I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 139: looking for Arthur

Stephen Strange flew into the air above the Hong Kong Temple, and after entering the mirror space, he chanted a spell to open the Eye of Agamotto.

Stephen Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to bring the space back to the moment Arthur was bombed that day.

Stephen Strange came to the moment when the explosion created the wormhole. He saw Arthur, who was in a coma. His armor was shattered, and Arthur must have been seriously injured.

Stephen Strange felt the energy of the other dimension from the wormhole, and he made a magic mark in the other dimension to remove the time magic.

"I've found where Arthur went. He really didn't die, he just fell into a coma and was sucked into the wormhole." Stephen Strange said to Wanda who looked at him expectantly.

"Great! Then let's go quickly." Wanda said excitedly.

"I'm afraid this will have to be discussed in the long run. We don't know what's going on there, whether we can come back smoothly after going there, and I can't leave for too long. Now Karma Taj is only me and Wang to protect the temple." Lankey asked Wanda to calm down and not be too impulsive.

But how could Wanda calm down and finally know Arthur's whereabouts, she must go to rescue Arthur immediately!

"I can go alone. I have a body of chaotic energy, and I can survive even in space." Wanda said anxiously.

"This...it's too dangerous, and if you don't find Arthur, you'll never come back. Even if you want to go, you have to learn the portal method to travel through the multiverse first." Stephen Strange shook his head. He shook his head and refused.

"No, I can't wait so much, Arthur must be very dangerous now, I have to find him immediately!" Wanda said firmly.

"Okay, like this, I'll put a magic mark on you, and if you can't come back then, I'll find a way to save you!" Stephen Strange said.

Wanda nodded, Stephen Strange grabbed Wanda's wrist, planted a magic mark on his wrist, and Wanda had a hexagram tattoo on his wrist.

Stephen Strange raised his hand to draw the animation space, a portal appeared in front of Wanda, and the inside of the portal was pitch black.

"This is the exit of the wormhole, you really want to go in?" Stephen Strange asked again.

"Thank you! Don't worry, I will definitely find Arthur and bring him back with me, I'm leaving." After Wanda finished speaking, she put on the Zhenjin coat sent by Wakanda and walked into the portal.

The moment Wanda stepped into the portal, she seemed to have lost her center of gravity and stepped into a dark and bottomless hole, only to feel her body falling down continuously.

Wanda used chaos magic to wrap her body, just in case, she had been falling for more than ten minutes in a dark channel without any light, and finally her eyes lit up.

In a piece of space, a wormhole entrance suddenly appeared, and a red figure flew out of the wormhole. She was Wanda.

Wanda found that she was now floating in space, and she immediately increased the chaotic energy to wrap herself so that she would not be radiated by cosmic rays.

Wanda held her breath and looked around. She turned around and saw an incredible scene. The huge earth was behind him.

"This is? The sky outside the earth?" Wanda looked at the earth and the moon not far away, and heaved a sigh of relief. He could return to the earth at any time when he was near the earth. After all, it was not a strange place.

Wanda began to fly around to see if there was any trace of Arthur. Wanda looked around and didn't see Arthur. Did he fly directly to the earth?

Wanda's heart was tense, when Stephen Strange said that Arthur was in a coma at the time, and if he fell to the earth, Arthur would at least be injured.

After confirming that there was no trace of Arthur nearby, Wanda turned and flew towards the earth.

The red energy enveloped Wanda, and she flew straight towards the United States. Wanda passed through the atmosphere and landed on a rural farm in the United States.

This is the first time Wanda has traveled through the multiverse, not knowing what is the difference between this earth and the earth where he is.

When Wanda came to a small town, she found that the residents in the town seemed to know her, and she was very frightened, and many people were still pointing at her from a distance.

What's going on here? Wanda was at a loss. She walked towards a small bar. After Wanda entered the bar, the whole bar saw her as if they had seen something terrifying and didn't dare to come out.

Wanda was surprised, and looked down at her dress, no problem. Just when Wanda was about to ask someone, a news on the TV caught her attention.

"King of Wakanda says the Avengers are not bound by international law and if we don't respond to such actions, things will get worse! What legal right does a superpower like Wanda Maximoff have to act in Nigeria …”

The news broadcasted the UN's condemnation of the Avengers, and also brought out Wanda and criticized it.

Wanda read the news seriously, she finally knew why others knew her, and there was another self in this universe.

And more famous than herself, Wanda watched the destruction that Wanda in this world caused in Nigeria, resulting in the loss of countless lives, and the Sokovia incident that led to the destruction of the entire city of Sokovia. She is extremely grateful that she did not living in this universe.

If she caused so many poor people to die, and then the whole world blamed her, she couldn't imagine how she would feel.

"Bring me a bottle of whisky!" Wanda said to the bartender.

The bartender opened a bottle of whiskey and handed it to Wanda, "Are you Wanda from the Avengers?"

"Sorry, you've got the wrong person, I just look like her." Wanda paid the money, put the cap on her coat and covered her head, took the wine and left.

The people in the bar watched Wanda leave before they dared to be cautious.

"Is it her?"

"It's her, exactly like the one on TV!"

"Impossible, isn't it said that the Avengers are not all in New York?"

"Maybe it's a mistake..."

"Never mind, let's toast!"



Wanda bought a mask and a baseball cap in the town to cover her face, and now no one recognizes her.

So where are you going to find traces of Arthur? Wanda was in trouble. She thought of Kama Taj and went to Master Gu Yi! There's nothing she doesn't know.

Wanda came to Bricklin Street, New York. The New York Temple should be here. After walking for a long time, Wanda found the familiar magic temple.

She knocked on the door but no one responded, she had no choice but to push the door open and walked in.

"Is there anyone please?" Wanda shouted from the door to the temple.

"Who are you looking for?" Suddenly a familiar voice appeared beside Wanda, and she turned her head to see that it was Stephen Strange.

"Stephen!" Wanda called out Stephen Strange's name happily.

Stephen looked at the familiar woman in front of him strangely. Does she know him? And she also found it in the New York Temple. What is she going to do?


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