Arthur passed three days of energy absorption at the bottom of the sea, and finally there was a weak energy in his body that he could use. This energy was enough for him.

Arthur, who was lying on the boulder mountain, suddenly opened his eyes. He was going to leave this ghost place. The temperature here was too high, and Arthur felt that he was about to be cooked if he stayed any longer.

Arthur rushed to the surface of the water quickly and flew out of the water. He was finally able to fly freely. He found an uninhabited island and landed on the beach.

Arthur took two coconuts from a coconut tree, broke them apart and drank it to add some sugar. He hadn't eaten for three days and felt a little craving for something to eat.

Arthur stood in the woods, closed his eyes and chanted a spell, an ancient blue symbol appeared above Arthur's head, and a magic circle appeared at his feet.

The energy in his body can finally communicate with the dimensional magic circle and use the multiverse summoning ritual.

In an instant, a huge energy continuously rushed into Arthur's body, and he absorbed the energy of the water dimension to replenish his body.

At this moment, Stephen Strange, who was far away in the New York Temple, woke up from his meditation. He raised his head and looked at the sky outside the glass above his head.

He felt a huge magical energy converging towards the south, what happened? Did someone summon Dormammu again? He's going to see...

Wanda, who had been searching for a day at the bottom of the sea, also felt this magical fluctuation.

"I found it!" Wanda felt the familiar water element magic and rushed out of the sea happily, and flew quickly in that direction...

Arthur stopped the ritual after filling his body with energy. He opened his eyes. The blue light in his eyes slowly dimmed and returned to normal.

He suddenly felt something, looked up and looked into the distance, he saw a red one that was constantly magnifying, someone was coming, and he was very familiar with this person.

All he saw was a red figure that flew in front of him and threw himself into his arms. The huge impact knocked Arthur down on the beach.

"Wanda? Why are you here?" Arthur looked at Wanda in his arms and was a little confused. Wasn't she with Vision at the Avengers base? Why did he suddenly appear here, but Arthur who looked at Wanda understood something.

"Is that you? Wanda? You came to this universe too?" Arthur said, hugging Wanda tightly.

"I was very worried about you after you disappeared. It was Stephen Strange who helped me come here to find you. I was afraid of losing you..." Wanda said and started to cry.

"It's alright, I'm alright..." Arthur hugged her tightly and touched her blond hair, comforting her.

"That, sorry to bother you." A portal appeared next to them, and Stephen Strange walked out of the portal, looking at Arthur and Wanda, who were lying on the ground and hugged together.

"Stephen? Are you here too?" Arthur asked in surprise when he saw Stephen Strange.

"Sorry, you are mistaken, I am indeed Dr. Stephen Strange, but I don't know you!" Stephen Strange replied.

"Why are you here Stephen?" Wanda greeted Stephen Strange.

"He's the friend you're looking for?" Stephen Strange asked, looking at Wanda.

Wanda nodded, and she left Arthur's arms, a little embarrassed, and wiped her tears.

"Did you use the magic energy ritual just now?" Stephen Strange looked at Arthur from top to bottom.

"It's me!" Arthur replied.

"Did you draw the energy of the dark dimension? This is a very dangerous behavior." Stephen Strange looked at Arthur and warned.

"No, the energy of the dark dimension doesn't help me except for longevity. I draw the energy of the water dimension." Arthur shook his head and said.

"The dimension of water? How did you find the dimension of water?" Stephen Strange suddenly became interested.

"After I learned the method of traversing the multiverse with Master Gu Yi, I went to each universe to have a look. As a result, I discovered the dimension of water. I left a dimensional energy gathering array in the dimension of water. Absorb the energy in the water dimension without limit." Arthur replied.

"You are such a magical genius! Such a method can also be thought of." Stephen Strange exclaimed.

"I don't dare to call myself a magic genius in front of you. Get to know me. My name is Jon Arthur." Arthur stretched out his hand.

"I'm Dr. Stephen Strange." Stephen Strange and Arthur shook hands.

"When are you going to go back to your universe?" Stephen Strange asked.

"I still want to play here for a few days, I finally found such a fun place." Arthur replied.

"I advise you, in the multiverse, it is best not to break the timeline of the development of the universe, and not to intervene in the struggle of others, otherwise unexpected things will happen." Stephen Strange looked at Arthur and said seriously.

"Mage Gu Yi has already warned me, I'll just walk around, I won't mess around!" Arthur replied.

"I hope so, then I won't disturb your reunion, goodbye!" Stephen Strange walked through the portal and returned to the New York Temple to continue his meditation.

Only Arthur and Wanda were left staring at each other.

"I'm hungry!" Wanda has never eaten or rested since he came to this universe.

"I'm hungry too. How about we go to New York for braai? Tony Stark's favorite one," Arthur suggested.

"Okay!" Wanda answered happily.

Arthur took Wanda's hand, opened a portal, and was about to walk in.

"Wait!" Wanda took out a baseball cap and a mask and put it on.

"Yes, you are a superstar in this universe now, do you want us to hold a concert?" Arthur said jokingly, and Wanda slapped Arthur on the shoulder with a blushing face.

"Let's go." Wanda hit Arthur on the shoulder, took Arthur's hand, and the two passed through the portal to the sky above a beach in New York, USA.

Arthur took Wanda and flew into New York City. The two came to the side of the road without one person. Suddenly, countless red particles in Arthur's body flew out like sand and condensed into a red gem.

A yellow gem flew out from Arthur's forehead, and the two gems fell into Arthur's palm together. Arthur raised his right hand, and a golden glove covered with tiny cracks appeared on his right hand.

Arthur put the two gems back into the two grooves. He raised his fist and shot a red energy to the ground. A red Ferrari sports car appeared out of thin air, just like a scene in the game.

"Get in the car!" Arthur opened the car door for Wanda, Wanda sat up, Arthur also sat in the driver's seat, Arthur started the sports car and drove Wanda to the Brazilian barbecue restaurant in New York City...

"Vienna UN bombing suspect James Bucky escaped custody today, along with Avengers Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson..."

Both Arthur and Wanda, who were eating a braai set meal, heard the news on TV.

"Many things are different in this world and our universe, and you don't even exist here." Wanda said to Arthur while eating.

"It's normal, more bizarre things will happen in other multiverses." Arthur paid no attention to the food on the plate.

"Steve Rogers and Sam seem to be in trouble," Wanda said.

"Uh, how can I say it, the Avengers in this world are about to disband." Arthur replied.

"Disband? Why?" Wanda asked strangely.

"The team is doomed to fall apart because the United Nations has come up with an agreement to oversee all the Avengers on Earth, and Steve Rogers and a few others disagree." Arthur replied.

"Will something like this happen in our world?" Wanda asked worriedly. Although this world is a little different from theirs, the general development is still the same.

"Maybe it will. At that time, we will not care about the United Nations and move the headquarters directly to Wakanda. I don't care about the little things other than the destruction of the world. I will let them toss them by themselves." Arthur said.

Wanda nodded, as long as it was Arthur's decision, she would support it!

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