I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 124: The Assault of Casillas

Stephen Strange suddenly laughed and said, "Okay! I quit! I'm here to heal my hands, not to get involved in some magical war."

Stephen Strange was frightened by the words of Wang and Mordo. He is just an ordinary doctor. Now that he is needed to protect the earth, how could he do it? Although Arthur had said before that he would join the Avengers, he just thought Arthur was joking.



Suddenly there was the sound of an alarm bell above the head. It was an accident in the London Temple. The door to the London Temple suddenly opened. A man wearing a Kama Taj mage uniform rushed out and was stabbed by a transparent magic blade behind him. The back died instantly.

"That's Casillas! No!" Mordo exclaimed, and they only saw Casillas gather a huge energy fireball above his head and slammed into the ground of the London Temple.

boom! ! !

The huge explosion rushed Stephen Strange into the gate of the New York Temple. After Stephen Strange flew into the New York Temple, the teleportation array of the gate of the New York Temple disappeared, and the back of the door became a block of stones. wall.

"King! Mordo!" Stephen got up and shouted loudly, but no one answered him, Stephen could only go outside, this is the New York Temple.

After Stephen came to the gate of the temple, he opened the gate and came to the street. Why is this place so familiar? He turned his head and looked, 177A Brick Street! This is Brick Avenue in New York.

Stephen turned around and returned to the temple. After closing the door, he looked around in the temple to see if anyone was there.

He came to three doors, one behind a forest, one behind the turbulent ocean, and one behind the Himalayas.

There was a glowing trap next to the door, Stephen turned the trap, and the door of the ocean turned into a desert. It turns out that this is the portal, and the mechanism is to control the position of the portal, which is very magical.

"Anyone?" Stephen Strange shouted in the temple. There are so many artifacts and artifacts in the temple. It's like a museum.

Stephen was visiting everywhere, and he stopped in front of a glass case. In the glass case was a red magic cloak that floated in the air automatically. It looked very gorgeous.

Stephen Strange glanced at it and turned his head away. He suddenly heard a sound on the first floor, and he walked towards the entrance ladder.

He suddenly saw a monk in the hall on the first floor standing in the middle of the hall with a weapon, and the building materials at the entrance of the hall were changing infinitely, just like the last time Master Gu Yi demonstrated.

The door suddenly opened, and a man in orange mage clothes walked in, followed by two subordinates, who was Casillas who had just seen Stephen destroy the London Temple.

"Daniel, they asked you to be the guardian mage of this temple?" Casillas clearly knew the monk in the middle of the hall.

"Do you know what guardian mage means?" the monk named Daniel asked Casillas.

"It's you who will sacrifice for this!" Casillas said, and then he pulled his hands, and a transparent magic blade appeared in his hands.

The two men suddenly attacked Daniel, but Daniel was not a vegetarian either.

The three fought fiercely together, and Casillas did not go up to attack Daniel, but just watched from the sidelines.

Suddenly, one of Casillas' subordinates seized the opportunity and slashed Daniel in the leg, and Daniel instantly knelt down.

"Stop!" Seeing that something was wrong, Stephen Strange jumped out from behind the railing.

But Daniel was stabbed in the heart by Casillas, and died of anger.

Casillas was surprised when he saw Stephen Strange who jumped out, as if he knew he was hiding.

"How long have you been at Kama Taj? Are you a doctor?" Casillas asked.

"My name is Strange!" Stephen Strange said, and then cast a spell with both hands to conjure a magic whip.

Casillas' two men suddenly jumped to the wall and rushed towards Stephen Strange along the wall.

Stephen Strange fought with the two who came in front of him. Stephen's skills were not bad, and Stephen Strange became much stronger than before after sparring with Mordo.

Stephen Strange was not defeated by one enemy and two. Seeing that the two could not attack for a long time, Casillas picked up the magic knife and threw it violently at Stephen Strange.

Stephen saw the opportunity and flew the magic knife thrown by Casillas with a whip. Stephen turned his head and ran towards the temple.

Casillas stretched out his hands and pressed it down, and the corridor under Stephen Strange suddenly rolled backwards, like a treadmill that made him unable to move forward.

Seeing that Stephen couldn't run away, he cast spells with both hands to create two magic shields. Two of Casillas' men jumped up a wall and charged towards Stephen Strange.

The two magic knives slashed at Stephen Strange at the same time, but he blocked it with a magic shield. Stephen threw a punch to fight back, but his hand was injured and he couldn't exert much strength.

Stephen Strange was kicked to the ground by one of Casillas' men, and the other men rushed towards him quickly.

Stephen immediately got up, cast a spell in his hand and summoned the magic whip again, and with a single whip, Casillas' men who rushed towards him flew out.

Casillas spun his hands, and the corridor under Stephen Strange actually spun along with it. Stephen Strange had not learned the magic of walking on the wall. He lost his center of gravity and slammed into the window glass below.

Stephen smashed the glass, Casillas turned the corridor back again, and Stephen Strange fell to the ground again.

Stephen Strange saw the ground turn back to its original position, he turned his head and ran towards the corridor behind him.

Casillas raised his hands, the corridor suddenly lifted up, and Stephen fell down from the corridor. He scratched around and finally grabbed a pillar and hung it in the air.

Stephen looked down, looking at a Casillas subordinate standing on the wall, and the portal below, Stephen turned his heart and let himself fall.

He just landed on Casillas' subordinate, and kicked him out of the portal. Outside the portal was the desert where Stephen Strange twisted the mechanism.

Stephen Strange grabbed the door frame of the portal, but did not fall out, suddenly the entire corridor descended again and returned to its original shape.

Another subordinate of Casillas ran towards Stephen, and was hit by Stephen. Stephen twisted the mechanism, and the portal turned into a rainforest. The subordinate of Casillas just couldn’t come back in the desert. .

Stephen scuffled with another of Casillas' subordinates. He saw the opportunity and kicked him out of the portal, and then turned the mechanism. This man was also thrown into the rain forest by Stephen Strange.

Now only Casillas is left. With two magic knives in hand, Casillas slashed towards Stephen Strange, but he flexibly escaped.

Stephen Strange knocked Casillas away with his body, turned his head and ran, and Casillas chased after him.

Stephen ran to the second floor and raised a glowing tripod to Casillas.

Casillas stopped when he saw the tripod, as if he was afraid of it, but Stephen Strange only held the tripod in his hand.

"You don't know how to use this thing, do you?" Casillas said.

Stephen Strange was suddenly a little embarrassed, he really didn't know what it was and how to use it.


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