
Wanda looked at Arthur who had disappeared, and she screamed in the sky, the chaotic magic energy on her body suddenly exploded, and the dark red energy burst out from Wanda's body continuously!

Wanda's hair turned dark red and flew in the air in an instant, and her eyes also glowed red.

Arthur's "death" made Wanda enter a state of rampage, and the chaos magic in his body burst out instantly.

Wanda, who was wrapped in red energy, suddenly floated up and flew into the air.

"Wanda! Come back!" Stephen Strange shouted, both Mordo and Wang wanted to call Wanda back, not wanting her to die.

But Wanda has no self-consciousness now, and the only thought in her heart now is to kill Dormammu!

Wanda came to the air and the red energy continuously radiated from her body, abruptly turning part of the dark dimension into red.

The red energy wrapped towards Dormammu, and Dormammu radiated dark purple energy to resist the attack of the red energy.

Dormammu spewed out purple energy and shot at Wanda, which was blocked by his red energy. Wanda's red energy became stronger and stronger, and Wanda resisted the impact of the purple energy and kept approaching Dormammu.

Dormam saw Wanda's intention. She wanted to die with her. Of course Dormam wouldn't think that Wanda could kill her, but Dormammu wouldn't let Wanda attack her so easily.

Dormammu increases the output of dark energy, the purple energy rays are getting thicker and thicker, and the energy power is getting bigger and bigger.

Wanda's progress was abruptly stopped, and Wanda's chaotic energy was also exhausted under Dormammu's dark energy attack.

Although Wanda is in a state of rampage, her energy is not endless, and even when the two sides are deadlocked, Mordu and the others are also very anxious.

"What should I do? Arthur is dead, and Wanda can't hold it anymore. Is the earth going to be swallowed by the dark dimension and enter a world without the concept of time?" Mordo said desperately.

"There is no concept of time!" Stephen Strange suddenly had an idea when he heard this sentence.

"I have a way to deal with it!" Stephen Strange recited the incantation after he finished speaking, and the Eye of Agora on his chest opened, revealing a green time gem.

"What do you want to do?" Mordo asked Stephen Strange.

"Breaching the rules of nature!" Stephen Strange rushed towards the void after he finished speaking.

Mordo and Wang could only watch Stephen Strange rush into the dark dimension, hoping that he really had a way to deal with Dormammu.

Stephen Strange used time magic to lock the time of this space, forming a loop.

Just when Wanda couldn't stand it anymore and was blasted away by Dormammu's purple energy, Stephen Strange appeared, he caught Wanda, opened the portal and sent her away.

Stephen Strange activated time magic, flew in front of Dormammu and shouted, "Dormammu! I'm here to negotiate terms."

"Another one to die! Your world is mine now!" After Dormammu finished speaking, the spikes formed by countless dark matter stabbed towards Stephen Strange, and Stephen summoned two magical shields to keep blocking. Spiked attack.

A beam of purple energy shot out of Dormammu's mouth, instantly melting Stephen Strange.

At this moment, the time suddenly reversed, and the melted Stephen Strange returned to his original shape, and he came to Dormammu again.

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms." Stephen Strange called to Dormammu.

"Another one to die! Your time is now mine... What is this? An illusion?" Dormammu realized that this scene had just happened, and he asked Stephen Strange.

"No, it's true!" Stephen Strange replied.

"That's good!" After Dormammu said, two huge spikes of dark matter flew over and pierced Stephen Strange to the ground.

At this moment, the time went back, and Stephen Strange came to Dormammu again.

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms!" Stephen Strange said.

"Are you... what's going on?" Dormammu asked, feeling this different space.

"Just like you gave Casillas your dimensional power, I also brought some power from me, it's time! Time in an infinite loop!" Stephen Strange said.

"How dare you!" Dormammu spit out purple energy and killed Stephen Strange.

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms!" Stephen Strange appeared in front of Dormammu again.

"You can't go on like this forever!" Dormammu said.

"Actually I can! That's it right now, I'm stuck with you right now! Never ending!" Stephen Strange exclaimed.

"Then you will die forever!" said Dormammu.

"Yes, but everyone on earth can survive." Stephen Strange replied decisively.

"But you will be tormented forever!" said Dormammu.

"Pain is an old friend." Stephen Strange said indifferently, and instantly he was killed by Dormammu's summoned meteorite.

In this way, over and over again, Stephen Strange was killed by Dormammu over and over again!

"You can't win!" Dormammu said to the fallen Stephen Strange.

"Can't win? But I can lose, over and over! Lose like this forever... Then you'll be my prisoner!" Stephen Strange got up and continued.

"No! Stop! Stop!" Dormammu killed Stephen Strange, and as expected, a new Stephen Strange came to it.

"Stop! Let me go!" Dormammu yelled.

"No! I'm here to negotiate terms!" Stephen Strange said.

"What do you want to talk about?" Dormammu asked.

"You leave Earth immediately, stop your invasion of my world, and never come back! Do it! I'll end the cycle!" Stephen Strange exclaimed.

Dormammu was silent. Today's action encountered unprecedented resistance. The man who had two gems and the woman who knew Chaos Magic, and the last mage who had the Time Gem, seemed to be very difficult to get today. Earth too.

Dormammu glanced at Stephen Strange helplessly, agreed to his request, opened a wormhole and turned away, waiting for the next opportunity to come back, his life is infinite, but these people are not.

The entire dark dimension left the earth and slowly disappeared, and Stephen Strange also returned to Mordo and Wang and Li.

He used the Time Stone to restore the entire street of the Hong Kong Temple to the way it was before the explosion.

People on the street were walking casually, as if what had just happened had never happened.

"We did it! Where's Wanda?" Wang asked Stephen Strange.

"I sent her back to Karma Taj," Stephen Strange said.

"Yes, we did it, and at the same time violated the laws of nature!" Mordo did not have the joy of victory, and he was very worried.

"Look around, it's over!" Stephen Strange said.

"Do you still think there will be no consequences? Strange, is there no price to pay? We violated our own rules, just like her! Debts must be repaid, sooner or later! I don't want to go this route. I'll go on again." Mordo turned and left.

Stephen Strange, Wang and Li didn't say anything when they watched Mordo leave.

Stephen Strange used the time gem to restore the London Temple and Kama Taj to their original state. Looking at his trembling hands, he took off the Eye of Agamotto on his neck and put it back under the globe. table shelf.

"A wise choice, if you want to bring the Eye of Agamotto, you must first understand its power. Before that, it's best not to hold an Infinity Stone on the street..." Wang walked to Stephen Strange and said.

"A piece of what?" Stephen Strange didn't understand Wang's words.

"You may have a talent for magic, but you still have a lot to learn. The news of the death of the ancient one will spread in the multiverse. There is no supreme mage to protect the earth. We must be prepared." Wang looked overhead. the globe said.

"We'll be ready!" Stephen Strange replied...

"Arthur!!" Wanda woke up from the coma and found herself back in Kama Taj's room. She recalled what happened before, covering her face and crying...

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