I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 148: Zemohelmut

Steve Rogers took Bucky on a plane to the Hydra base in Siberia where Bucky once stayed.

"What about your friends?" Bucky asked Steve Rogers, sitting behind him.

Steve Rogers sighed and replied, "No matter what happens, I'll face it."

"I don't know if I'm worthy of what you've done for me, Steve..." Bucky said in a low tone.

"You can't blame you for what you did in those years, because you didn't have a choice!" Steve Rogers persuaded Bucky.

"I know, but I did it in the end, and I should be responsible for my actions!" Bucky said firmly.

After a five-hour flight, Steve Rogers and Bucky finally arrived near the Hydra underground base in Siberia.

Bucky grabbed a gun from the arsenal, and the two opened the hatch to take out the man behind it.

"Remember that time we had to take a refrigerated truck and sit in the cold storage in the back of the car to go back to Rockaway Sea together?" Steve Rogers recalled the past.

"Isn't it because you used the money from the ticket to buy hot dogs?" Bucky also remembered and complained to Steve.

"You're not paying three bucks to win a teddy bear for a redhead girl," Steve Rogers retorted.

"What's her name?" Bucky also fell into memory and asked.

"Doris, you call him Xiao Duo." Steve Rogers replied.

"She must be a hundred years old now?" Bucky sighed that time flies so fast.

"We're a hundred years old too! Man," Steve Rogers said, patting Bucky on the shoulder.

The two left the plane and walked to a hidden entrance of the Hydra base, an iron gate.

The iron door is open, and there is no indication that someone has opened it before.

"He should have been here a few hours ago." Steve Rogers said, looking at the iron gate.

"It's enough time to wake up the Winter Soldiers," Bucky said.

The two walked towards the underground base in the old-fashioned elevator. Just as they left the elevator and crept into the aisle, there was another sound from the elevator behind them.

Steve Rogers and Bucky immediately pointed their guns at the elevator, ready to catch the enemy off guard in an instant.

But at the moment when the elevator opened, Steve Rogers was stunned, and a person who should not have appeared here appeared here, he was Tony Stark in steel armor.

"You seem nervous?" Tony Stark opened his helmet and said to the two.

"Today is a long day!" Steve Rogers thought Tony was here to catch him, and looked at Stark warily.

All of a sudden a blue glowing circle of energy suddenly appeared on the wall to their left, startling both Tony and Steve.

"You guys are really slow, you came to the base after we finished our dinner." Arthur walked out of the portal with a bottle of Coke and was followed by a beautifully dressed Wanda. Arthur bought it yesterday while shopping with her.

"Why are you here?" Steve Rogers asked, looking at Arthur and Wanda.

"You took good care of me at the Avengers base before, and I can't help you?" Arthur replied, looking at Tony Stark with strange eyes.

"Calm down, I'm not here to catch you," Tony Stark said.

"Then what are you doing?" Steve Rogers asked.

"Perhaps your statement makes sense. Ross doesn't know I'm here, and I don't want him to know, otherwise I'll have to arrest myself," Tony Stark replied.

"It sounds like things are getting more and more troublesome," Steve Rogers said.

"I'm really convinced of you, but the invincible superheroes are managed by an old man. In fact, I think General Ross has been unhappy for a long time. Do you want me to help you kill him?" Arthur asked suddenly.

"Has no one in your world come up with a rule that the Avengers need to be conditioned?" Tony Stark asked, looking at Arthur.

"Not yet. If anyone wants to supervise me, he must be tired of living." Arthur replied.

"Okay, let's get down to business. Glad you could help me with Stark, Arthur, and Wanda," Steve Rogers said.

"I'm glad to see you again, Captain," Tony Stark said.

"It's estimated that you won't be so happy in a while, come with me." Arthur took a look at Tony Stark and took the lead.

"What do you mean? And where are you taking us?" Tony Stark asked, and the four of them followed Arthur.

"Follow you and you'll know." Arthur walked forward quickly with a few people, and they came to a huge patio.

There are many instruments here, as well as yellow glass cabins, all of Hydra's Winter Soldiers are lying in it.

The six people walked to the yellow dormant warehouse to observe it, and suddenly a man's voice came from the broadcast.

"Don't worry, they're dead! Do you really think I'm going to find more people like you, Bucky?"

Several people looked at the dormant warehouse, and indeed the soldiers lying inside were shot through the foreheads with guns.

"What are you doing?" Bucky said.

"But thanks to them, I was able to lead you here. I am very surprised that Wanda and this gentleman I don't know are here." The broadcast continued.

Suddenly, a small window was opened in front of them, and a man appeared behind the small window.

Steve Rogers threw the shield on the small window and bounced back in an instant, and the glass of the small window was not damaged in any way.

"Don't bother, the Soviets designed this room to withstand the attack of UR100 missiles!" the man said.

"I bet I have some more powerful firepower to blast him off!" Tony Stark said.

"You can do it, Mr. Stark, if you have the time, but then you'll be here for nothing," said Zemohelmut.

"You killed so many innocent people just to bring us here?" Steve Rogers asked as he walked to the small window and looked at Zemo.

"I spent a whole year doing nothing, just researching you and following you! Now that you're standing here, I realize that you have a little green in your blue eyes, and it's nice to see a little blemish. Interesting," Zemohelmut said.

Several other people felt a chill after hearing Zemo's words. Did this person have any thoughts on Steve Rogers? Or there is deep hatred.

"You're from Sokovia? Is that what it's for?" Steve Rogers said.

"Sokovia was hopeless before you blew up, no, that's because I swore an oath!" Zemohelmut replied.

"Who have you lost?" Steve Rogers asked Zemo in the eye.

"I lost everyone! You will too! An empire can be revived if it is subverted by others, but if it collapses from the inside, it will perish forever." After Zemo finished speaking, a screen suddenly appeared on a monitor next to them. .

boom! ! !

Suddenly, an energy ray from Arthur's hand blew the display to pieces, startling everyone present.


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