I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 147: to Siberia

"We gotta go, that guy should be in Siberia by now!" Bucky said to Steve Rogers.

"You have to divert everyone who can fly, I will deal with Vision, you go to fly!" Steve Rogers said.

"No, you go on the plane, both of you!" Sam said in the air.

"Although I hate to admit that if we want to win, someone has to lose! It's not a real fight, Steve," Patton said, shooting arrows from the top of the container.

"Okay, Sam, what are your plans?" Steve Rogers asked.

"We need to make a big move to divert their attention!" Sam said while dodging Rhodes' pursuit.

"I do have a big guy, but it won't last long. Wait for my signal, and you will run as fast as you can! If I am torn in two, don't come back to save me." The shrunken Ant-Man said as he ran.

"He's going to tear himself in half?" Bucky said in shock.

"You really want to do this?" Steve Rogers also asked.

"I've done it several times. In fact, once in the laboratory, I fainted from the pain..." Scott Lang jumped onto Rhodes' steel armor while cheering himself up.

He turned the Pym particle energy to the maximum, and pressed the enlargement button in his left hand. Suddenly, a huge Scott with a height of tens of meters appeared on the field, and he grabbed Rhodes in the air.

"Let's go, what is that!" Peter Parker, who is now beside Arthur and Wanda, cried out, looking at the huge Scott.

"This is the signal, run!" Steve Rogers and Bucky turned their heads and ran towards the fighter with all their strength.

The huge Scott Lang threw Rhodes out, and Peter Parker, who was talking to Arthur, saw that things were wrong, and he shot spider silk and flew up.

Peter Parker shot spider silk to hold Rhodes, who was flying, so that Rhodes did not hit the passenger plane parked aside.

Scott Lang kicked a bus away with another kick, and Bashi rolled into Vision and T'Challa, and Vision punched the bus into two pieces.

T'Challa went after Bucky and Steve Rogers, and Sam entangled Tony Stark in the air.

"Does anyone else here have special abilities to show? I absolutely welcome it." Tony Stark was smashed on the head by Sam with a small remote control plane as soon as he finished speaking.

But T'Challa was stopped by Scott Lang. Just when Scott Lang was about to capture T'Challa, he was beaten back by Rhodes who flew over and used more than ten rounds of artillery fire.

Peter Parker, who fell behind Rhodes, flew towards Scott and kicked Scott in the face, almost knocking him down.

And Patton fought with T'Challa again. Patton was obviously not T'Challa's opponent, but T'Challa was paying attention to the fleeing Bucky, who was just fighting with Patton.

Vision also noticed that Steve Rogers and Bucky, who were about to run in front of the Quinjet, shot a yellow energy from the yellow gem above his head, shattering the tower above the hangar and pressing them down.

Just when the tower was about to crush the two of them, it was blocked by a burst of red energy. It turned out to be Wanda's chaotic energy, and Colonel Rhodes immediately used an ultrasonic attack on Wanda.

Wanda could only kneel with his ears covered, and the tower lost the support of Wanda's energy and continued to press down on Steve Rogers and Bucky.

Steve Rogers and Bucky jumped forward, jumped into the hangar and came to the fighter plane, dodging the tower that fell overhead.

But in front of the fighter plane, there is someone they didn't expect waiting for them, and this person is Natasha.

"You're not going to stop, are you?" Natasha asked, looking at Steve Rogers.

"You know I can't!" Steve Rogers replied.

"I will definitely regret it!" After Natasha finished speaking, she raised her arm, and she suddenly fired a shock bomb, knocking the black panther T'Challa to the ground.

"Come on!" Natasha said to Steve Rogers.

Steve Rogers gave Natasha a grateful glance and boarded the fighter with Bucky, while Natasha stayed behind to block T'Challa...

On the other hand, Peter Parker asks Tony if they've seen a movie called The Empire Strikes Back, and he comes up with an idea for the giant Scott Lang.

Peter Parker wrapped spider silk around Scott Lang's feet, while Tony Stark and Rhodes gave Scott Lang a blow to the head.

Scott Lang suddenly lost his center of gravity and fell down. Just as Peter Parker was celebrating, he was knocked out by Scott Lang and hit the ground heavily.

And Scott Lang also fell to the ground, he couldn't hold it anymore, he shrank his body and lay on the ground with a dry mouth.

Tony Stark immediately came to Peter Parker, who was lying motionless on the ground, to see if he was okay.

"It's me, your mission is over, you did a good job." Tony Stark grabbed the hand of Peter Parker who was revolting and said.

"No, I'm fine, I can keep fighting!" Peter Parker obviously didn't want to leave.

"Stay here and don't move, or I'll tell you auntie! Your mission accomplished!" Tony Stark warned Peter Parker before leaving.

Peter Parker was indeed exhausted and sat down on the ground to rest.

Steve Rogers took off from the warehouse with Bucky in a fighter jet and flew into the air.

Rhodes and Tony Stark got up and caught up, while Sam also chased after Rhodes and fired missiles to stop Rhodes from advancing.

"Vision, there is an enemy behind me, Vision, do you hear it? Knock off his thrusters and turn him into a glider!" Rhodes said.

Vision aimed at the thruster on Sam's back, and the gem-yellow energy shot from the top of his head, attacking Sam.

And Sam clearly felt it, and he suddenly retracted his wings, dodging the Vision's blow.

Vision's energy did not hit Sam, but hit Rhodes' chest in front of him. Rhodes' ark reactor suddenly lost its energy, the armor suddenly lost power, and he also fell from the air to the ground.

Tony Stark and Sam both speed up and chase the fast-falling Rhodes to save him.

"Tony, my engine is off!" Rhodes couldn't do anything now, he could only let himself hit the ground.

But Tony Stark and Sam did not catch up with Rhodes, who was falling fast. Just as he was about to hit the ground, the ground was suddenly wrapped in red energy, and the entire open space outside the airport suddenly turned into a lake.

Rhodes slammed into the water heavily, splashing a splash of water.

"What's going on?" Tony Stark asked, looking at the lake that appeared out of thin air.

"I'm sorry, but Rhodes is fine after all." Sam said, falling to Tony's side.

They saw Rhodes in the water suddenly floating up, and then the whole lake was rapidly shrinking, and it turned back to the grass in an instant, while Rhodes was lying on the grass.

Tony immediately went up to get his mask, Rhode fainted from the impact just now, and his nose was bleeding.

"Check vital signs!" Tony Stark ordered Friday.

"The detection of vital signs started, the heartbeat was detected, and I entered a coma, and the rescue team has been notified," replied Friday.

"He's fine, don't worry about Tony." Arthur took Wanda's hand and appeared beside Tony Stark.

"You rescued Rhodes just now? Thank you very much!" Tony Stark said looking at Arthur.

"No thanks! Just treat it as a greeting, it's rare to know you guys." Arthur replied.

"How did you do it?" Vision also came, looking at Arthur and asked, this method of changing the environment out of thin air is obviously not something he can understand, like a miracle.

"It's just the energy of the gems above your head," Arthur replied, not saying he had two gems.

"Okay, I'll go first, see you later." After Arthur and Tony finished speaking, they took Wanda to open the portal and left. Today their scenes are almost finished, and his purpose to save Rhodes is also When it was reached, he chose to leave.

Tony Stark didn't think about what Arthur's goodbye meant. He was very tired now, and the Avengers were completely torn apart. He held Rhodes and sat there dumbfounded.

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