I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 158: weird courier

"I heard something about the dissolution of the Avengers, and now you have been blacklisted by countries all over the world." Mason looked at Natasha and said.

"It's okay, it's our own choice, and it's not a bad thing to leave everyone's sight." Natasha said with a smile.

"Are you sure?" Mason didn't believe that Natasha didn't care about their current situation.

"Yes, I'm fine, don't worry about me." Natasha nodded and said.

"If you have any difficulties, you can tell me, that's how friends are." Mason looked at Natasha and said sincerely.

"I know I have friends, and I cherish them!" Natasha also looked at Mason and replied.

Mason looked at Natasha and nodded, turned and walked out of the RV. Natasha saw a box on the ground with some miscellaneous documents in it.

"Hey, what's all this garbage?" Natasha asked Mason, kicking the cardboard box.

"Just some letters and personal belongings from the Budapest Safe House," Mason replied.

"Budapest?" Natasha asked in surprise. Budapest was where she lived when she was a spy.

"Yes, Budapest. I know you won't be going back, so I have someone else in the apartment now," Mason replied.

"Sorry for making you work so hard, I should have let you throw it away," Natasha said.

"Well, if you don't want it, throw it in the trash!" Mason glanced at Natasha and turned away.

Natasha took out the cardboard box and put it in the trunk of the car, ready to take it to the city with other garbage to throw it away.

Natasha started cleaning the RV. She hadn't lived here for a long time, so she had to tidy it up.

Natasha spent more than an hour cleaning the RV, and it was getting dark.

Natasha opened a bottle of beer and looked at what she had arranged for Mason to buy. Among them was a box of hair dye. Natasha likes to dye her hair to change her appearance. It's late today, tired Natasha Going to take a shower and then have a good night's sleep.

After taking a shower, Natasha was watching a movie on her laptop and eating canned food when the lights in the RV suddenly went out.

"That's it!" Natasha said helplessly, the RV was out of power, it was estimated that the generator outside had failed.

Natasha went to the gasoline generator outside the RV and pulled the starter cable of the generator, but it just couldn't ignite.

Natasha checked whether the generator was damaged elsewhere. It seemed that there was no gasoline. Natasha picked up the oil drum on the side to refuel the generator, but found that the oil drum was empty.

"Good job Mason!" Natasha laughed angrily. Mason also said that he never let himself down in his work, but he was beaten in the face before the day was over, and he didn't even fill up the gasoline.

Natasha reluctantly put the gasoline can in the back of the car, started the car and drove to a town a few kilometers away, where there is a gas station.

Natasha, who was sitting in the car, regretted a little why she didn't stay in Wakanda, and wanted to come here alone to seek hardship.

After all, she was still angry with Dr. Banner. The last time she asked Dr. Banner to come to Washington to live with her, Dr. Banner refused to say anything because Ross became Secretary of State, and Banner and Ross's daughter There is still email contact.

Natasha was suddenly unhappy and left Banner to stay in New York alone, and she went to Washington to handle the diplomatic affairs of the Avengers.

This time, she was still a little uncomfortable. She didn't want to stay with Banner, and wanted to be alone for a few days.

Now that I think about myself, it is because I have been under too much pressure during this time, and I am a little sensitive. In fact, Banner has done nothing wrong. I will go back and have a good talk with him in a few days.

Natasha was driving on a rough road when she was passing a bridge when a rocket hit the side of Natasha's body.

Natasha's car suddenly exploded, rolled and flew out, breaking the railing of the bridge. Fortunately, the car just ran out of the bridge with its front wheels. Natasha stepped on the brakes while dizzy, so that the car did not fall off the bridge.

Now the whole car is supported by the bridge, and as long as the center of gravity is unstable, it will fall off the bridge. Under the bridge is a fast-flowing river.

Natasha was blinded by this sudden attack. She was dizzy and dizzy.

At this time, a jeep drove from not far away, stopped not far from Natasha's car, and a person got off the car.

He was wearing thick black armor all over, and with the helmet he couldn't tell whether it was a male or a female.

Natasha saw the mysterious person coming, she hurriedly unbuckled her seat belt and wanted to get out of the car, but when Natasha moved, the car lost its center of gravity, and the front of the car pressed down toward the bridge.

Natasha immediately leaned back to prevent the car from falling off the bridge. She took out a pistol from under the car seat, loaded it with a clip, and held it tightly in her hand.

"I'm sure Ross has no jurisdiction here, you should know that I'm good at shooting when I'm angry!" Natasha shouted loudly, looking at the equipment on the mysterious man, she believed that he was the man Ross sent to arrest her, Natasha picked up the pistol and shot at the man.

I saw this mysterious man took a round shield from his back and blocked Natasha's bullet. His round shield was actually made of the same vibrating metal material as Steve Rogers's! Who is he?

Just as Natasha fired a magazine and changed the magazine, the man threw a round shield and shot at Natasha.

The Buckler slammed into the rear window of the car, and Natasha jumped out of the broken glass in the rear of the car.

Looking around carefully with a pistol in hand, the mysterious man disappeared in an instant. At this moment, the mysterious man appeared on the roof of the car, pulled out his shield and jumped off Natasha's head.

Natasha, who reacted, raised her gun and fired, but the bullets were blocked by the mysterious man in the air with a round shield.

After the mysterious man landed, he kicked the pistol in Natasha's hand, and Natasha immediately went to fight with him after seeing the pistol being kicked.

Natasha's melee combat skills are also among the best among the Avengers. Natasha uses a swing lock to lock his head with her feet.

But it was cracked by this mysterious man, and he used the same judo as Natasha in the next second to throw Natasha out.

Natasha was slammed to the ground. She turned her head to look at the mysterious man, but found that her helmet glasses were like a display screen. Natasha could even see small dots floating on the screen and some data displayed.

Natasha and the mysterious man stood up at the same time, and the two moved in the same way. Natasha looked at the display screen on his helmet and glasses in confusion.

But this strange mysterious person turned to look at a small black box in a cardboard box that Natasha was about to throw out of the car, and he got up and walked towards the small box...

"You didn't come to me!" Natasha saw that this person's goal was not herself, but the "garbage" she wanted to throw away.

Natasha pulled out the dagger hidden in her shoe, got up and ran towards him, the dagger slammed into his shoulder.

But the mysterious man reacted at once, raised his hand to block Natasha's wrist, and Natasha stabbed him elsewhere.

The mysterious man moved very fast and avoided Natasha's attacks one after another. He saw the opportunity to use his thigh to press Natasha's left hand with the dagger to the ground, and grabbed Natasha's hair.

Natasha resisted hard, but was punched in the lower abdomen by the mysterious man and flew five meters away, hitting the ground hard.

Natasha clutched her stomach in pain and looked at the mysterious man walking towards the car. She couldn't let him succeed!


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