I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 116: Stephen's Healing Journey

The lights were not turned on in the dark room, and Stephen Strange sat on a chair and took out a courier he had received earlier.

This is the case of Jonathan Pangborn, which was sent to him by the neurological training doctor last time. Stephen Strange looked at the case. This man named Jonathan Pangborn had all lower limbs fractured and his spine was nailed. It stands to reason that such a person is It is impossible to stand up again.

Stephen Strange has no choice, this man is his last chance, he's going to find this Jonathan Pangborn and ask him how he did it.

Stephen Strange asked the hospital for Jonathan Pangborn's address, looked for it, and his family told Stephen Strange that he went to the basketball court to play basketball.

Stephen Strange rekindled hope after hearing that, a man with lower limb paralysis can now play basketball? This is simply a miracle.

Stephen Strange came to the basketball court, he saw this man named Jonathan Pangborn, and watching him run fiercely on the basketball court, Stephen Strange couldn't believe his eyes for a layup.

If Stephen Strange had not read his case, he would not have seen that this man had broken all his bones in the lower half of his life and had been hit with countless steel needles like himself!

Stephen Strange stopped Jonathan Pangborn and opened up about his case and introduced himself.

"I've actually seen you! I've been to your office before, but you refused to see me! I've only seen your assistant," Jonathan Pangborn said.

"Sorry, you were hopeless at the time," Stephen Strange said.

"I'll ruin your reputation if you don't cure me, right?" Jonathan Pangborn sneered.

"You have found hope from despair, and you have created miracles! I am also trying to create my miracles!" Stephen Strange took out his trembling hands and showed Jonathan Pangborn.

Jonathan Pangborn looked at Stephen Strange with despair in his eyes. He remembered what happened to him at that time, and he decided to help this person who had the same experience as himself.

"Well, of course I've given up on my body, I thought I had nothing but my mind, and I thought I should at least try to make it active," Jonathan Pangborn continued after a pause.

"So I meditated with the master and the saints, and a group of strangers took me to the top of the mountain to meet the saints. Finally, I found my mentor... My mind was sublimated, my soul became thicker, and then I don't know. No matter what, my body is healed." Jonathan Pangborn said so vividly that Stephen Strange couldn't believe it.

"There is more advanced knowledge to learn there, but I don't have the ability to understand them. I am satisfied that the miracle has come, and I go home. The place is called Karma Taj, but the price to go there is not low. ." Jonathan Pangborn still spoke of that magical place.

"How much does it cost?" Stephen Strange asked.

"It's not about the money, good luck!" Jonathan Pangborn said and turned away.

Stephen Strange watching Jonathan Pangborn active on the basketball court, Kama Taj? Why is this name so familiar?

He remembered the story of the Kama Taj that Arthur had told himself, and he decided to go to the place called Kama Taj to try it.

Stephen put on his backpack and bought a plane ticket to Kathmandu, Nepal with all the money he had left. He checked the information that Karma Taj was in this city.

The plane soon arrived at Kathmandu Airport, and Stephen Strange got off the plane and came to this strange city.

Stephen Strange was walking on the streets of Kathmandu. There are many people in this metropolis with oriental characteristics. Stephen Strange followed the crowd and walked aimlessly.

He kept asking passers-by about the location of Kama Taj, passers-by pointed him in a direction, and Stephen Strange followed the passers-by's instructions.

Kathmandu has a strong religious atmosphere. He saw advertisements on the wall with Himalayan tours everywhere. Stephen Strange walked past temples and prayed, hoping that he could find the legendary Kama Taj.

Stephen Strange said Kama Taj's name every time he met someone and saw their reaction, but no one responded to him.

He didn't know that his actions were seen by Kar Modu, who was passing by. Modu saw that this person was frantically looking for Karma Taj, so he followed him to check the situation.

Stephen Strange was walking toward a temple again, and while crossing a deserted alley, he was stopped by three men who didn't look good.

"OK, guys, I don't have a penny on me." Stephen Strange said helplessly.

"Hand over your watch!" said a bald man looking at the watch on Stephen Strange's hand.

"Please let me go, this is the only thing I have left." Stephen Strange said as he stepped back.

"Hurry up and hand it over!" The bald old man looked at Stephen Strange and said grimly.

"Okay." Stephen Strange took a deep breath and suddenly punched the bald man in the face, but he didn't hurt him, and his hand still hurt terribly.

The bald man punched Stephen Strange in the face with a backhand, knocking him to the ground, and the other two also punched and kicked Stephen Strange.

The three of them pressed Stephen Strange to the ground and beat him hard. The bald head took off Stephen Strange's watch, and at this moment, he was punched to the ground by Carmodu who came from behind.

The other two rushed towards Mordo but were knocked down by Mordo two or three times. Stephen got up from the ground and looked at the man who suddenly appeared in surprise. Cal Mordo took back Stephen Strange's The watch was handed to him.

Stephen Strange took the watch and was speechless at the shattered crystal, it was the only thing he had.

"Are you looking for Kama Taj?" Calmodo asked.

Stephen Strange looked at Mordo and nodded, Mordo looked Stephen Strange up and down.

"Follow me!" After that, Mordo turned and walked away, and Stephen Strange followed.

Calmodo brought Stephen Strange to a temple. Just as Stephen Strange was about to enter the temple, he found Calmodo turned and walked towards a dilapidated house opposite the temple, with a small door.

"Here? Are you sure we're not going wrong? This place feels a little more like Karma Taj," Stephen Strange said, pointing to the temple.

"I used to be like you, and I wasn't very polite at that time, so I can give you some advice and forget everything you think you know." Calmodo said to Stephen Strange.

"Okay," Stephen Strange replied.

Mordo opened the small door and let Stephen Strange in. It turned out that it was a very large house made up of wooden structures, which looked very old-fashioned.

"This is the temple of our mentor, and my mentor is the Ancient One Mage." Mordo brought Stephen Strange to the hall.

There was a woman and a monk in the hall, and an elderly Taoist priest sat on a chair in the middle of the hall.

The woman and the monk stepped forward to undress Stephen Strange.

"Okay, thank you." Stephen Strange kept saying thank you to make himself more polite, but he scoffed at the so-called Karma Taj.

A bald woman handed Stephen Strange a cup and poured him a cup of hot tea.

"Thank you! Mr. Gu Yi, thank you for your willingness to see me." Stephen Strange said to the old Taoist priest sitting on the chair in the middle of the hall.

"You don't have to be so polite." It was the Ancient One Mage who poured tea for Stephen Strange, she said to Stephen Strange.

Stephen Strange turned his head and glanced at the old Taoist priest, and Mordo on the side said, "This is Master Gu Yi."

"Thank you, Mage Mordo, thank you, Mage Hamil." Mage Gu Yi said.

Stephen Strange looked at the bald-headed woman in disbelief. This young-looking woman was Master Gu Yi?

What kind of cult organization did he come to?


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