I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 119: see you again

"What are these?" Stephen Strange asked, pointing to a row of very delicate magic books with a faint red glow on the shelf.

"These are the personal collections of the Ancient One Master, very precious magic books," Arthur explained to him.

"So it's forbidden to borrow?" Stephen Strange asked.

"In Kama Taj, no knowledge is forbidden, only some practices are not allowed. These books are too obscure and profound for everyone except the Supreme Master." Wang explained.

"Indeed, one of the books I've been using for a year is just getting started," Arthur said aside.

Stephen Strange took the first book off the shelf, opened it and flipped through it, when suddenly he found that several pages of the book had been torn off.

"Why is this book missing a few pages?" Stephen Strange asked suspiciously.

"It was the Book of Camustro, which can also be called the Book of Time, and the ritual part of it was stolen by a previous mage," Wang explained.

"It was stolen by a man named Cassillis. This man also killed the former librarian. He fell into darkness because of this book. I don't think you should be the same as him." Arthur said. added to.

"Well, I think my will is fairly firm," Stephen Strange replied.

"I'll know when one of these books is stolen, and you'll be dead before escaping here!" Wang said, taking back the Book of Camustro from Stephen Strange's hands.

"Uh, if it's just an extension, what price do I have to pay?" Stephen Strange asked.

Wang didn’t answer him, and handed Stephen Strange the three books he was looking for.

"Don't mind, he threatened me like this before, let's go, it's almost time for dinner, I haven't eaten for several days." Arthur hugged Stephen Strange and walked out the door.

"Thank you for your book, Wang, see you next time!" Stephen Strange said goodbye to Wang.

"Why did you come here?" Stephen Strange, who was sitting at the dining table eating lunch, asked Arthur, who was opposite him.

"Of course it's to increase your strength. It's not easy to come here. Stephen, don't you think about going back to be a doctor after you heal your injury, right?" Arthur savored the delicious curry rice to Stephen Strand. Chi asked.

"What can I do but medicine? I've got nothing left. I just hope I can heal my wounds and start over," Stephen Strange said.

"It's a pity that your destiny has changed since the day you came to Kama Taj. Your talent can make you the most powerful magician. The earth needs your protection. I still remember that I told you to invite you to join. The Avengers thing?" Arthur asked Stephen Strange.

"Of course you remember, at that time you expected me to come to Kama Taj?" Stephen Strange asked strangely.

"Yes, it's all doomed, Stephen. A friend of mine once said that with great ability comes great responsibility, and you will know later." Arthur said to Stephen seriously.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility? I just came here to heal my wounds, and I haven't learned a single magic yet." Stephen Strange said.

"Believe in yourself, forget your injury, and you'll learn," Arthur said.

"Okay, I'll try." Stephen Strange nodded.

"The scene now reminds me of a year ago, when we first met and ate together. I didn't expect that the second time we met, we sat and ate together." Arthur looked at Stephen Strand, who was sitting across from him. Chi exclaimed.

"Yeah, and both times we ate Chinese food, but this time it was more ordinary, and I couldn't even hold the spoon." Stephen Strange looked at his shaking hand holding the spoon Self-deprecating said.

"There will be a way. If you promise me to join the Avengers, I can promise to help you heal." Arthur said.

"If you said that before, I will do whatever you ask me to do," Stephen Strange said.

"Okay, let's go to class after lunch," Arthur said.

"Let's go." Stephen Strange took the magic book and walked towards the classroom of the magic class with Arthur...

In a secret basement in London, Casillas and his followers gather here, where Casillas prepares to communicate dark dimensional energies and summon the Dark Lord Dormammu.

He took out a scroll of sheepskin on which he had stolen the pages of Camustro. The summoning ceremony of the power of the dark dimension is recorded on it.

It took Casillas a long time to decipher the contents of this page, he chanted a spell, and his hand drew a red symbol in the air, which was the symbol of the summoning ritual of the dark dimension.

The power of the dark dimension kept pouring into Casillas' body, Casillas' eyes turned purple, he saw Dormammu, the king of darkness, he gave his soul to Dormammu and became Dormammu. Mamm's attendant.

Dormammu asked him to destroy the three supreme temples of the earth, so that Dormammu could erode the earth, and Casillas knew the next move after being instructed.

Casillas felt that the dark energy in his body was endless. He suddenly felt that his power had surpassed that of the ancient one, and he pressed his hands towards the ground.

Many ripples appeared on the ground, and the entire building changed its material form under his energy. This is a spell that can only be used by an ancient wizard. Casillas is not in the mirror world, but can be used in the real world. His power has been Comparable to the ancient master.

Casillas passed on the energy of the dark dimension to the believers around him, he laughed, the moment finally came! I want to make the earth and the dark dimension merge into one! In this way, all people on earth can exist forever!

Casillas looked at the London Temple not far away, and when he summoned the staff, the first thing he wanted to destroy was the London Temple!

magic practice class

All mages can call out spells to summon magical weapons. Only Stephen Strange is looking left and right, his hands are randomly drawing in the air, Arthur and Mordo are standing together, watching and shaking their heads.

"Stephen was so concerned about the injury on his hand that he couldn't concentrate on his practice," Arthur said.

"Yes, Stephen will not be able to learn magic at all." Mordo said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Mage Gu Yi will have a solution." Arthur blinked at Mordo, and Mo Du instantly understood. There are several people who were forced to use that method by Mage Gu Yi.

Next is the practice of opening the portal with the help of the Xuan Jie. Everyone used magical energy, drawn circles in the air with their hands, chanted incantations, and the portals were formed in the air.

Only in front of Stephen Strange, only Xing Xu's magical energy was formed, but it was too little.

Arthur looked and shook his head, walked up, and said to Stephen Strange, "What you need is focus, just like when you operate on others, like this."

I only saw that Arthur was wearing an ordinary mysterious ring, and he drew a huge portal in the air, and it was still blue.

"Are you here to hit me?" Stephen Strange complained while looking at Arthur's portal.

"I'm here to encourage you..." Arthur waved his hand and the portal disappeared.

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