I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 121: water dimension

"How many days are you going?" Stephen Strange asked him, knowing that Arthur was going to practice in the multiverse.

"I don't know. It's estimated that in more than ten days, I have found a good place to enhance my strength." Arthur replied.

Stephen nodded and said goodbye to Arthur, who instructed Mordo to tell her to go to another universe if Wanda came out.

Mordo next to Stephen Strange nodded, Arthur waved his right hand with Xuan Jie, and a blue portal appeared in front of him, only to see that the portal was on a sea surface.

"Did you find the wrong place, it's full of sea water?" Stephen Strange asked, looking at the scene inside the portal.

"No, this is where I'm going, then goodbye." After Arthur finished speaking, he jumped down from the portal and jumped into the sea, and then the portal disappeared.

"Why is his portal different from ours?" Stephen Strange wondered why Arthur's portal was blue.

"The ancient master said that Arthur uses his own energy, which is different from the energy of the multiverse we use." Mordo explained on the side.

"Okay, I'll go back to reading." Stephen Strange walked towards the library after speaking. He hasn't gone to class since he was able to use magic, and he always hid in the room to study by himself.

Moro glanced at Stephen Strange, this person has always had his own ideas, Moro didn't have much to say, turned around and left.

Arthur jumped into the ocean and then rose into the sky. He flew higher and higher, rushed into the atmosphere of the planet, and left the blue planet.

Arthur came to the universe and saw countless blue planets. Arthur was covered with red reality gem energy. The gem changed the environment around him, allowing him to breathe freely in the universe.

In fact, in this universe, the water element is very rich. Even if he breathes, there will be no problem. He can survive by absorbing the water element, but he is still used to breathing air.

Arthur flew into the universe. Although he had been there several times, he was once again shocked by this universe. All the planets in this universe were blue, and many planets were even covered by a thick layer of ice.

The whole universe emits a blue light, and Arthur has not seen a planet that shines like the sun, so the temperature in this universe is very low.

Arthur felt the water element in this universe. He had been looking for the core area of ​​the universe. He felt that the water element in one direction of the universe was stronger than in other directions.

Arthur's whole body flashed red, and he flew in this direction at a very fast speed.

In a universe without gravity, Arthur's speed is already close to the speed of light, and his body is protected by gem energy and will not be injured by hitting a meteorite.

As if Arthur was invisible, his body became translucent under the red energy package, passing through the meteorites.

If you look at Arthur from a distance, he is like a glowing comet, heading straight in one direction.

Arthur didn't know how long he had been flying, but he felt that many days had passed, and Arthur finally came to the edge of the core area of ​​this universe.

The water element energy is more concentrated here, and the planets here are all blue planets covered by water and glaciers.

Even meteorites in space are wrapped in ice, indicating that the water element here is too abundant.

Arthur had never felt so comfortable before, he found a relatively large white planet covered with snow and ice and flew over.

Arthur landed on the surface of the planet, which was covered in ice, and it was snowing all the time.

Arthur came to a huge iceberg, touched the iceberg with his hand, and the iceberg opened a hole for him to enter.

Arthur continued to walk inside, his hands constantly releasing the ability to control water, and with the blessing of reality gems, a cave the size of a football field was formed here.

good! This is Arthur's temporary secret base. Arthur also used his abilities to create a throne, let's call it the Frozen Throne.

Arthur recalled the method of communication with the multiverse in the Book of Camustro, although the page of the communication ritual was torn and taken away by Casillas.

Arthur still consulted the ancient master. The ancient master did not want to teach it to Arthur at first. She was afraid that Arthur would fall because he wanted to get infinite energy to communicate with the dark dimension energy like Casillas.

Although the ancient one can also absorb the energy of the dark dimension, the ancient one even relies on the energy of the dark dimension to achieve immortality, and the energy of the dark dimension is the most powerful of all multiverse energies.

But Arthur didn't need the energy of the dark dimension. After Arthur knew the existence of this water universe, he learned the ritual of energy communication from the ancient master.

With Arthur's repeated assurances, Master Gu Yi handed over the communication ritual method to Arthur. Arthur stood in the middle of the ice cave, chanting complicated spells with words in his mouth, and drew a strange symbol in the air with his hands .

A blue symbol appeared in front of Arthur, and a mysterious circular magic circle appeared around him.

Arthur instantly felt countless energy pouring into his body, and the entire water universe shrank in his mind.

If anyone was next to Arthur, they would see the blue energy around his eyes flowing like thin threads in his veins.

Arthur opened his eyes, his eyes turned blue and gave off a faint glow, which was very strange.

Arthur felt that he had never been stronger, and the energy in his body seemed to be infinite.

Arthur walked out of the cave, only to see that he raised his hands, the iceberg under his feet shook violently and rose to the ground, getting higher and higher, and the ice surface under the iceberg suddenly shattered.

A huge column of water broke through the ice, like rushing in the sky, Arthur got up and jumped onto a column of water.

Countless water columns all around came together towards the water column under Arthur's feet. The water column became thicker and thicker, and became a transparent giant snake under the control of Arthur's energy.

Arthur is now stomping the water column with his foot on the top of the giant snake's head, and the whole giant snake begins to freeze from under Arthur's feet in an instant, turning into a huge giant snake ice sculpture.

Arthur was very satisfied with his masterpiece. He only used a little water magic energy to achieve such an effect. Arthur felt that if he used all his strength, he might be able to instantly freeze a planet full of sea water.

Arthur's body floated from the head of the giant snake ice sculpture and flew into the air. The trident appeared in Arthur's hand, and Arthur pointed the trident at the giant snake.

A huge blue energy shot from the trident, instantly smashing the giant snake ice sculpture, and the blue energy directly shattered the entire iceberg.

Countless huge ice blocks fell from the mountain and broke the ice surface and rushed into the sea.

Arthur was very satisfied with his own blow, which was stronger than the power of using gem energy before. Even Ultron's Zhenjin body might not be able to take his own blow now.

Of course, there are also environmental reasons. Arthur who left this universe is definitely not as powerful as he is now, but as long as he uses the ritual magic circle, he can draw endless energy from this universe.


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