I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 118: Start magic learning

"I have you all." Master Gu Yi turned the mechanism on the table in the middle of the library, looked at the projection of the magic globe above his head, and said to the three temple guardians.

The three walked towards three different gates leading to the three supreme temples in the world.

"Do you think it's not appropriate for me to drive him away?" Mage Gu Yi and Mo Du, who came to him, asked.

"It's been five hours, he's still waiting at the door, he has some kind of power," Mordo said.

"Stubbornness, arrogance, and ambition, I've seen them all," said Master Gu Yi.

"He reminds you of Casillas," Mordo asked.

"I don't want to take another talented student under my door, lead him to power, and let him fall into darkness." Master Gu Yi actually knew that Stephen Strange would definitely surpass himself in the field of magic, but she still Lie to Mordo.

"Can he be as talented as Arthur and Wanda? Didn't you include both Arthur and Wanda?" Mordo asked.

"The two of them are different from ordinary people. They both have very powerful powers. I just teach them how to use them." Master Gu Yi said.

"But they are avengers and will not stay here to help us protect the temple. They will leave sooner or later, and Stephen Strange is different. He has the ability to become a magician." Mordo said.

"He can indeed become an excellent magician." Master Gu Yi nodded and said.

"The stolen pages of the magic book are still in Casillas' hands. If he deciphers those pages, then we are facing a disaster. Maybe Kama Taj can use Strange to tide over the difficulties." Mordo said.

Master Gu Yi nodded and agreed that Stephen Strange should learn magic...

Stephen Strange knocked on the door of Kama Taj for five hours, he had no way out, he finally saw hope, and he couldn't give up this opportunity no matter what.

But no one opened the door for him, and the exhausted Stephen Strange sat outside the door, leaning against the door. He was very annoyed at how he could offend Master Gu Yi.

Just then the door opened, and Stephen Strange, who was leaning against the door, fell in.

"Great! You finally opened the door, thank you!" Stephen Strange climbed up with difficulty.

"Follow me!" Mordo said to him after staring at him for a while.

Mordo led Stephen Strange to a room and told him that this was his room, let him take a bath and have a rest, Master Gu Yi would send someone to call him later and hand him a note.

"What is this? My spell?" Stephen Strange took the note and asked, looking at the English words on it.

"The WIFI password here, we are not primitive people!" Mordo said, then closed the door and went out.

Stephen Strange laughed self-deprecatingly. He glanced out the window and took out his watch, because the mirror of the previous fight watch was broken.

The watch was a birthday present from Kristen Palmer, with the words "Time will tell you how much I love you" on the back of the watch.

Stephen Strange sold everything, the house, car, and furniture was the only watch left to sell. This was his only thought. He regretted the anger he had said to Christine before. talk.

Stephen Strange put his watch on the window sill and washed, and had a good night's rest.

The next day, Mage Gu Yi asked him to go to the hall yesterday, and Stephen Strange sat down with his legs crossed facing Mage Gu Yi.

The Ancient One Mage began to tell Stephen Strange the origin of magic, and Stephen Strange listened carefully to the knowledge told by the Ancient One Mage.

The Ancient One also demonstrated to Stephen Strange how to use magical energy, telling him that magic is obtained from other dimensions of the multiverse, and casting spells can summon shields and weapons to cast magic.

"Even if my fingers can do this, my hands are just scribbling in the air. How can I reach your height?" Stephen Strange raised his trembling hands and asked the Ancient One Mage.

"Then how did you connect the broken nerves, and how did you put the spine back together one by one?" Master Gu Yi asked rhetorically.

"Learning and practicing, day after day, year after year," Stephen Strange replied.

Master Gu Yi nodded and asked him to learn in his own way.

Stephen understood, he went to the library to borrow a few books and started to teach himself magic.

It took Stephen only two days to read the three books recommended by the librarian, and he was going to borrow a few more.

Just when he came to the library, he saw someone he didn't expect, Arthur.

Arthur had just returned from practicing portal magic in other multiverses, and was chatting with Wang in the library. Arthur did not expect that Stephen Strange had come to Kama Taj.

"Mr. Arthur? Why are you here?" Stephen Strange asked, looking at Arthur.

"I've been here to study magic for over a year, and it's a pleasure to meet you! Stephen," Arthur replied.

"I went to find you before, but everyone didn't know where you went. I didn't expect you to come here," Stephen Strange said.

"By the way, let me introduce you. This is Wang, the administrator of the library. You are here to borrow books." Arthur introduced the king beside Stephen.

"Wang, it's nice to meet you. You can call me Stephen." Stephen Strange said to Wang, putting the book on the table.

"You asked me to help you heal your hands?" Arthur asked.

"You know about me? I asked you to borrow some money from you..." Stephen Strange said a little embarrassed.

"Your destiny has arranged for you to come to Kama Taj. This is the place that can redeem you. Here you can find the meaning of your life." Arthur said.

"Okay, thank you for your reminder." Stephen Strange didn't expect that Arthur would also become rambunctious, and like the people of Kama Taj, he always said something he couldn't understand.

"Have you read all of The Book of the Invisible Sun, The New Cosmos, The Code of the Supreme Being, and The Key of Solomon?" Wang asked after looking at the books Stephen brought.

"Yes!" Stephen Strange nodded.

"Your learning ability is still so great." Arthur praised Stephen Strange and said.

"Thank you!" Stephen Strange thanked him.

"Come with me." Wang took Stephen Strange to an area where books were placed, which was only open to magicians, and Arthur followed.

"This place is only open to magicians. You can also borrow it with my permission. You can start with the "General Proverbs". How is your Sanskrit level?" Wang took the book and asked Stephen Strand Chi asked.

"I'm pretty fluent with Google Translate," Stephen Strange replied.

"I also use Google Translate, which is very useful." Arthur sat on the chair and flipped through a magic book.

Stephen Strange suddenly felt that if Arthur was gone, in his magic learning career, there was finally someone with whom he could learn and communicate.

. …

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