I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 117: magic world

"Mr. Stephen Strange." The Ancient One Mage called out Stephen Strange's name.

"It's Dr. Stephen Strange." Stephen Strange said.

"But you're no longer a doctor. Didn't you come to me because of this? You've done many operations to treat your hands, seven times, right?" Master Gu Yi directly said Stephens Trange's purpose and the number of times he healed his hands.

Stephen Strange was stunned, how did she know about her? Is it...

"This tea tastes really good," said Stephen Strange.

"Thank you!" said Master Gu Yi.

"Did you cure a man named Pangborn? The paralyzed patient." Stephen Strange finally asked the question he wanted to ask.

"That's right." Master Gu Yi replied casually.

"You let him walk again?" Stephen Strange asked.

"Yes." Master Gu Yi replied.

"How did you heal two completely damaged spines?" Stephen Strange asked.

"I didn't cure him. He couldn't walk. I made him believe that he could walk." Master Gu Yi said.

"You wouldn't say it's psychotherapy, would you?" Stephen Strange couldn't understand what Mage Ancient One meant.

"When you reconnect damaged nerves, did you or your body heal them?" Master Gu Yi asked.

"It's cells!" Stephen Strange replied.

"Cells can only recover in their own unique way." Master Gu Yi said again.

"That's right!" Stephen Strange replied.

"What if I told you that your body could be persuaded to repair itself in various ways?" Master Gu Yi asked again.

"Do you mean that cells can regenerate? This is very advanced medical technology, so you are studying here, without the supervision of the medical board. How far has your treatment progressed?" Stephen Strange said. The more excited he was, but he misinterpreted the meaning of Master Gu Yi.

"It's okay." Master Gu Yi replied helplessly.

"So you found a way to reprogram cells to repair themselves?" Stephen Strange asked.

"No, Mr. Strange, what I know is how to channel spiritual power to better heal the body." Master Gu Yi took a sip of tea and said.

"Healing with spiritual power?" Stephen Strange asked in disappointment.

"Exactly." Master Gu Yi replied.

"Okay, okay! What are we going to do?" Stephen Strange has already determined that this master named Gu Yi is a liar, and the so-called spiritual therapy has no scientific basis.

Master Gu Yi took out a Sanskrit book with a picture on it, depicting a meditating person and an introduction to his physical and spiritual world. Master Gu Yi asked, "Don't you like this picture?"

"No, I mean this picture is not bad, but I have seen it before. When it was in the souvenir shop." Stephen Strange replied helplessly.

"What about this picture?" Master Gu Yi turned to another page, and the picture above was a picture of the human body.

"It's acupuncture, it's great." Stephen Strange said insincerely, he never believed in acupuncture.

"What about this one?" Master Gu Yi turned another page, which is a perspective view of a human skeleton.

"I can't believe you showed me an MRI image." Stephen Strange was about to turn around and leave the place.

"These pictures were drawn by some people who have only seen trees but never forests," said Master Gu Yi.

"I went bankrupt and bought a one-way ticket to come here! But you told me to use faith to heal?" Stephen Strange was about to collapse, this was his last chance, but it was the result .

"You're someone who only knows how to look at the world from inside a hole! You've spent your whole life trying to make the hole bigger, to see more and learn more. Now you know that the hole can be bigger than you can imagine. , but you reject this possibility." Mage Gu Yi looked at Stephen Strange contemptuously and said.

"I refuse because I don't believe in these bizarre myths about spiritual power, or the power of belief, there is no such thing as a soul! We are all made of matter, that's all! You are just In this slow universe, it's just a small, fleeting piece of dust." Stephen Strange became more and more angry and excited.

"You underestimate yourself too much." Master Gu Yi said calmly.

"You think you've seen through me, don't you? You haven't! But I've seen through you!" Stephen Strange pointed his finger at Mage Ancient One's chest and said excitedly.

Mage Gu Yi grabbed Stephen Strange's hand that pointed to his chest, and suddenly slapped Stephen Strange's chest, knocking his soul out of his body.

Stephen Strange saw Master Gu Yi slap him on the body, yes, he saw his body.

He is now floating in the air in a translucent state, his body is light, and he has no strength. Stephen Strange looked at his translucent hands and was immediately blinded.

But in an instant, his soul returned to his body, and he felt his own "body" again, which made him very uncomfortable.

"What have you done to me?" Stephen Strange asked.

"I pushed your soul out of your body." Master Gu Yi replied.

"What did you put in the tea? Psilocybin, or a hallucinogen!" Stephen Strange felt that he was hallucinating, and these people must have done something in the tea he just drank!

"It's just an ordinary cup of tea with a little honey added." Master Gu Yi replied.

"What happened just now?" Stephen Strange turned to look at the tunnel behind him that just flew in the air.

"Just now you entered the spiritual dimension, which is the place where the soul exists apart from the body." Master Gu Yi explained.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Stephen Strange asked.

"Let you know how ignorant you are, open your eyes!" Ancient One Mage put his hand on Stephen Strange's head.

Stephen Strange's consciousness instantly broke through the roof and flew into the sky. He flew out of the atmosphere in an instant and flew out of the earth.

"No, God! No!" Stephen Strange shouted, unable to control his body, he could only keep spinning in the air.

"No no no no, what's going on? It's not true!" Stephen Strange came to space, looked at the earth behind him, he stopped suddenly, and he saw a butterfly flying in space , he touched the butterfly.

Suddenly he was pulled by a force and flew back towards the original place. When he came back to his senses, he found himself sitting on a chair, with Mage Gu Yi and Modu still standing beside him.

"His heartbeat has far exceeded normal," Mordo said.

The Ancient One Mage looked at Stephen Strange and said, "He looks okay."

In an instant, Stephen Strange was pulled into the cosmic energy channel again, and he flew towards countless multiverses.

He saw many very magical things, and also saw various forms of the universe, very beautiful and terrifying.

He even entered the microscopic world, saw the composition of cells, entered the latitude of darkness, saw the endless darkness engulfing the world, and even saw the appearance of Dormammu, the king of darkness.

He is suspended in space, and countless multiverses overlap, and the colorful cosmic energy is very magical and real.

Finally he fell from the sky and returned to the real world, his body fell from the chair and fell to the ground.

"Have you seen this in a souvenir shop?" Master Gu Yi looked at Stephen Strange and asked contemptuously.

"I am willing to bow down to the door!" Stephen Strange knelt on the ground and said, looking at the ancient one.

"No!" Master Gu Yi replied, and then Stephen Strange was thrown out of the street outside Kama Taj's door by two attendants, and one of the attendants threw out his bag and slammed the door shut.

"No! No! Don't do this! Open the door, please." Stephen Strange slammed on the wooden door and said eagerly, but unfortunately no one opened the door for him again.


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