I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 115: Desperate Doctor Stephen

Dr. Stephen Strange was in a serious car accident while driving, and when he woke up from a coma, he felt excruciating pain all over his body, except for his hands.

His friend Kristen Palmer comforted him by the side, and Stephen Strange looked at his hands, which were hanging in the air and held in place by braces, looking terrifying.

Stephen Strange gasped heavily, he couldn't accept this reality, and asked tremblingly, "What did they do to my hand?"

Kristen Palmer said in a somber voice: "They helicoptered you to the hospital, but it took a long time to find you... prime time for nerve damage repair when you're trapped in I missed it when I was in the car..."

"What did they do to me?" Stephen Strange asked again.

"Eleven stainless steel needles were implanted in your bones, multiple ligaments were torn, the nerves in your hands were severely damaged, and your operation took a full eleven hours to complete." Kristen Palmer in Stephens Lan Qi explained in a low voice.

"Look at these fixers..." Stephen Strange couldn't stand it anymore, his body was so terrifying.

"No one can do it better. This is the best surgeon's surgery." Kristen Palmer understood what Stephen Strange meant and said to him.

"I can do better!" Stephen Strange said, turning his head to look at Kristen Palmer, then closed his eyes and could only accept the reality silently.

five months later

Stephen Strange has taken out the fixed steel nails in the bones, and his fingers can barely move.

During this period of time, it was very tormenting for him, and he could not take care of himself in life. Fortunately, there was a good friend O Christine who took care of him carefully.

After another month, the bandage was finally removed from his hand, but due to the severe damage to the nerves in his hand, his hands were shaking all the time. Now, let alone operating on others, he could hardly take care of himself.

"Give your body time to rest and let him recover," his primary doctor said, looking at him.

"You ruined me!" Stephen Strange said desperately.

Stephen Strange found the hospital leader, who asked for Stent's plaster stents to be implanted in both hands to join nerve recovery in both hands.

Such an operation is expensive and is still in the experimental stage, only theoretically feasible.

The hospital agreed to Stephen Strange's request and implanted a Stent's plaster stent.

It took another three months for Stephen Strange's hands to heal after the surgery.

He started doing recovery exercises, but his hands were shaking and he couldn't get the strength out.

Stephen Strange was very desperate. He felt that this recovery training was useless, and his hands could never return to normal.

But the doctor told him that a previous patient named Jonathan Pangborn was paralyzed, and after three years of rehabilitation, he was able to walk normally.

Stephen Strange did not believe the doctor's words. He asked to see the case of the man named Jonathan Pangborn. The doctor said that he would go to the warehouse to find it and send it to Stephen Strange.

Stephen Strange can only do rehabilitation training day after day, but his hands have not improved in the slightest, and he can't even use a razor now.

Stephen Strange was completely desperate. He searched for all the information, but could not find a way to heal his hands.

He consulted all the famous neurosurgeons in the world and got nothing to do, so he had spent all his savings and borrowed a lot of money from Kristen Palmer.

Stephen Strange remembered what Arthur had said to him. Arthur said he would help him once. Although Stephen Strange didn’t think Arthur could help him, Stephen could borrow some money from Arthur. .

Stephen Strange called Arthur's phone, but Arthur's phone was turned off, and Stephen Strange asked someone for the number of the Avengers headquarters.

He called the Avengers headquarters and it was a man who answered the call, and when Stephen Strange said he was looking for Jon Arthur, the man told him that Arthur had not returned to the Avengers for over a year. The Alliance Headquarters was over, and they couldn't contact Arthur for the time being. Stephen Strange was completely disappointed.

Kristen Palmer came to visit Stephen Strange at his house, and she saw a sulking Stephen Strange.

"What's the matter with you?" Kristen Palmer asked, looking at Stephen Strange.

"Someone in Tokyo has invented a technology. They cultivate the stem cells of donors, collect them, and use 3D printing technology to make a skeleton. If I can get a loan..." Stephen Strange said excitedly.

"Stephen! You used to spend money as fast as you made money! But now you're not spending your money at all, so stop it!" Kristen Palmer said.

"No! Now is not the time to give up! Look at me, my injury is not getting better at all!" Stephen Strange shouted loudly.

"But you're not looking for medicine for yourself now, you've gone crazy! Some problems just can't be solved satisfactorily," Kristen Palmer said.

"I lost my career and my life!" Stephen Strange said.

"This is life too! It's not the end of the world, there are many other things that can give your life meaning!" Kristen Palmer advised Stephen Strange.

"Like what? Are you referring to you?" Stephen Strange asked rhetorically.

"You better take back what you just said!" Kristen Palmer didn't expect Stephen Strange to say such a thing.

"You'd better go now!" Stephen Strange said indifferently.

"Well, I really can't stand you torturing your body like this." Kristen Palmer said looking at Stephen.

"Can't watch it anymore?" Stephen Strange asked suddenly and loudly.

"Yes! That's right, the way you look now breaks my heart!" Kristen Palmer said disappointedly.

"You don't need to pity me!" Stephen Strange said.

"I didn't pity you!" Kristen Palmer said, holding back tears.

"Really? So what are you doing here? Bring cheese and wine and go on a picnic with me like old friends? We're not friends, let alone a couple! You love sad stories, right? Do I look particularly miserable now?" Stephen Strange became more and more excited as he spoke, as if he wanted to vent all the desperate life he had spent during this time.

"Poor Stephen Strange, a man in need, he finally needs me! Another scum who needs your rescue! Enlighten him, and then let him face life again! Your heart is overjoyed. Come on, look how much you care about me!" Stephen Strange began to mock Kristen Palmer with words, yin and yang said strangely.

"Goodbye, Stephen!"

Kristen Palmer shook her head. She was completely heartbroken by Stephen Strange's words. She threw down the key to the door of Stephen Strange's house and turned to leave. She pretended that there was no Stephen Strange. this friend.

Stephen Strange turned around and supported the floor-to-ceiling windows with his hands, looking at the raining city outside the window, he lost all his strength, and he regretted why he said such words to those who take care of him every day.

He is completely desperate in the face of the blow of life. He has nothing now, his career is ruined, his savings have long been spent, and even his only friend has been lost.

Stephen took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Kristen Palmer's number with difficulty, only typing three words in ten minutes.

"I am sorry"


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