"Well, I'm here to tell you that the United Nations has proposed an agreement that all superpowers must be supervised by the United Nations." Natasha said business.

"Sokovia agreement?" Arthur asked.

"Why, this agreement has also been proposed in your universe?" Natasha wondered how Arthur knew about the Sokovia agreement.

"Not yet. Our universe is rather special. There is no accident in Sokovia, and the countries have not yet reached the point where they can't bear it." Arthur replied.

"There is nothing wrong with Sokovia? Then how did you know about the Sokovia agreement?" Natasha asked.

"I know a lot of things, you can take it as one of my abilities," Arthur replied.

"Well, what do you think of this agreement, it is estimated that you will also appear in this agreement." Natasha said.

"Of course I'm against this agreement, but don't worry, this agreement is just casual talk. When the real enemy comes, no one will care about the agreement or not," Arthur said.

"The real enemy? Who is it?" Natasha asked.

"I can't say it now, I'll understand when that day comes," Arthur said mysteriously.

"...Well, then you rest, I'll go first." Natasha got up and prepared to leave.

"Okay, good night." Arthur sent Natasha to the door and locked the door. Arthur lay on the bed and rested...

In the middle of the night, Arthur suddenly sat up from the bed, he sat cross-legged, chanted a spell, and his soul came out.

Arthur's soul drifted outside as he headed toward the warehouse to retrieve his belongings.

Ordinary people can't see Arthur's soul, only those who know magic can.

Arthur's soul easily came to the secret warehouse of the Avengers, and there is a high probability that his things will be placed here.

Arthur is really glad that the two gems were put into his body by himself. If they were still embedded in the armor, they would have been taken away by someone.

Arthur felt it in the warehouse, he felt the energy emanating from the trident, and his things were indeed here!

Arthur opened a huge chest, and inside it lay his golden trident and armor.

The golden trident is intact, but the Sea King's armor has been damaged because it resisted most of the shock waves for Arthur in the last battle.

The entire armor is covered with dense cracks, and there are still a few missing pieces. Fortunately, the armor can be repaired automatically. This is the mystery of Ulu Metal.

Arthur turned the trident and the armor into two rings, and he took out the mysterious ring from the armor space and put it on his hand.

Arthur's soul opened a portal in the warehouse, leading to Arthur's room, and Arthur returned to the room with two rings.

Arthur's soul opened his eyes after returning to the body, the ring that turned into a golden trident was worn on the index finger, but the armor was taken back by Arthur.

He has no energy in his body now, and he can't supply the armor to make it repair automatically, so Arthur has to leave here and find a place to restore his ability.

Arthur took out the black ring and put it on his hand, drew a circle in the air, and the golden portal was formed.

Just then, the door to Arthur's room was suddenly opened, and Wanda and Vision walked in.

"What are you doing!" Vision asked Arthur, looking at the portal.

"I'm sorry, I woke you up, I need to go to a place, and I'll come back to you after a while." After Arthur finished speaking, he walked into the portal.

"Wait!" Vision disappeared before he finished the portal, and Arthur disappeared.

"What do I do now?" Wanda asked Vision. When they were resting, Wanda felt a magical wave. Wanda woke Vision, and the two came to Arthur's room towards the wave position.

Now that Arthur is gone, there is nothing they can do.

"I'm telling Mr. Stark, you go to rest first." Vision said to Wanda, Wanda can only nodded, she had no feeling about Arthur's departure, although Arthur's situation was more bizarre , but the person she likes is still Vision.

Arthur's portal opened on the sea, and Arthur jumped directly into the sea after passing through the portal.

He came to the Bermuda Triangle, and he was ready to go to the sea to see what Atlantis in this universe was like.

Arthur dived into the deep sea, but he swam for several hours and ran all the nearby waters without seeing the existence of Atlantis.

Is there no Atlantis in this universe? The development of this universe is exactly the same as what Arthur saw in the movie. Is this the main universe of the movie?

After thinking about it for a long time, Arthur stopped thinking about it. He swam to the deepest part of the seabed. This is the bottom of a canyon. The temperature is very high, and the seabed is still bubbling with magma.

Arthur felt that his body finally began to absorb the water element here. Arthur found a large rock and lay on it, closed his eyes and began to slowly absorb energy to restore his strength.

At this moment, in the Avengers base, Tony Stark and Natasha, Lord and Sam, Wanda and Vision all gathered together.

"The equipment in the warehouse is gone. From the monitoring, I can only see that the box opens by itself, and then a golden energy circle appears and disappears." Sam said.

"What about the surveillance in Arthur's room?" Natasha asked.

"Arthur has been sleeping, but when the energy circle in the warehouse appeared, an energy circle also appeared in Arthur's room, and then Arthur woke up. After he woke up, he also summoned an energy circle and disappeared." Sam said.

"It turns out that there is magic!" Natasha said looking at the surveillance screen.

"What magic?" Tony Stark asked.

"Arthur told me that there is a mage organization on earth, and I still don't believe it. I didn't expect him to use magic himself." Natasha explained.

"Well, now that we have completely lost track of Arthur, and the United Nations is about to hold a meeting to discuss the agreement, we have no energy to find him again." Tony Stark said.

"Then leave him alone. I found out that he is not a dangerous person after several times with Arthur. He still feels relatively friendly." Natasha said.

The rest of the people also nodded, and now I don't know if the Avengers can continue to exist. Who still has the energy to find someone with super powers.

Only Vision is very concerned about Arthur's whereabouts. He has an indescribable feeling for Arthur. Arthur has the same gem as him, and Arthur is very special to Wanda.

But Vision did not find Arthur in all the surveillance on the Internet, did he really just disappear?

Arthur's original universe

Stephen Strange finally thoroughly comprehended the Book of Camustro, and also knew all the uses of the Eye of Agamotto.

As expected of a magic genius, in a short period of time, he has mastered profound magic that his predecessors could not master.

Wanda didn't tell the Avengers about Arthur. She was afraid that the Avengers would be worried about Arthur's whereabouts, and there was no way anyone could do anything but expect Stephen Strange's.

Stephen Strange's hand fully recovered after the venom treatment, and Stephen Strange looked at this harmless cat with a very complicated heart.

He spent all his savings and tried countless ways to heal the wound that could not be healed in one minute in the hands of a cat in Arthur's house.

And the price is chocolate? Venom likes to eat chocolate, and Wanda bought a bunch of chocolate for him to eat.

Venom can't stand it after a few days in Kama Taj, it's cold and poor here, the life of the mages is more difficult, and the food is simple.

Venom says it still wants to stay at the Avengers base, where there's not enough food to eat!

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