I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 146: the fight continues

Wanda nodded, got up and followed Arthur up the stairs, and they came to Sam and Bucky's side.

"Need help?" Arthur asked.

"Arthur and Wanda? Why are you here?" Sam asked.

"You know them?" Bucky asked too.

A red light flashed in Arthur's hand, and the spider silk on Sam and Bucky disappeared.

"Thanks, they're guests from somewhere else and they've met at the Avengers base before. This is Arthur, this is Wanda." Sam introduced the two to Bucky.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Bucky." Bucky said to the two.

"I've known you for a long time, do you need me to help you delete the Hydra thing in your mind?" Arthur looked at Bucky and asked.

"Can you clear the order for him? Great! Excuse me!" Sam looked at Arthur and said happily. He turned to Bucky and nodded to him, making him believe Arthur.

"Come on!" Bucky agreed, and he was not afraid that Arthur would be bad for him.

Arthur put his hand on Bucky's forehead, and the yellow energy overflowed from his hand and wrapped around Bucky's head.

"Ah!!!" Bucky screamed suddenly, and his head exploded with pain.

After only ten seconds, Arthur withdrew the yellow energy.

"Okay, it's been completely cleared," Arthur said to Bucky.

Bucky fell to his knees, panting heavily. The headache just now made him a tough guy a little bit unbearable.

"Thank you..." Bucky said weakly.

Arthur nodded and continued downstairs with Wanda.

As soon as Arthur and Wanda came to the first floor, they saw that Steve Rogers, T'Challa and Rhodes were fighting fiercely.

Steve Rogers was one to two, and Ant-Man Scott Lang suddenly ran over and gave Steve a small tanker to throw at the two of them.

Steve Rogers was a little unclear so he threw it out, Scott Lang threw a blue dart that just hit the car.

The mini tanker instantly became bigger and turned into a real tanker truck and fell in front of Rod and Tchaka.

"Oh Maiga, my God!" Before Rhode could finish speaking, the tanker smashed in front of him, and the gasoline in the tanker exploded instantly.

T'Challa fell to the side, Rhode was blown to the ground, and even Natasha on the side was affected.

"My God, I thought the car was filled with water, I'm so sorry!" Scott Lang and Steve Rogers turned their heads and ran away. They were going to leave here in a Quinjet in the warehouse.

"Now I'm really angry!" Rhode got up and said.

Tony Stark fell from the sky, landed next to Natasha and pulled her from the ground.

"This is your plan?" Natasha asked Tony Stark.

"I wanted to be polite to them, but now it seems that I have to increase the firepower." Tony Stark said.

Hawkeye Patton and Wanda ran to Steve Rogers and Scott, and Bucky and Sam also came here, and the six of them ran together in the direction where the fighter jets were parked.

At this moment, a golden energy descended from the sky and drew a line in front of them. It was a vision flying in the air. Vision meant to stop them.

"Captain Rogers, I know you believe you are right, but for the sake of the bigger picture, you must surrender now!" Vision said.

Iron Man Tony Stark and Black Widow Natasha came across from them, Black Panther T'Challa and War Machine Rhodes fell from the sky, and Spider-Man Peter Parker also came here.

Six people on both sides were confronting, and Arthur and Wanda also came to the side to prepare for the play.

"Let me ask in advance, which side are you two here to help?" Tony turned to look at Arthur and Wanda and asked, both of them turned to look at them both.

"Go on, leave us alone, we're here to watch the show." Arthur replied with his arms crossed and he didn't care.

"Wow! Why does she look exactly the same as Wanda? Are you twins?" Peter Parker exclaimed as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

T'Challa, Scott Lang, and the unknown Bucky also discovered that there were two Wandas. Although they were puzzled, they refrained from asking questions on this occasion.

"What? Captain?" Sam asked.

"Leave them alone, fight them!" Steve Rogers said, then took the lead towards Tony Stark and the others.

"There's a good show to watch now." Natasha said, Tony and the other six also walked to Steve Rogers and the other six.

"This kind of scene is really rare!" Arthur sighed as he crossed his arms and watched as both sides in the field ran up and rushed towards each other.

The twelve scuffled together in an instant, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers fought together, Scott Lang and Natasha fought, Rhodes and Sam fought in the air, Wanda stopped Vision, and the happiest It was T'Challa, he finally met Bucky, the "father's enemy"!

The scene was very hot, and several people also cooperated tacitly. Wanda was the most dazzling among them, and directly pressed Vision to fight, and then instantly defeated Natasha and T'Challa.

"It turns out that you fight like this, it's very handsome!" Arthur said, looking at Wanda who was on the field.

"Do you want to try it too?" Wanda beside him slapped Arthur on the arm and asked.

"I don't want to..." Arthur replied, even if you hit me, I wouldn't dare to fight back, Arthur complained in his heart.

Steve Rogers' shield flew out and cut off Peter Parker's spider silk for him to fall.

"Your shield doesn't conform to the laws of physics!" Peter Parker complained as he looked at the shield that flew back to Steve Rogers' hand.

"Boy, there's a lot of stuff here that you don't understand, don't get involved," Steve Rogers said to Peter Parker.

"Mr. Stark said you'd say that!" Peter Parker shot out spider silk and pulled Steve Rogers' shield and left foot toward him.

Then he shot two strands of spider silk and pulled it hard, and he quickly flew towards Steve Rogers, kicking Steve Rogers into a truck with one kick.

"He also asked me to attack your leg! Said it was your flaw," Peter Parker said.

Steve Rogers looked at the shield that fell on the ground in front of him, got up and was about to run over to pick it up, when his hands were stuck by Peter Parker's spider silk.

Peter Parker pulled the spider silk hard to prevent Steve Rogers from moving forward. Steve Rogers suddenly turned around with a 360-degree spin and flung Peter Parker who was pulling the spider silk away.

Peter stood up and shot Steve with spider silk. He grabbed the spider silk. Steve pulled Peter Parker over with a shield and knocked Peter Parker to the ground. Peter Parker got up and jumped into a container.

"What else did Stark tell you?" Steve Rogers asked, looking up at Peter Parker.

"He said you were wrong, you thought you were right, and it made you dangerous!" Peter Parker pulled the spider silk towards Steve Rogers and kicked it.

Steve Rogers jumped up and kicked Peter Parker out of the air.

"He's right!" Steve Rogers threw a shield, the pillar of the boarding passage was interrupted, and the entire boarding passage was pressed down and held above his head by Peter Parker.

"You're quite brave, where did you come from?" Steve Rogers asked Peter Parker.

"Queens..." Peter Parker said, using all his strength to lift the boarding pass.

"I'm from Bricklin, not far from you!" Steve Rogers said and ran away.

Peter Parker was crushed to the ground by the several-ton boarding passage. Suddenly, he felt a light on the top of his head, and the boarding passage was lifted by the red light and thrown aside.

"For a child, he really did it." It turned out that Arthur was coming, and he moved the boarding passage above Peter Parker's head.

"What child, aren't you the same age as Peter Parker?" Wanda beside her revealed Arthur's age. She didn't know what was wrong today, and she was always complaining about Arthur when she was in a bad mood.

"Thank you!" Peter Parker said to Arthur and Wanda.

"It's trivial, no thanks." Arthur replied.


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