I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 140: ,continue searching

"Sorry, do you need help with anything?" Stephen Strange asked, looking at the strange woman in front of him.

"Uh... I'm sorry, I'm a little excited." Wanda said after taking off his mask and baseball cap.

"You're Wanda from the Avengers?" Stephen Strange recognized the headline figure in this recent newspaper.

"It can be said yes or no, I'm here to find Master Gu Yi." Wanda said.

"Mage Gu Yi...she died herself." Stephen Strange said in a low voice.

"Dormammu has been here too?" Wanda asked suddenly.

"How did you know?" Stephen Strange looked at Wanda strangely. He had reset all the time. It was impossible for outsiders to know about Dormammu.

"Actually, I'm not from this universe. I came here from other multiverses." Wanda can only tell the truth, she believes in Stephen Strange's personality.

"What? Are you from another multiverse? What's going on." Stephen Strange looked at Wanda in amazement and asked.

"The thing is, a...friend of mine came across a wormhole during the battle with Dormammu and came here, and with your help I opened the multiverse portal and came here to find that friend of mine. "Wanda briefly said things.

"You mean the universe I helped you come to from your world? That friend of yours can fight Dormammu?" Stephen Strange asked.

Wanda looked at Stephen Strange and nodded.

"What did you use to prove that what you said was true?" Stephen Strange still didn't believe Wanda's words.

Wanda took out the Xuan ring and put it on his hand, and his right hand swiped a portal in the air to appear in the two young people. On the other end of the portal was the familiar peak of Mount Everest, Stephen Strange.

"Wanda in this world can't do this," Wanda said.

"Cough, okay, I believe you." Stephen Strange was a little embarrassed to see Mount Everest again.

"What do you need me to do for you?" Stephen Strange asked.

"I want you to help me find that friend of mine," Wanda said.

"When did he enter the wormhole?" Stephen Strange asked.

"Eight days ago!" Wanda replied.

"Follow me!" Stephen Strange took Wanda through the portal of the New York Temple back to Karma Taj.

The two came to the library hall. Stephen Strange put his hands on the table in the center of the hall, turned the table, and the globe above his head lit up.

Stephen Strange continued to turn, and suddenly a black hole formed beside the globe, and Stephen Strange stopped.

"I found it! This should be California. At that time, a black hole appeared over a small town in California. Your friend is very likely to fall nearby..." Stephen Strange said to Wanda.

"It's great! Thank you so much, whether it's bringing me here or helping me find Arthur, thanks to you, thank you!" Wanda looked at Stephen Strange and thanked him, worthy of being the successor of the Supreme Mage, Stephen Strange has never let Wanda down.

"It's a pity that there is no venom in this world, otherwise I can help you heal your hands." Wanda said, looking at Stephen Strange's trembling hands.

"You healed my hand in your world?" Stephen Strange asked Wanda after hearing her words.

"Yes, but unfortunately I can't heal you now." Wanda said apologetically.

"It's okay, in fact, I know how to keep my hands from shaking. I just need to inject magical power into my body, but I didn't do that. The shaking hands can remind me of my responsibility at any time." Stephen Strange was not disappointed, he was very said calmly.

"Then I'm leaving, thank you for your help, goodbye!" After Wanda finished speaking, he opened a portal and left Kama Taj.

Stephen Strange looked at the back of Wanda leaving, the magic that an Avenger actually learned, and the things in the universe are really amazing. He also turned and walked towards the New York Temple. Today's homework has not been completed.


A small town in San Diego, California, Wanda came here because she asked locals where a meteor fell last week.

Wanda went to a bar in the town again, asking for news that the bar is the best place.

"What would you like to drink?" the fat bartender asked Wanda.

"Just one beer, can I ask you one thing?" Wanda asked the bartender and handed him five hundred dollars.

"No problem, you can ask anything, and I'll tell you everything I know!" The bartender happily accepted the five hundred dollars. He had never seen a guest who tipped so much. It was so generous.

"It is said that a meteor fell near here last week, you know," Wanda asked.

The bartender breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, thinking that she was going to ask some difficult questions, and everyone in the neighborhood knew about it.

"I know this best. It is indeed a meteor that fell on the Gobi not far away, but it is said to be a satellite. It was protected by the government less than two hours after it fell, and no one is allowed to approach. Some people say that it is The alien spaceship has fallen, and it is said that the Avengers are here!" The bartender whispered to Wanda.

"What? Are the Avengers here?" Wanda asked in surprise.

"Yes, a friend of mine was watching from not far away at the time. It was blocked by the government, and no one was allowed to pass. He saw the Avengers spaceship landing nearby." The bartender said.

"What about the falling meteorite? What happened next?" Wanda asked anxiously.

"Of course it was taken away by the Avengers. People in the government must obey the orders of the Avengers. If it is an alien spaceship, it must be taken back by the Avengers for research." The bartender replied.

Done! It's okay for Arthur to fall into the hands of others, but to fall into the hands of the Avengers and not be brought into the laboratory for dissection research.

Wanda couldn't sit still, stood up and walked outside without taking a sip of the beer on the table.

Wanda walked out of the town to a place where no one was there, and she opened a magic portal that led directly to the woods next to the Avengers' New York base.

Wanda went through the portal to the woods, she secretly walked towards the Avengers base, she now has to find a way to sneak into the Avengers base.

"Who's there!"

But just as Wanda stepped out of the woods, it was discovered by someone, it was Sam's voice.

"It's me!" Wanda took a deep breath, took off his mask and walked out of the woods.

"It turned out to be Wanda, why are you here? Are you still in a bad mood?" Sam asked Wanda with concern. Wanda has been in the lowest mood of all the Avengers recently. The last incident caused countless deaths. Very self-blame.

Wanda reacted immediately after hearing it, pretending to be in a heavy heart, and said, "Yes, I'm a little bored and go out for a walk alone."

"Let's open up, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself too much." Sam patted Wanda on the shoulder to comfort her.

"Thank you... By the way, do you know about the extraterrestrial meteorite in California?" Wanda finally asked the question he wanted to ask.


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