I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 141: Wanda Vs Avengers

"How could I not know, isn't that meteorite the one named Arthur? What's wrong with you asking such a strange question." Sam asked back looking at Wanda.

"Yeah, of course I know it's Arthur. Do you know where Arthur is now?" Wanda concealed her embarrassment and almost revealed herself, but she got excited again when she heard Arthur's name and asked.

"You're not Wanda! Who are you?" Sam asked suddenly, pointing a gun at Wanda.

The woman in front of him couldn't possibly be Wanda! They had a meeting to discuss Arthur's departure, but this person didn't know, she must be fake!

"I'm Wanda, you are too sensitive." Wanda waved his hand and wanted to argue.

"Don't talk nonsense, really Wanda won't know about Arthur, who are you?" Sam pointed a gun at Wanda and questioned her.

"Someone invaded!" Sam said into the earphones.

Wanda sees that something is wrong, and if it doesn't work, it will be troublesome to drag it on.

"Sorry!" After Wanda finished speaking, she suddenly restrained Sam with energy for a moment, and she placed her hand on top of Sam's head to check his memory.

"Ah!!!" Sam was bound by the red chaotic energy and couldn't resist. An energy invaded his brain, and he immediately recalled Arthur's story in his mind.

Wanda learned about Arthur's whereabouts from Sam's memory, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Arthur was not locked up, and he used magic to summon the portal to escape. As expected of Arthur, even if he was injured People can catch him.

At this moment, an energy cannon blasted towards Wanda, and she let go of Sam and blocked the energy cannon attack with a magic shield.

"Wanda? What's going on?" A red figure fell from the sky, it turned out to be Iron Man Tony Stark.

"She's not Wanda! Catch her!" Sam, who was lying on the ground, felt dizzy, but he still said to Stark.

"Who are you? You'd better raise your hand and surrender immediately, don't let me be rough!" Tony Stark's voice came from the steel armor, he raised his hand cannon at Wanda, and he would launch if the situation was wrong. attack.

"I'm sorry Sam, I just want to know where Arthur is. Now I have something to leave first. You'd better not block me." After Wanda finished speaking, the red energy wrapped his body and flew out instantly.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!" Tony Stark rushed towards Wanda, blasting the energy cannon at Wanda.

Wanda spread his right hand in the air, and a red magic shield formed to block Stark's attack.

Tony Stark was fighting with Wanda in the air. Of course, it was just Tony who was attacking. Wanda had been defending without fighting back. Wanda didn't want to hurt Tony and make things bigger.

"Who are you?" Tony Stark found that the woman in front of him was exactly the same as Wanda, and the dark red energy was no different from Wanda, but her defense method was more gorgeous than Wanda, that mysterious energy Shield is definitely not Wanda.

"I'm sorry!" After Wanda finished speaking, the red energy squeezed Tony's steel armor and fixed him in the air. Wanda pulled a dark red magic chain in her hands, and she threw the chain towards Tony.

The dark red magic chain wrapped Tony into a dumpling, and Tony was gently put back on the grass under the wrap of Wanda's red energy.

"It's endless!" Just as Wanda was about to leave, someone came again, and it was Colonel Rhodes who attacked Wanda in a steel armor.

Wanda had no choice but to hold up the magic shield defense, and suddenly a man in a cape flew in front of Wanda, and there was a Wanda behind him.

"Wanda? Who are you?" Vision asked, looking at Wanda in the air.

All the Avengers looked at Wanda behind Vision, and at Wanda in the air, they were all stunned, how could there be two people who look alike?

Wanda wanted to slip away while they were stunned, but was stopped by Vision. Vision punched Wanda, and Wanda blocked it with a backhand and gave Vision a kick.

At this moment, a mass of red energy blasted Wanda in the air, and it was Wanda who came with Vision and shot.

Wanda's magic shield blocked the attack of the red energy, she soared into the sky and prepared to forcibly leave, but Vision was no slower than her and rushed up, fighting with her.

"Who are you? Ultron?" Wanda asked, looking at the vision that was fighting with her. She was very familiar with this person. He used to almost kill her.

"No! I'm Vision!" Vision didn't expect this Wanda to say that he was Ultron and kept fighting with her.

This woman's fighting style is much better than Wanda's, she is also strong, and has some strange energy attacks, Vision thought to herself.

The gem on the top of Vision's head suddenly shot a golden energy towards Wanda. A red energy ball was formed in Wanda's hand, and a dark red energy shot out a vision's golden energy, which exploded together.

boom! ! !

Both Wanda and Vision were blown away and landed on the grass.

"Vision! Are you okay?" Another Wanda raised Vision worriedly.

Wanda was shocked to see that Wanda in this universe cared so much about this person called Vision, what is their relationship?

Tony Stark broke free of Wanda's magical chains, came to Wanda and looked at her and said, "I know who you are? You said you came to find Arthur's whereabouts, and called the vision Ultron, which shows that You are Wanda from Arthur's universe."

Tony Stark revealed Wanda's identity in one go. Arthur once said that there was no vision in their world. The body of Zhenjin was obtained by Ultron, and the energy used by Wanda in front of him was just like Wanda's. Similarly, the most important thing is that this Wanda did not fight back when fighting with them, but was just passively defending, obviously not wanting to hurt them.

"What! Is she Wanda in Arthur's universe?" Everyone was stunned, and it was hard to believe that Arthur was from another universe.

But now when an identical Wanda appears in front of everyone, everyone can't help but believe it.

"Well, I admit that you guessed it right, I did come from another universe, and I came to find Arthur's whereabouts." Wanda couldn't hide it, and he admitted it.

"She...is me in another universe?" Wanda in this world didn't know what to say when he looked at Wanda who was exactly the same as himself. This feeling was amazing.

Vision also looked at this Wanda with complicated eyes, Arthur did not lie to them, this Wanda came to Arthur through the universe for Arthur regardless of his own safety, and even dared to break into the Avengers base by himself, indicating that Their relationship is very unusual.

"OK, OK, the current situation is that both Wandas are real, but she came from another world?" Sam asked in disbelief.

Tony Stark nodded, he and Rhodes looked at each other, and both saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

"Well, since we all know your situation, there is no need to fight anymore. Arthur has left, and we don't know where he went." Tony Stark said.

"I've seen it in Sam's memory," Wanda replied.

"You actually read my memory in an instant. You are so much better than our Wanda." Sam admired this heroic Wanda.

"Thank you for the compliment, I can often discuss with you, I am familiar with your moves, except for him!" Wanda said, pointing to Vision.

"Is that the Mind Stone? How could the Mind Stone of this world be on his head?" Wanda asked, looking at the familiar gem on Vision's head.

"This is the gem on Loki's scepter. Is its name called the Mind Gem? It's a beautiful name. It created me, and it merged with me." Vision replied by touching the gem on his forehead.


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