I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 142: attack

"This gem is in Arthur's hands in your world, isn't it?" Vision asked Wanda.

"How did you know?" Wanda looked at Vision strangely, Arthur wouldn't tell anyone such a secret thing.

"I felt the same energy inside him when I shook his hand," Vision replied, pointing to the gem above his head.

"You... Are you and Arthur really together?" Wanda, who was silent on the side, finally couldn't help but ask. When Arthur said that he had an unusual relationship with Wanda, Wanda in this world was a little bit different. Believe it, but now the evidence is in front of you.

"Yes, Arthur is my boyfriend, how about you? Why are you with him?" Wanda admitted generously, and asked another Wanda.

When everyone heard that their conversation became so explosive, they immediately lifted their spirits and listened to their gossip.

"Vision and I have been through a lot. He cares about me and cares about me. I also like him, so I'm with him. What about you, why are you with Arthur?" Wanda in this world looked at Magic Said with the eyes of the sight, and then asked Wanda.

"Arthur saved me and Pietro from Sokovia and gave us a warm home. He was the best person in the world for me, so I fell in love with him and I took the initiative to confess to him." Wanda replied with a blushing face.

"Oh!!!" Everyone let out a strange cry, and it was unexpected that Wanda from another world could express his feelings so frankly, but it was right to think about it, both Wanda dared to love and hate.

"Okay, I'm going to find Arthur's whereabouts. I'm sorry to disturb you. I'll go first. I hope you can keep it a secret for me!" Wanda said to everyone.

"Don't worry, we will help you keep it a secret. Don't leave in a hurry after finding Arthur. I'll treat you to a meal when it's over." Tony Stark said to Wanda, and his previous impression of Arthur was not bad.

"Okay, thank you, goodbye." Wanda summoned a portal, walked in and disappeared.

"The world is amazing, but this Wanda Club has so many abilities. It seems that Arthur taught him, but why is there no Arthur in our world?" Sam sighed.

"Who knows? But our vision is not inferior to Asher!" Rhodes replied.

Of course, Rhodes has never seen Arthur take action, otherwise he would not have said so, the Avengers have gone back to rest, and today's events are all recorded in the hearts of the Avengers.

Wanda flew to the Devil's Delta in Bermuda. She knew that Arthur would definitely go to the seabed to recover his energy, and the most likely place he would go is the kingdom of Atlantis on the seabed.

Although Wanda didn't know the exact location of Atlantis, she heard from Arthur that Atlantis existed in the deep sea in the Bermuda Delta.

Wanda plunged into the deep sea, surrounded by a magic bubble, isolated from the sea, so that she could move freely under the sea, these magics are some practical little things planted in the Chaos Codex. magic.

Wanda swims to the deep sea, looking for Arthur's whereabouts...


Vienna United Nations Building

Natasha represented the Avengers at the hearing, which was organized by King T'Chaka of Wakanda.

Before the meeting, Natasha met T'Challa, the son of King Wakanda, who also followed his father to participate in this meeting.

"Neither of us seem to be used to being the center of attention," T'Challa said to Natasha.

"It's not a good thing after all," Natasha replied.

"You've done well so far, and thinking about your last experience in Congress, I thought you'd be uncomfortable in this environment," T'Challa said.

"I'm really a little uncomfortable." Natasha nodded and said.

"That alone makes me glad you are here, Miss Romanov," T'Challa said.

"Why? Don't you support this agreement?" Natasha asked.

"I support the agreement, but the political side disagrees. The efficiency of two people can be better than the 100 people present." T'Challa replied.

"It's not enough if you need to move the piano." The old king Tchaka came to the two and said.

"King Tchaka, please allow me to apologize for what happened in Nigeria." Natasha said sincerely to King Tchaka.

"Thank you! Thank you for your support and I'm sorry Captain Steve Rogers will be absent from the signing of the agreement today," King Tchaka said.

"Yes, I'm sorry too," Natasha said.

"Please take your seats, the meeting officially begins..." Just then the broadcast sounded, and the meeting was about to officially start.

Everyone went back to their seats, and King T'Chaka walked to the podium and started to speak.

Just after King T'Challa started his speech, T'Challa, who was standing on the side, suddenly found that there was a situation downstairs, everyone was running away, and there was definitely a time bomb in that car.

"Climb down everyone!" T'Challa ran to his father T'Challa and shouted loudly.

boom! ! ! !

At this moment, the car downstairs had a huge explosion, which directly shattered all the glass of the building, and King Tchaka, who was standing on the podium, was instantly drowned by the explosion.

T'Challa was also blasted out by the blast, and the entire venue was in chaos.

T'Challa climbed to his father's side and found that his father had lost his breath. He was crying bitterly while holding the old king's body.

Everyone in the conference room was evacuated to the safe passage. Only Natasha was still looking at T'Challa and the old king. She didn't expect such a thing to happen...

The ambulance quickly arrived at the scene. More than 70 people were injured and 12 died. The local police immediately entered the investigation and immediately identified the suspect as the Winter Soldier James Buchananbaki!

The fire truck was putting out the fire in the building, the police were searching for the suspect, and T'Challa and Natasha came to the zero-hour headquarters built downstairs.

"I'm sorry..." Natasha said, looking at T'Challa who was sitting in a chair in a daze.

"In our country, death is not the end...it's more like the beginning of a journey to unfamiliar territory, where you stretch out your hands Bastet and Segmet will take you to the eternal prairie, where you can run forever." T'Challa said calmly.

"Sounds peaceful..." Natasha said.

"My father thinks so, but I don't think so!" T'Challa said suddenly.

"T'Challa, the task force will send someone to arrest Bucky!" Natasha said.

"Don't bother them, Miss Romanov, I will kill him myself!" T'Challa stood up and said firmly, then turned and left.

Natasha sat in her chair and sighed when she suddenly received a call from Steve Rogers.

Natasha persuaded Steve Rogers to let him not act rashly. She knew that Steve cared about Bucky very much, and she didn't want Steve Rogers to be involved in this matter.

But Steve Rogers insisted to catch Bucky himself, only he knew where Bucky was, and then hung up the phone, and Natasha felt a headache watching the hung up call.


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