I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 134: rescued

"Ah... it hurts!" Arthur woke up. He seemed to have had a long dream. Now he felt like his head was about to explode, and his whole body was in great pain. The only thing that made him happy was that he was still alive!

Arthur tried his best to open his eyes, with a white ceiling and a curtain hanging over his head, the familiar smell of potion came to his nose, is he in the hospital?

Arthur recalled what happened before. More than a dozen huge purple energy **** exploded around him. Although Arthur used the Reality Gem to avoid the damage for the first time, he was still affected by the explosion.

Then after being sucked into the wormhole again, he passed out and didn't know anything.

where is this? Arthur raised his head and looked around. He was indeed in a single ward in the hospital. He was still lying on the hospital bed in his hospital gown. He was also equipped with an ECG monitor, and his nose was still breathing oxygen.

Am I being rescued? Arthur thought, and he opened his mouth first and let out a weak cry, "Is there anyone? Is there anyone?"

At this moment, a beautiful female doctor came in from the door, came to Arthur's bed and stared at him for a while and said, "Are you awake?"

"Dr. Zhao Hailun?"

Arthur tried his best to open his eyes, he recognized that the doctor in front of him was not Dr. Zhao Helen of Avengers Biotechnology? Are you in the Avengers' hospital? Arthur breathed a sigh of relief, and finally did not go to any strange place, but Dr. Zhao's next sentence made Arthur's heart lift again.

"You know me?" Dr. Helen Zhao asked Arthur with a strange expression.

"You are Dr. Zhao Hailun of Biotechnology, am I right?" Arthur asked Dr. Zhao.

"Yes, I am Zhao Hailun, how do you know me? Are you an alien?" Dr. Zhao Hailun asked strangely.

"I'm from Earth, and I'm still your colleague. How can I be an alien? Can you tell me how you found me?" Arthur asked strangely.

Dr. Hailun Zhao hesitated for a long time, looked at Arthur and said to him that he didn't look like a bad person, "We detected a strange astronomical phenomenon in the sky over California, and then a meteorite quickly fell to the earth, and then found it in the crater. We brought you back after you were in a coma. What's your name? What do you mean when you say you are my colleague?"

Arthur was silent. He knew what was going on now. He should have passed through the wormhole to another multiverse, so the people here don't know him.

"Is this the Avengers base?" Arthur asked tentatively.

"How do you know this is the Avengers base?" Dr. Zhao Hailun asked in surprise.

When the Avengers discovered Arthur, they thought he was an alien, and brought him back to the Avengers base in secret. The experimenter wanted to draw blood for Arthur, but found that Arthur's skin was very hard, even the most difficult. No strong metal could pierce his skin.

The laboratory staff could only give up blood drawing, and only extracted his saliva in Arthur's mouth for testing, and found that his cells were exactly the same as those of ordinary earth people.

But the Avengers determined through population searches that Arthur was definitely not human, and his fingerprints and DNA were never recorded.

The laboratory staff performed a series of examinations on Arthur and found that Arthur's body was very weak, but his body contained a huge amount of energy.

The laboratory staff handed the inspection report to Steve Rogers. Steve Rogers told the laboratory staff to closely observe Arthur's situation. Once he woke up, he immediately informed himself that this man may have a very big threat!

Don't look at the fact that Arthur is lying in the ward now, but this ward is under the ground of the Vengeance base. The ward is surrounded by very strong bulletproof glass, and there are Avengers fighters on it. It is still very difficult for Arthur to escape.

"My name is Jon Arthur, what year is this year?" Arthur asked.

"Today is May 6, 2016." Dr. Zhao Hailun replied.

2016? Fortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. should have disintegrated in 2016. Now the Avengers are in charge, and he will not be dragged into human experiments. Arthur is relieved. He didn't know that he had been studied for some time. .

"You've been in a coma for almost a month. If it wasn't for your vital signs, we would have thought you were in a vegetative state." Dr. Zhao said jokingly.

"Have I been in a coma for so long?" Arthur wanted to sit up, but he had no strength at all, the empty energy in his body was completely exhausted, and even the Infinity Stone couldn't be summoned. For the first time, Arthur felt To himself is a weak patient.

"Come and drink some water, then eat something." Zhao Helen raised Arthur's hospital bed, gave him a glass of water, and then fed him a bowl of nutritious meal like porridge.

"Can you tell me where you came from?" Dr. Helen Zhao asked Arthur.

"I can't explain a word or two about my affairs. I'll tell you in detail when Steve Rogers comes." Arthur said.

Dr. Hailun Zhao glanced at Arthur in surprise. This man not only knew herself, he knew that this was the Avengers base, but also knew Steve Rogers. If it wasn't for DNA identification that there was no such person on Earth, she would be sure that Arthur was Earth. people.

Dr. Zhao Hailun nodded and let Arthur continue to rest. She turned and walked out of the ward to the conference room on the first floor.

"He's awake?" Steve Rogers sat on the conference room sofa with Tony Stark and Rhodes, and Natasha.

"Yes, he woke up, but things were a bit unexpected to me. This person seems to be an earthling!" Dr. Zhao Hailun repeated what Arthur had said after waking up to the four.

"You mean he knows you and Steve?" Tony Stark asked, looking at Dr. Hailun Zhao.

"Yes, and he also guessed that this is the Avengers base." Dr. Zhao Hailun nodded and said.

"This is interesting, who is this person?" Natasha said aside.

"He said his name was Jon Arthur. As for his origin, he had to tell the captain lightly," said Dr. Helen Zhao.

"He said he was going to tell me lightly? Well, after he can move around, let's go see him together and see what he has to say. We'll be busy with other things first." Rogers said.

The three of them all nodded. Their current task is very heavy. The aftermath of the Avengers Alliance in the Sokovia incident is very troublesome. There are still several secret bases of Hydra waiting for them to deal with, so Ya Se's matter can only be put aside for now.

Arthur was lying on the hospital bed, closing his eyes and trying to communicate the energy in his body, but it was as if the sea had no response, and even his consciousness could not be used. He was just like an ordinary person now.

Moreover, his body is very weak, and he can't raise his strength at all. He is not as good as ordinary people. Fortunately, he was saved by the Avengers. If he travels to other planets, it is estimated that he has been eaten by monsters.

Arthur can only calm down and recover slowly. There is an old saying in China.


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