I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 123: 123rd Time Stone

this evening

Stephen Strange is sitting at the desk, he opens his laptop and wants to send an email to Kristen Palmer but doesn't know what to say.

I haven't contacted her since I got mad at her last time, and she didn't reply when I sent her a message. Stephen Strange wrote and deleted on the computer, deleted and wrote again, and finally didn't decide to send anything.

Stephen looked at the broken watch and regretted it very much. He shouldn't have hurt the heart of the person who was the best to him. Stephen turned off the computer, and he still stopped sending emails today.

Stephen Strange took the few magic books he had finished, and went out to the library. It was still raining heavily. Stephen Strange came to the library in the rain but found that there was no one here.

Wang didn't know where he ran to, but he wasn't there. Stephen was very interested in the torn page of the book last time, and Mordo never told himself what magic the ritual on that page was.

Stephen took the book of Camustro from the shelf, he picked up an apple on the table, took a bite and opened the book of Camustro.

Stephen Strange flipped through it casually, and suddenly he saw a familiar pattern with an eye-like magic tool drawn on it. Isn't this the magic tool on the table in the middle of the library.

Stephen Strange raised his head and looked at the octagonal copper table in the middle of the library. There was a shelf in the center of the table, and the magic weapon was placed on the shelf.

Stephen Strange thought for a while, then looked back and saw that the library was empty, and Wang didn't know when he would come back, so he brought it over to play with it.

Stephen Strange took the magic tool off the table, it was a pendant, and there was a red string that Stephen hung around his neck.

Stephen Strange looked at the usage in the book of Camustro, chanted the spell and drew gestures with both hands. The Eye of Agamotto was successfully opened, revealing the glowing green gem in the middle.

"OK, isn't this very simple?" Stephen Strange was very proud of his spell comprehension ability.

He continued to study the steps in the book, and successfully summoned a magic circle in his right hand. The second part was a success!

With his right hand facing the apple he had just bited, he gently turned the magic circle clockwise, and a magical thing happened. The pulp on the apple that was bitten suddenly disappeared one by one, and finally turned into a leftover apple. nuclear.

Stephen Strange turned the magic circle counterclockwise again, and the apple core slowly returned to its original shape, turning into an unbited apple.

"My God!" Stephen Strange knew what the Eye of Agamotto was, and it could manipulate the passage of time in space.

Stephen turned the magic circle again, and the apple turned into an apple core and then quickly became moldy and withered. Stephen Strange turned the magic circle counterclockwise, and the moldy apple core gradually changed back to an unbited apple.

Stephen Strange thought of something, he took the apple away, put the book of Camustro in front of him, and turned to the torn page.

Stephen Strange turned the magic circle, and the two torn pages of the original magic book were changed again.

"Dormammu, the Dark Latitude Immortality Ceremony..." Stephen Strange read the contents of these two pages.

click... click...

At this moment, the space in front of him suddenly shattered, and a mirror time was created in front of him.

"No! The possibility of tampering with the sequence is forbidden!" Mordo and Wang walked in together, and Mordo yelled at Stephen Strange.

Stephen Strange immediately stopped the magic, and the mirror space disappeared.

"I'm just doing what's written in the book," Stephen Strange explained.

"Then what did you see in the book? Is it dangerous to perform such a ritual?" Wang asked Stephen Strange.

"I don't know, I haven't seen that part yet," Stephen Strange replied.

"The time manipulation gauge generates new timeline branches, which will produce unstable dimensional openings! Space paradox, time loop! Do you want to be trapped in the same time point? Do you want to loop forever?" Mordo looked at Stephen yelled loudly.

"The warning should really be written in front of the spell..." Stephen was a little bit wrong and could only complain.

"Your curiosity may kill you! You are not controlling the continuity of time, you are destroying it! We must not interfere with the laws of nature, we must defend it!" Wang took Camustro in front of Stephen the book and said to him.

"How on earth did you do it? Understand and learn that long spell?" Mordo asked, looking at Stephen.

"I have the ability to remember, so I can get a double degree of clinical medicine and research medicine at the same time." Stephen Strange said proudly.

"The behavior you just did not depend on good memory alone," Mordo said.

"You are born for magic!" Wang also agrees very much. No one except the Supreme Mage can use the Eye of Agamotto. Stephen only saw it once and used it successfully. He is simply a genius among geniuses.

"But my hands are still shaking!" Stephen said looking at his hands.

"It's shaking now." Wang said aside.

"Isn't this always going to tremble like this?" Stephen asked rhetorically.

"We're not prophets, and we don't know what's going to happen next?" Mordo replied.

"When will you tell me what exactly we are?" Stephen asked.

Mordo and Wang looked at each other, and they decided to tell Stephen the secret of Kama Taj, and he had a chance to become a great magician.

Wang took Stephen Strange to the middle of the library, where there were three doors, a table, and a globe above his head.

"Superheroes like the Avengers, like Arthur and Wanda, protect the world from physical danger. We mages protect the world from magical threats." Wang turned the copper pillar, and the globe above his head lit up , the innumerable points of light above emit bright light.

"There have been many supreme mages in the past, and the ancient one is the only supreme mage now. Going back thousands of years, there was a father of magic, he was the great Agamotto, who created this gem that you recklessly borrowed Mage." Wang looked at Stephen and said.

Stephen lowered his head and looked at the Eye of Agamotto on his chest, a little embarrassed that his behavior was caught.

"Agomoto founded three temples where magic power is strong, and now they are all in the bustling metropolis." Wang continued.

Pointing to a red door to the west, Wang said, "That door leads to the Hong Kong Temple!"

Pointing to the silver door to the south and saying, "That door leads to the New York Temple!"

Point to the last golden gate and say, "That gate leads to the Temple of London!"

"Combined, these temples can form a protective shield for our world." Wang said as he turned the pillar, the globe above his head was surrounded by three golden magic circles.

"The temple is to protect the world, and our mage is responsible for protecting the temple." Mordo also said.

"What kind of enemy to defend against?" Stephen Strange asked.

"Other dimensions threaten the creatures of our universe," Wang said.

"Like Dormammu?" Stephen Strange asked rhetorically.

"Where did you know the name?" Mordo asked, startled when he heard Stephen say Dormammu.

"I just read it in "The Book of Camustro", what's wrong?" Stephen Strange was very curious about how Mordo's reaction was so big.

"Dormammu lives in the dark dimension, beyond time, he is the conqueror of the universe, the destroyer of the universe! A being of infinite power and infinite desire. It wants to invade every universe, trying to bring all worlds into him The dark dimension of the world. And what he desires most is the earth." Wang used the globe to demonstrate Dormammu's dark dimension to Stephen Strange.

"And the page that Casillas stole?" Stephen asked.

"It says how to contact Dormammu! And the ritual of drawing power from the dark dimension!" Wang followed Stephen Strange's words.


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