I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 145: Avengers vs. Avengers

"Look, the show has begun!" On the second floor of the airport, Arthur and Wanda sat in chairs and watched what happened in the parking lot downstairs.

"That's Peter Parker? He's here too?" Wanda said, looking at Spider-Man falling from the sky.

"Sorry sir, there is something happening at the airport and you need to leave immediately!" An Avengers guard in police clothes and a gun came to the two and said to them.

"Go and get me something to eat." Arthur ordered, the guard turned his head and left immediately, and went to KFC on the second floor to get something to eat for Arthur. Arthur just glanced at him and controlled him .

"Peter Parker hasn't joined the Avengers yet, this is the first time he's seen these Avengers," Arthur said to Wanda.

"Really? This world is very different from ours," Wanda replied.

I only saw that Steve Rogers raised his hands in the parking lot, and the arrows shot from a distance to cut off the spider silk on Steve's hands.

Spider-Man Peter Parker was kicked down by the sudden appearance of Ant-Man Scott Lang, and Captain America's shield was also snatched by him.

"I didn't expect Scott to come too!" Wanda said in surprise when he saw Scott appearing downstairs.

"Yeah, it's getting more and more interesting." Arthur looked at the Avengers downstairs as if he was recalling the plot of Captain America 3, and it was a very cool feeling to broadcast it live...

"There are two on the tarmac, one of them is Wanda, I'm going to catch her! No, there are two on the second floor of the terminal, which is... Arthur and Wanda?" Tony Stark's computer scanned Arthur and Wanda s position.

"Why are they here?" Rhodes on the side asked.

"I don't know, I hope they're not here to make trouble, leave them alone, I'll go catch Wanda, you deal with Steve." Tony Stark flew away after finishing speaking.

"There are two more in the waiting room. Sam and Bucky are there!" Rhode flew into the air and found Bucky and Sam.

"Bucky is mine!" T'Challa heard Rhode's words, turned around and ran to the terminal.

Steve Rogers threw his shield and hit Rhodes in the air, staggering him, and then rushed to the black panther T'Challa who was about to leave to stop him, and the two were knocked down together.

Spider-Man Peter Parker flew up with spider silk and headed towards the terminal.

And Scott Lang stopped Natasha. Facing the beauty of the Avengers, he didn't start immediately. Natasha kicked Scott's crotch and grabbed his hand to subdue him.

Scott shrank suddenly, escaping Natasha's grasp, and instead grabbed her by the hand and threw her to the ground. Natasha couldn't see the shrunken Scott, so she used the electric shock device in her hand to knock Ant-Man Scott out.

Spider-Man Peter Parker rushed into the waiting room and kicked Sam away. Seeing this, Bucky punched Peter Parker, but he grabbed Bucky's metal right arm with his hand.

"You actually have metal arms, so handsome!" Peter Parker said, grabbing Bucky's hand.

Bucky was stunned. His metal arm could blow the car away with one punch, but he was grabbed by the man who sounded like a child and couldn't move his right hand. How strong was this man?

Sam flew from the air, grabbed Peter Parker, and flew forward with him.

"Listen! You have the right to remain silent, please stop immediately." Peter Parker struggled in Sam's arms, broke free from Sam's arms, and shot spider silk to the side.

Arthur and Wanda sat in the lower chairs watching Sam and Peter Parker fly overhead.

"Peter Parker is still so skinny," Wanda said and took a bite of the ice cream sundae.

"Yeah, I guess Sam and Bucky would have to tickle his hated teeth." Arthur sat on a chair with a plate on his lap with a Coke Burger, fried chicken and fries, and he ate while watching it. play.

Bucky also ran quickly behind the two of them, turned his head and glanced at them and ignored them. He didn't know the two of them.

Tony Stark blasted Wanda and Hawkeye Patton running towards the ground with missiles in the air.

"Wanda, I think you broke Vision's heart," Tony Stark said.

"You locked me in the room..." Wanda was interrupted by Stark before he could finish.

"Well, first of all this is an exaggeration, and secondly, I'm protecting you! Hi, Clint." Tony Stark said, and then greeted Barton.

"Hi, man!" Patton replied.

"Looks like retirement isn't for you. Tired of golf?" Tony Stark asked Patton.

"Every time I play, I'm a hole-in-one, and it's hard to miss!" Barton suddenly raised his arrow and shot at Stark.

Stark accurately blasted Patton's two arrows with his hand cannon.

"Isn't that wrong?" Tony Stark asked sarcastically.

"Who said that?" Barton replied, and then a car fell from the top of the building, just rubbing Tony Stark's body and falling, and then the cars smashed at Tony Stark one by one.

It was Wanda who used his ability to pull the car out of the parking lot and smashed it at Tony. Tony kept dodging in the air, but he was finally pressed to the ground by three cars.

"Multiple contusions detected..." Friday's voice came from inside Tony's helmet.

"Yes, I detected it too, tearing... it hurts..." Tony Stark crawled on the ground and said...

Arthur hands Wanda a fried chicken wing and eats a beef burger himself, while the two watch Peter Parker fight Sam Bucky in the waiting room.

Peter Parker stuck the air outlet of Sam's wings with spider silk, and Sam instantly fell from the air. Just as he stood up, Peter Parker stuck his hands on the elevator handrail with spider silk.

"The carbon fiber of your wings?" Peter Parker jumped up on a post and looked at Sam, intrigued by Sam's wings.

"You shot this thing?" Sam asked rhetorically, looking at the spider silk in his hands.

"No wonder the performance is so good, I really have to say, it's amazing!" Peter Parker was very excited. He was so excited to be able to play against the Avengers and see their magical equipment.

"I don't know if you've been in combat before, but you shouldn't talk so much nonsense at a time like this!" Sam said.

"Okay, sorry, it's my fault." After Peter Parker finished speaking, he pulled a spider silk and kicked Bucky who had just run up to Sam, kicking the two of them down the second floor together.

And again using spider silk to stick to their hands.

"You two, I also really want to continue fighting with you, but I still have a task today, and I have to impress Mr. Stark. So, sorry..." Peter Parker just shot the spider silk He was dragged away by a small plane that happened to fly.

It was Sam's little plane, and he couldn't stand Peter Parker's constant talk.

"Can't you do this earlier?" Bucky was already annoyed by Peter Parker's words. If he couldn't catch him, he really wanted to stick his mouth on his own hands.

Arthur smiled at Peter Parker, who was thrown out the window. He stood up and stretched. He had finished all the food on the plate.

"I'm full... let's go out and have a look together." Arthur put down the plate and said to Wanda.


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