I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 122: magic genius

Stephen Strange came to the library alone after Arthur left. He thought of a particularly good way to read books by using the method of separation of the soul while sleeping, which can greatly save study time.

"Stephen, what do you need?" Wang asked, looking at Stephen Strange in front of him.

"I want an out of body book," Stephen Strange replied.

"You're not ready yet." Wang refused.

"You can try, Beyonce." Stephen said a stalk.

Wang didn't understand, and looked at Stephen seriously.

"You don't know Beyonce? Do you never laugh?" Stephen Strange asked.

"Ok, I think I'm ready, give me the book." Looking at the expressionless King Stephen Strange, he said helplessly.

"No!" Wang replied solemnly.

After Stephen Strange left, Wang took out his phone to search for Beyonce's songs, and he opened a book and listened to it.

Just behind Wang, a teleportation formation formed, and Stephen Strange's hand stretched out from the teleportation formation to take away the book about soul magic on the shelf.

Wang seemed to sense something, but he turned his head to look but found nothing.

Suddenly a teleportation formation appeared at the back left of Wang, and Stephen Strange's hand took another book from the bookshelf on the left.

Wang suddenly turned his head but found nothing. When he turned around, the book he was reading was also taken away by Stephen.

After thinking about it, Wang realized that it was Stephen Strange's ghost. Except for him, only Arthur dared to do this, but Arthur had already left in the morning.

Wang told Gu Yi about the library, Gu Yi said that he knew, and let Wang leave. She didn’t care about Stephen Strange’s behavior.

Stephen Strange began to learn magic. In addition to reading books during the day, he used out-of-body magic at night to let the body sleep and the soul to learn.

Stephen Strange's magic speed is progressing very fast, and he is a genius in learning magic.

Master Gu Yi stopped Stephen Strange today and asked him why he didn't come to the class and wanted to study by himself.

Stephen Strange says he doesn't like meaningless rules and has his own study plan.

"Your spells are progressing very fast, you need a safe space to practice spells." With a wave of Master Gu Yi's hand, he saw that the space in the middle of the hall was as if the glass had shattered, resulting in many cracks.

Master Gu Yi walked in towards the crack, and Stephen followed.

"You are now in the mirror dimension. This is a dimension that has always existed but cannot be detected. The real world will not be affected by what happens here." Master Gu Yi explained to Stephen.

Stephen looked around in the mirror dimension, they were still in the hall, but they were like looking at the outside world through a mirror.

"We use the mirror dimension for training, surveillance, and sometimes to control threats. If you don't bring a mysterious ring, you will be trapped here forever," said Master Gu Yi.

"Wait, sorry, what did you mean by threat?" Stephen Strange asked.

I saw the ancient one on the ground, the whole space suddenly overlapped and extended outwards, the surrounding furniture disappeared, and all the buildings stretched out like a kaleidoscope.

"Exposure to the infinite multiverse also includes exposure to infinite dangers. If I tell you everything you don't know, you will be scared and run away," said Master Gu Yi.

"This has shocked me." Stephen Strange said, looking at the surrounding space.

Stephen Strange and Master Gu Yi learned how to use the mirror space, and Stephen Strange learned it easily after reading it twice.

The Ancient One Mage nodded. Stephen Strange was a magic genius he had seen except Casillas. Unlike Arthur, it took several days to learn a magic trick. (Arthur: Then I'll go?)

The more Stephen Strange communicated with Mage Gu Yi, the more knowledgeable Mage Gu Yi felt, like an omniscient person, no wonder she could become the Supreme Mage.

Stephen Strange, who was training outdoors, asked Mordo, "Well, how old is Master Ancient One?"

"No one knows the age of the Supreme Mage, only that she is Celtic, and she never talks about her past." Mordo replied.

"You're following her even if you don't know?" Stephen Strange asked.

"I know that she is steadfast, but unpredictable, ruthless and tolerant. She has made me who I am now." Mordo said while pulling out the battle, preparing to fight Stephen.

"Trust your teacher and don't go astray!" Mordo said to Stephen Strange.

"Like Casillas?" Stephen Strange asked rhetorically.

"Yes." Mordo raised his foot and kicked Stephen, but Stephen avoided him. Stephen punched Mordo in the abdomen, and he grabbed his hands.

"You know him?" Stephen Strange asked, struggling.

"When he came to us, he lost everything he loved, he was devastated, a heartbroken man wanted to find the answer from magic." Mordo locked Stephen's neck and said to him.

"He is an excellent student, but he is proud and self-willed! He questioned Master Gu Yi's rejection of her teaching." After Mortua finished speaking, he was hit in the abdomen by Stephen with an elbow, and Stephen broke free.

"He left Kama Taj, and his disciples followed him like sheep, lured by false doctrines," Mordo said, rubbing his belly.

"And then he stole the forbidden ritual, right?" Stephen Strange asked.

"Yes." Mordo replied.

"What does that ceremony do?" Stephen Strange asked.

"Don't ask." Mordo obviously didn't want Stephen to know this so early, he picked up a stick, which was his magic weapon, which could input magic power.

Stephen Strange looked envious and asked, "When will I have my own magic weapon?"

"When you're ready," Mordo replied.

"I think I'm ready," Stephen Strange replied.

"Whether you are ready or not is determined by the magic weapon. Now you should use magic to summon the weapon first." Mordo said.

Stephen Strange could only reluctantly recite the spell, and a golden energy whip appeared in his hands.

Mordo suddenly attacked Stephen, and Stephen used a magic whip to block. The faster Mordo hit, the faster Stephen responded, and he blocked them all.

Mordo suddenly ran into the air, his shoes were also a magic weapon, and he could walk in the air. He ran into the air and turned around and punched Stephen in the face, knocking Stephen to the ground.

"You have to keep practicing fighting, because one day, you will use it," Mordo said.

Stephen Strange got up from the ground, and he lost today's competition.

"Have you ever discussed with Arthur?" Stephen Strange asked suspiciously.

Mordo didn't answer, just nodded, showing a helpless expression, Stephen Strange read Mordo's expression, it seems that he was abused by Arthur.

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