I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 137: Sokovia Agreement

Universe No. 199999

In the conference room of the Avengers base, General Russell is holding a small meeting for the Avengers. He is now the Secretary of State of the United States.

"The whole world owes the Avengers a big favor. You fought for us and risked your life to protect us. Many people regard you as heroes, but some people prefer to use vigilantes to describe you!" General Russell said.

"Mr. Secretary, what do you think of us?" Natasha asked.

"A group of superpowers living in the United States often ignore sovereign borders and impose their will on others, no matter where or whoever is, and they are completely reckless! What do you think of this kind of person?" General Russell asked rhetorically.

General Russell takes stock of their heroic deeds for the Avengers "New York, Washington, D.C., Sokovia, Rox, you've been acting without any oversight and restraint for the past four years, and governments around the world can no longer stand it. This is the situation, but we have a solution."

General Russell's assistant handed him a document, which he put in front of Natasha "Sokovia Agreement! This agreement is backed by 117 countries, and it stipulates that the Avengers will no longer be a private organization, you all Actions will be supervised by a UN panel and will only act when the panel deems necessary!" Russell said.

"The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place, and I think we did it!" Steve Rogers said firmly.

"Then please tell me Captain, do you know where Thor and Banner are now?" General Russell asked Steve.

Steve Rogers couldn't answer and looked at Secretary of State Russell.

"If I lose the two 30-megaton nuclear bombs, the consequences can be imagined! Compromise and guarantee, this is how the world works. Believe me, this is already the best compromise." Russell pointed to the cable on the table. The Covia Agreement said.

"Then will there be an emergency plan?" Rhodes on the side asked.

"In three days, the United Nations will meet in Vienna to ratify this agreement," Russell said, looking at the silent Avengers.

"If you have something to say, say it directly." General Russell said.

"What if you don't like our decision?" Natasha asked.

"Then you should retire! Discuss with yourselves what you are going to do." General Russell left after finishing speaking.

The rest of the Avengers didn't know what to do, but Steve Rogers was adamant that he wouldn't agree to such an agreement.

But Tony Stark all his family property is in the United States, and he cooperates very closely with the government, if he does not agree to the agreement, his situation will be very difficult.

Tony Stark and Colonel Rhodes and Vision agree to compromise and sign the deal, and Natasha agrees with them.

Only Steve Rogers and Sam firmly disagreed, Wanda did not express an opinion, and several people quarreled.

And Arthur is now enjoying dinner in the canteen of the Avengers. The canteen of the Avengers in this universe is much worse than Arthur's universe.

The cafeteria in Arthur Universe is a chef trained by the Atlantis restaurant and can cook a variety of dishes, and the cafeteria chefs in this universe are obviously invited casually.

But Arthur didn't choose so much, and it's good to change the taste.

After Arthur finished eating, he went to the yard outside the Avengers base for a stroll, and he saw Steve Rogers hurriedly walking towards the parking lot.

"Steve, where are you going?" Arthur stepped forward and asked Stephen.

"Well, I have something to rush to London." Steve Rogers' face was very bad.

"What happened?" Arthur asked Steve Rogers concerned.

"You know Carter Page, she died..." Steve Rogers said.

"My condolences, Steve." Arthur didn't know how to comfort Steve Rogers. His confidante died, and Steve Rogers must be very sad.

"I'll go first, see you later." Steve Rogers got into a black Dodge and left.

Arthur walked towards the Avengers building. He was really bored, and his body would not recover for a while. Unless he could go to a place with a very strong water element, don't think about it here.

Arthur wondered if he had left here secretly, but he felt that someone was watching him secretly, and it might be a little difficult for Arthur to escape.

Arthur is not without a little power, he can use magic now.

Magical powers don't need to have powerful energies themselves, just know that the spell communicates the energies of the multiverse to use magic.

But Arthur's ring was placed in the armor space, and the armor was severely damaged during the battle with Dormammu, and Arthur didn't see his armor after waking up, it should have been given by the Avengers. kept.

Arthur didn't ask Steve Rogers where his things were. He didn't want Steve Rogers to be wary of him. He would just go and get it back at night.

Arthur returned to the dormitory. When he passed Wanda's room, he saw that Wanda's door was not closed, and there was a violent quarrel in the room.

Vision and Wanda were arguing about something, and Arthur didn't stop to eavesdrop. Both of them were extremely capable people.

And the purpose of their quarrel, Arthur can also guess, it should be because of the Sokovia agreement.

There was no accident in Arthur's universe Sokovia, and the war with Ultron was in Wakanda, but Arthur knew that the countries were already very dissatisfied with them.

It is estimated that other agreements will be proposed, but Arthur doesn't care, nothing is equal in the face of absolute power.

If anyone wants to control themselves, come on and see who has the qualifications!

Just then there was a knock on the door, who was looking for him?

"Come in! The door is unlocked," Arthur exclaimed.

A person pushed the door and came in, it turned out to be Natasha.

"Are you okay?" Natasha asked Arthur.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern! Please take a seat." Arthur said to Natasha.

"I came to see you and wanted to chat with you by the way." Natasha said.

"Okay, I want to chat with you too, I'm suffocating staying here all day." Arthur spit out.

"Your story is very bizarre and unbelievable, but I don't know why I believe what you said." Natasha said.

"There are a lot of amazing things in the universe, whether people believe it or not," Arthur said.

"Then why did you fall into the wormhole and come here?" Natasha asked suspiciously.

"I fought against a very powerful existence in order to defend the earth. As a result, it broke the space and created a wormhole before I fought, and I was sucked into the wormhole." Arthur explained simply.

"Break space! Create wormholes? God, what kind of power is this to do this. Does that enemy exist here?" Natasha was taken aback, she never thought that Arthur would be able to compete with this kind of Enemy fights.

"Of course it exists, and it may have been driven away from Earth," Arthur replied.

"By whom?" Natasha asked.

"The Avengers is not the only organization on earth defending the earth, there are many mysterious organizations, I am talking about a mage organization." Arthur explained.

"Mage? Does a mage really exist on earth?" Natasha was an eye-opener today.

"Of course there is, and you will know each other in the near future, won't Wanda also use magic power?" Arthur replied.

"Wanda's ability is due to the Mind Stone," Natasha said.

"I know this, the mind gem activates the chaos magic in her body, so she can get such a powerful ability." Arthur said.


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