I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 135: New universe

"Your name is Jon Arthur?" Steve Rogers said, looking at Arthur sitting in front of him.

"Yes, nice to meet you, Steve, Natasha and Stark." Arthur greeted Steve Rogers and Tony Stark and Natasha.

He has been recovering for a week and can finally walk on the ground. Although he is still a little weak, he can move like a normal person.

Steve Rogers and the others also took time out to meet Arthur.

"You know us?" Stark asked.

Arthur nodded, Arthur knew them too well, and even Arthur knew a lot of their secrets.

"Where are you from? Why can't we find your information?" Steve Rogers asked.

"I'm also from Earth, but it should be another universe. I came here through a wormhole." Arthur thought about it and said frankly, these few people Arthur can still trust.

"You said you came from another universe? Is this too sci-fi?" Tony Stark couldn't believe Arthur's words.

"The universe is composed of countless multiverses. There are many you in the universe, and many me, but there is no me in this universe." Arthur explained.

"Okay, can you tell me what your world is like?" Steve Rogers continued without arguing with Arthur whether he was telling the truth or not.

"I'm in my world, and I'm also a member of the Avengers, and it was earlier than Tony entered S.H.I.E.L.D...." Arthur gave a brief introduction to his universe.

"What! You entered S.H.I.E.L.D. earlier than me, and your world S.H.I.E.L.D. disintegrated, and Ultron didn't destroy Sokovia?" Tony said in shock.

What Arthur said was roughly the same as what happened in their world, with a few differences.

"Then can you go back to your own world?" Natasha asked.

"It should be possible, but I was injured a little, and now I can't use my abilities, just like ordinary people." Arthur said helplessly.

"Well, I believe what you said, but for your safety and our convenience, you can't leave this base for the time being," Steve Rogers said.

"Well, in my current situation, I won't go far if you let me go." Arthur said indifferently.

"This is your zero-hour certificate. You can freely move around the base through it. If you need anything, you can contact me. My number is..." Steve Rogers gave Arthur a work permit and said to him .

"I have your cell phone number, but I can't get mine out. I'm very familiar with this place, so I don't need to introduce it to me," Arthur said.

"Well, we still have very important things to solve, you can go back to rest, or go around, but you can't leave the base." Steve Rogers said.

"Okay, then let's talk, I'll go out first." Arthur turned and left after finishing speaking.

"Do you believe what he said?" Tony Stark asked the two of them.

"He shouldn't have lied, and what he said is indeed very well-founded." Natasha is more discerning, and she feels that Arthur has no reason to lie to them.

"Multiverse! It seems that there are still a lot of unknown things in this world, let's not talk about this, are you all okay?" Steve asked the two of them.

"I'm fine, but Wanda is sad. I'll go see her later." Natasha replied.

Tony Stark also nodded. In their previous operation to capture Brock Rumlow in Nigeria, they accidentally injured many poor people, including more than a dozen Wakanda.

Now King Tchaka of Wakanda has issued a strong condemnation of the Avengers at the United Nations, and especially Wanda who made a mistake in this operation, saying that she has no right to carry out missions in other countries.

The Avengers are all in a low mood. The last Sokovia incident also killed a lot of poor people. Now the entire international public opinion points to the Avengers.

Arthur wanders around the Avengers base alone, which is exactly the same as the base in his world, even the people he encounters.

Arthur was accustomed to greeting others at first, but when he realized that no one else knew him, he realized that this is not his own world.

Arthur walked and walked to a corridor. Arthur looked at the place in front of him, laughed at himself, and returned to his bedroom unconsciously.

In the original world, this was the resting place for the Avengers. Arthur also had a bedroom here, but Arthur didn't live there a few times.

He walked here subconsciously, only to remember that this is not the original world, and there must be no bedroom of his own, Arthur turned around and was about to leave.

"Why are you here?" Steve Rogers met Arthur around the corner.

"I'm used to it. When I walk, I want to go back to my residence, but I just remembered that there is no place for me here." Arthur cried and laughed.

"It's okay, if you like, I can arrange a room for you to live here temporarily." Steve Rogers said.

"Really? That's great, I almost vomited in that ward. I have never lived in the ward for such a long time in my life." Arthur spit out.

"Okay, you wait for me first, I'll see someone, and then arrange for you." Steve Rogers said.

"Who are you going to see?" Arthur asked curiously.

"It's Wanda, she's in a bad mood right now, I'm going to see if she's okay," Steve Rogers replied.

"Wanda... can I go see her with you?" Arthur asked anxiously.

"...Okay." Steve Rogers stared at Arthur for a while, he found that Arthur seemed to care about Wanda, and he agreed to Arthur's request.

Steve Rogers took Arthur to Wanda's room. Arthur looked at this room with complicated eyes, and this room was also Wanda's room in his world.

The door of Wanda's room was open, and Steve Rogers and Arthur walked into Wanda's room. The sound of the TV came from the room, and Wanda was watching TV on the bed alone.

There was news on the TV of King Wakanda blaming the Avengers, and Wanda was mentioned in the news.

Wanda was unaware of the two who came here, and Steve Rogers picked up the remote and turned off the TV.

Only then did Wanda react and turned to see Steve Rogers and Arthur at the door.

"A guest coming?" Wanda asked, watching Arthur stand up from the bed.

"His name is Jon Arthur, he's from somewhere else, and he's here for the time being," Steve Rogers introduced to Wanda.

"Hello, my name is Wanda." Wanda reached out to Arthur.

Arthur looked at the haggard Wanda very distressed, he couldn't help walking forward and hugged Wanda tightly in his arms.

Steve Rogers, who was on the side, jumped. Why did Arthur do such an unreasonable move? Wanda is now emotionally unstable. If she suddenly gets angry, Steve can't guarantee that he can save Arthur.


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