I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 149: back to earth

"Damn! What did you do?" Zemo asked loudly looking at Arthur's behavior. His purpose was about to be achieved, but he was destroyed by this man.

"I think you're too proud, I'm very upset, thinking that you can directly destroy the Avengers by yourself, but you don't know what the consequences of doing so are," Arthur said.

"What consequences?" Zemohelmut asked, looking at Arthur.

"I have no obligation to tell you, I can only tell you that all conspiracies are useless in the face of absolute power!" After Arthur finished speaking, a cloud of red energy shot from his hand to the small room where Zemo Helmut was located. on the steel walls of the room.

Under Arthur's red energy, the wall made of steel plates more than one meter thick instantly became transparent.

"Come out by yourself!" Arthur said.

I saw Zemo Helmut walked out of the small room through the transparent steel wall with dull eyes, and came to Arthur obediently.

"What did you do? He would listen to you like that?" Tony Stark asked, looking at Arthur in surprise.

"I controlled him, I have the gem on Loki's scepter and you don't know it." Arthur replied.

"I'm so glad you're not our enemy!" Tony Stark sighed looking at Arthur's versatile abilities.

"Your enemy is much stronger than me, well, tell me, why do you want the Avengers to completely disintegrate?" Arthur asked Zemohelmut.

"My dad lives just outside Sokovia and I thought it would be safe there, my son was so excited that he could see Iron Man through the car window. I told my wife not to worry, they were in town The war, we are far away, it will be fine..." Zemo Helmut said that there was a little struggle in his eyes, and this painful thing made him feel very uncomfortable when he was under control.

Steve Rogers and Tony Stark were both silent when they heard Zemo Helmut's words.

"When the ashes cleared and the screaming stopped, it took me two days to find their bodies, my father still hugged my wife and children, and the Avengers just went home! They knew it was me There is no way to kill them, people stronger than me have tried, but what if I let them kill each other?" back down.

"Did you hear that? Come out, T'Challa!" Arthur shouted.

Several people were startled by Arthur's shout, and T'Challa was also here?

T'Challa came out from behind the door and came to Zemohelmut.

"He did your father's death. I handed him over to you. You kill him to avenge your father. Isn't that what you came here for?" Arthur looked at T'Challa and said.

"..." T'Challa looked silent at Zemo lying on the ground, and he took off the black panther helmet.

"He has been swallowed up by hatred. I can't be swallowed up by hatred like him. He needs to be responsible for killing so many people." T'Challa said.

"What I want to ask is how does he plan to let us kill each other?" Tony Stark asked suddenly.

"You better not know this, I'm doing it for your own good! Okay, let's go." Arthur turned his head and walked outside, Wanda following him.

Steve Rogers and T'Challa looked around and walked out, while Bucky carried Zemo Helmut on his shoulders.

Several people left the underground base and came to the side of the fighter plane. Arthur flew into the air and launched a blue energy ball into the base.

boom! ! !

The mountain shook in an instant, and the entire Hydra base was blown up by Arthur's energy bomb and collapsed.

"Is this necessary?" Tony Stark asked, looking at Arthur who fell from the air.

"There are a lot of Hydra materials in here. The Avengers have basically been disbanded now. I don't want these materials to fall into the hands of others." Arthur looked at a few people and said.

Then Arthur walked up to Zemo Helmut, who had been thrown to the ground by Bucky, and touched his forehead with his hand, and Arthur's hand glowed with yellow energy that wrapped around his head.

"What are you doing now?" Steve Rogers asked, looking at Arthur.

"I deleted a small part of his memory, some things let you know will only hurt your friendship, let him pass the past." Arthur said willfully, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark Always turned against Bucky because of the matter of Bucky, Arthur didn't want to see this situation, Arthur remembered the location of this place, and blew it up as soon as he went back.

"What the **** are you hiding from us?" Tony Stark asked, looking at Arthur, and Steve Rogers and Bucky and T'Challa were also looking at Arthur.

"Don't ask, I should go back too. As for where you are going to go, you can decide for yourself how to get along." Arthur stood up and said.

"You're going back to your world?" Steve Rogers asked after hearing Arthur's words.

"Yes, it's time to go back. If you don't go back, you'll probably talk about me again." Arthur replied.

Steve Rogers understood what Arthur meant. There is also Steve Rogers in Arthur's world. It is estimated that Steve Rogers is always in charge of Arthur.

"Wait, didn't I say treat you to dinner before letting you go?" Tony Stark said.

"We still have a chance to meet again. If nothing happens, I'm still willing to come here to play." Arthur replied.

Arthur glanced at a few people and took Wanda's hand. Arthur drew a circle in the air with both hands, and a blue circular portal appeared in front of Arthur.

"Everyone, there will be an appointment later!" Arthur looked at everyone and said.

"Goodbye, nice to meet you," Steve Rogers replied.

"Goodbye! ×4" Tony Stark, Bucky, and T'Challa said in unison.

"Goodbye!" Wanda also said goodbye to everyone. After Arthur pulled Wanda into the portal, the portal disappeared.

"They just left? Where are you going next?" Tony Stark asked, looking at Steve Rogers.

"Where are Sam, Barton, Scott and Wanda?" Steve Rogers asked Tony Stark in the eye.

"They...they were put in a prison at sea by Ross." Tony Stark was a little hard to explain, and he just knew about it.

"Where's Natasha, where has she been?" Steve Rogers asked again.

"Because King T'Challa told Ross about her helping you, Ross has sent someone to arrest her, but she should have left smoothly..." Tony Stark replied.

"Tony, do you really want to go on like this? Always be restricted by others?" Steve Rogers asked Tony Stark seriously.

"...The Avengers have been disbanded, and I have to go back to my company. I really don't want to care about these things in the future. I should live my own life." Tony Stark said, he was really tired. , this time he was exhausted, and Pepper broke up with him because he had been an Avenger, he was tired of this kind of life.

"Okay, we're going, I still have things to deal with, Zemo Helmut will give you to bring it to Russell King T'Challa, we have a chance to see you again!" Steve Rogers looked at Star With a glance, he took Bucky on the plane and left. He was going to rescue Sam and the others.

"Then let's go together." Tony Stark said looking at T'Challa.

T'Challa nodded, picked up Zemo Helmut on the ground and boarded his Wakanda with Tony Stark.


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