I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 144: go to the theatre

Bucky was taken to an abandoned factory by Steve Rogers and Sam, where a hydraulic press clamped his metal arm to immobilize him.

"Ah... Steve." Bucky woke up feeling the pain in his body, and saw Steve Rogers and Sam in front of him.

"Which Bucky are you?" Steve Rogers asked, looking at Bucky.

"Your mother's name is Sarah, and you used to put newspapers in your shoes." Bucky said of Steve Rogers' unknown past.

"That's not what the museum says," Steve Rogers said.

"Then it won't be a problem?" Sam asked aside, worried about Bucky.

"What did I do?" Bucky asked, understanding what Sam meant.

"A lot of things," Steve Rogers replied.

"God, I knew it would be like this, what Hydra has instilled in my head is still there, he just needs to say those **** words to inspire!" Bucky said.

"Who is he?" Steve Rogers asked immediately.

"I don't know," Bucky replied.

"A lot of people were killed in the explosion that framed you, and that doctor went to great lengths to spend 10 minutes with you? Don't just say I don't know!" Steve Rogers said.

"He wanted to know about Siberia, where I was being held, he wanted to know the exact location," Bucky said after trying to recall.

"Why does he want to know this?" Steve Rogers asked again.

"Because I'm not the only Winter Soldier! They're elite death squads, the most deadly unit in Hydra's history, and that was before they injected the serum!" Bucky said.

"Have they all become like you?" asked Sam on the side.

"Worse!" Bucky replied.

"Can that doctor control them?" Steve Rogers asked.

"It's totally possible, the doctor said that he wants to see the fall of an empire. With the help of those people, he can do it. They can speak 30 languages ​​and are good at hiding, infiltrating, assassinating, destabilizing the government, and they can do it overnight. Destroy a country!" Bucky told the terrible truth.

"If it would have been easier a week ago," Sam said, looking at Steve Rogers.

"If we tell Stark..." Steve Rogers said.

"He won't believe it! Even if he does, who knows if the agreement will allow him to help." Sam interrupted Steve Rogers.

"On our own!" Steve Rogers said.

"Not necessarily, I know someone," Sam said.

"If only I knew where Arthur is, his abilities can definitely help." Steve sighed...


Arthur and Wanda strolled around the streets of New York holding hands, and he rarely went shopping with Wanda.

"Aren't we going back yet?" Wanda asked Arthur.

"Anyway, it's all here. If you don't have a good time and leave, it's not worth it." Arthur replied.

"I don't understand what you mean, this place is exactly the same as our world, we can go back and stroll around." Wanda said strangely.

"I don't want to miss a fight tomorrow, we'll go to the theater then," Arthur said.

"Watching a play? What's there to see?" Wanda asked suspiciously.

"Captain America vs. Iron Man, Wanda vs. Vision, and the other Avengers, tomorrow they will fight together, do you think it's interesting?" Arthur asked Wanda back.

"This... I haven't seen it, and I think it's a bit interesting." Wanda nodded and said.

"Then let's go, it's time to travel, let's go to a luxury hotel for a night's rest." Arthur took Wanda and left.

Wanda blushed and followed Arthur after hearing Arthur's words...

the next day

Wanda was still in bed when she heard a knock on the door, she got up and put on her clothes and opened the door.

"Have you had a good rest last night?" Arthur asked Wanda from outside the door with a dinner plate.

"Not good!!" Wanda rolled Arthur and said loudly, then went to the bathroom to wash up.

"What's the matter? Feeling angry about getting up?" Arthur was confused by Wanda's reaction, wondering how she got angry? Is this hotel bed uncomfortable? No, at the latest, I can sleep comfortably.

Arthur didn't know that Wanda expected Arthur to sneak over to find her last night. The door was not locked. Who knew that Arthur just said good night and went to sleep in the next room.

"I've prepared breakfast for you. Come and eat some after you wash up. We'll go to the theater later." Arthur shouted into the bathroom.

"Got it!" Wanda's voice came from the bathroom.

After the two had breakfast, Arthur drove a sports car with Wanda to the underground parking lot of an airport in New York.

"Why did you bring me to the airport? Where are we going to use the portal directly, and do we still use it as a plane?" Wanda asked in confusion.

"This is our destination." After Arthur finished speaking, he took the lead and walked towards the stairs, and Wanda followed. The sports car they were riding in turned red and disappeared into the air after they left.

"Everyone's attention, everyone's attention! The airport has an unforeseen incident, and now it's all closed, everyone, please leave the airport immediately! Everyone, please leave the airport immediately!" At this moment, the radio broadcast an alarm for everyone to leave .

"It seems that we came at the right time, let's go." Arthur said, and walked upstairs with Wanda.

At this moment, on the parking lot of the airport, Steve Rogers ran to a helicopter, which was the plane they were about to take off, and suddenly the helicopter was destroyed with a bang.

Steve Rogers looked to the sky, Iron Man Tony Stark was flying in the air, and the war machine Colonel Rhodes.

The two landed in front of Steve Rogers from the sky.

"Isn't it weird that I didn't expect to meet an acquaintance at the airport?" Tony Stark asked.

"It's really weird!" Rod and Tony sang a joke.

"Listen to me, Tony, that psychiatrist, he's the mastermind behind the scenes..." Before Steve Rogers could finish speaking, he saw a shadow jump from a height and land in front of him, wearing a black panther T'Challa in battle armor.

"Ross gave me 36 hours to take you back, and it's been 24 hours, can you guys help me cooperate?" Tony Stark said.

"You got the wrong guy!" Steve Rogers said.

"You have a problem with your judgment, your old comrades killed a lot of innocent people yesterday." Tony Stark said.

"There are five Winter Soldiers like him, I can't let the doctors find them first, Tony," Steve Rogers said.

"Steve, do you know what's going to happen next, do you want to make a **** path this time?" Natasha also walked out and said to Steve Rogers.

"Okay, I'm running out of patience, underwear baby!" Tony Stark yelled.

Suddenly a stream of spider silk shot from the sky and stuck Steve Rogers' shield away, trapping his hands.

A man in a red suit jumped on the roof with Steve Rogers' shield, and he was Spider-Man Peter Parker!


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