organizations. The Avengers gave us a safe home, but I can only say sorry for the misunderstanding and prejudice of other countries in the world! We will not sign this agreement! I, Steve Rogers, will officially announce the official dissolution of the Avengers starting today!" Just when Steve Rogers announced the news of the disbandment of the Avengers, the reporters and media went crazy, everyone stood up, and countless flashes flashed at Steve Rogers, everyone wanted to record this explosive moment!

Arthur touched Natasha's hand, Natasha turned to look at Arthur, Arthur motioned Natasha to look at the door, Natasha turned and found that the door was surrounded by some armed SWAT officers.

Natasha understood Arthur's meaning, and the United Nations arrested the three of them directly after the preparation meeting was over without the Avengers agreeing to sign the agreement.

"Let's go, let's go to the stage too." Arthur stood up and said to Natasha, and the two walked to the podium together.

When the media reporters saw the Avengers' Sea King Arthur and the Black Widow Natasha also walking to the front desk, they immediately pressed the shutter and took a group photo of the three of the Avengers.

"Why did you come up?" Steve Rogers looked at Arthur and Natasha in surprise and asked in a low voice.

"They may not be ready to let us simply leave here, so I'm going to take you out directly." Arthur motioned Steve Rogers to look at the door and said.

Steve Rogers also found the situation outside the hall. He turned his head and looked downstairs behind him. The whole street was blocked by the police, and even a few armored vehicles with heavy firepower had come. It seems that someone is He was determined not to let them leave.

Arthur walked to the podium, ready to say a few words to everyone in the world.

"Hello everyone! I'm Jon Arthur, and I want to say a few words to everyone on Earth today. We the Avengers have defended the Earth by risking our lives and fighting against the forces of evil time and time again. There is a certain loss, but things in the world are not perfect, and if you want peace, you have to pay a certain price! There are many races in the universe that covet the earth. Don't think I am exaggerating. Some things cannot be made public, so I just want to say that we Avengers have a clear conscience! But who will protect the safety of the earth in the next crisis? Who knows? Some terrorist organizations are probably overjoyed to hear the news of the dissolution of our Avengers, but you guys If you think you can get away without the Avengers, you are wrong, and we will come back to find you!" After Arthur finished speaking, he drew his right hand in the space, and a blue circular portal appeared behind the three of them.

"Let's go!" Arthur took the lead and walked in. After Natasha and Steve Rogers followed Arthur into the portal, reality disappeared.

All the cameras present recorded this scene, and the faces of the President of the United Nations and Ross suddenly turned black. They planned to let the three people go back and forth, but they did not expect to let them escape under the eyes of Kuikui.

After passing through the magic portal, the three of Arthur came directly to the new Avengers base in Wakanda. This was built with the help of T'Challa. It only took half a month to build. Wakanda's technology is really powerful. Incomparable.

"Aren't you in Vienna to attend the United Nations meeting?" T'Challa and Tony Stark were communicating at the gate of the base, and asked the three people who came over.

"They wanted to gather a lot of troops at the United Nations Building. After the preparation meeting was over, they would arrest us directly. I just used the teleportation door and left." Arthur explained to the two of them.

"Oh, the Avengers news is all over the place now, and we're on fire again!" Stark held a tablet with the news of Steve Rogers announcing the dissolution of the Avengers.

Arthur also took out his mobile phone and browsed the content on the Internet. Netizens had mixed opinions on the dissolution of the Avengers.

Some netizens feel that after the members of the Avengers are completely disbanded, no one will protect the earth. What if aliens invade the earth again?

I feel that the Avengers are all heroes and they have contributed to the peace of the earth, and I support and regret the Avengers.

However, some netizens feel that the Avengers are all vigilantes. The organizations they set up spontaneously are not under the supervision of any organization, and they do things without any scruples, trampling on the territory of other countries at will, arresting citizens of other countries privately, or disbanding. good!

Anyway, everything is said on the Internet. Some people applaud the "dissolution" of the Avengers, while others feel sorry.

Arthur and the others have also achieved their goal, and they have been away from the public eye since then, and their future actions will also become secret operations.

And Tony Stark had a headache. Arthur and the three of them opened the portal and left. Tony can imagine how many media are waiting for him in Stark Industries now.

"This is the new base? It looks pretty good." Arthur said, looking at the circular base in the distance.

This is a new base for the Avengers built with the help of the people of Wakanda, with two floors above ground and two floors underground, for a total of four floors.

This base is not as big as the previous base, because Arthur and the others abandoned the ordinary civilian staff of the Avengers and did not bring them to Wakanda.

Steve Rogers' confidant group was handed over to Hill to manage, and they will be secretly operating in other areas, and they are considered secret peripheral members of the Avengers.

So only Steve Rogers and the others are training here in the new base, so the base looks rather shabby.

But these are all temporary. The underwater base of Atlantis is already under construction. It will be a special huge submarine. When it goes directly to Atlantis, it can be used as Atlantis. Submarine base.

"Let's go, I'll show you around." T'Challa said to the three.

Led by T'Challa, Steve Rogers, Natasha and Arthur walk into the new Avengers base.

Don't look at the ordinary outside of this base, but when you come in, you will find that the design here is very high-tech.

The round base looks very solid, all the transparent glass doors are bulletproof, and the lighting system of the whole base is also very technological, there are no obvious lights, but the whole base is bright.

The elevator of the base is made of vibrating metal mixed metal. Even if the elevator is attacked by powerful firepower, it can operate normally. Several people took the elevator to the basement floor.

This is Stark and Banner's laboratory, where Steve Rogers and the other three meet the other Avengers.

Sam, Bucky, Rod, Pietro, Wanda, Banner, Scott Lang, and even Kitten Venom are all here.

Thor has left Earth, Peter Parker has gone to school, Barton has gone home to take care of the children, and all but these three are here.

Steve Rogers looked at all the Avengers and finally breathed a sigh of relief, the Avengers are about to start again!


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