I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 111: Supreme Mage

"There is only one reason for your existence!" Master Gu Yi suddenly slapped Arthur's chest.

A soul was beaten out of Arthur's body. Arthur felt very fantastic. The moment the soul left the body, Arthur felt a lot easier.

"Ah!" Wanda saw the appearance of Arthur's soul through chaos magic, and he was completely two people in reality, an Asian teenager with black hair and black pupils.

How is this going? Wanda can't accept the fact that there is another person in Arthur's body?

"This can be explained, you should come from other universes, and your soul is integrated into this body." Master Gu Yi said.

"Then can I go back to the world I was in before?" The black-haired Lin Feng asked, standing next to Arthur's body.

"I don't know, the multiverse is very huge, and the number of universes is very large. If you want to go back, you can only find it yourself." Master Gu Yi said.

"Who are you? Are you Arthur?" Wanda asked blankly at the black-haired Lin Feng's soul.

"I've been Arthur since I was sixteen. I'll explain to you later that you have to help me keep a secret." Arthur looked at Wanda and said.

Wanda nodded, Lin Feng's soul returned to Arthur's body, touched his body, Arthur felt that the soul out of the body is really amazing.

"You all contain a huge amount of energy in your body. You have an Infinity Stone on your body, right? I feel the same power as the Eye of Agothos." Master Gu Yi asked.

"Yes, I have two Infinity Stones." Arthur raised his right hand, and two gems, one red and one yellow, appeared on the back of his hand.

"They shouldn't be here, the future has changed, I can't see the future, and I don't know whether this change is good or bad, but there is a reason for existence," said Master Gu Yi.

"Then can we learn magic from you?" Arthur asked Mage Ancient One.

Gu looked at Wanda, and she observed the blonde woman.

"You have the qualifications to become the Supreme Mage, but the next Supreme Mage is already doomed." Master Gu Yi looked at Wanda and said.

"The power of chaos contained in her body is extremely huge. If it can be completely controlled, it can be said to be devastating. I have only seen one person on earth that is comparable to her energy." said Master Gu Yi.

"Has that person left the earth?" Arthur knew that Master Gu Yi was talking about Captain Marvel.

"Yes, it has been a long time since she left the earth, and Wanda's chaotic energy is also very dangerous. If her mind is affected by chaotic energy, she will fall into darkness." said the ancient master.

Arthur also felt that what Mage Gu Yi said was right. He still knew Wanda well. Her character was actually quite strong, but she was still very kind. Arthur believed that he could protect her well.

"Don't worry, Mage, I won't let her have an accident." Arthur touched Wanda's hair and said.

Master Gu Yi also saw the relationship between the two, which is what Gu Yi was worried about. If Wanda loses Arthur, she is very likely to be eroded by chaotic energy.

"Okay! I allow you to learn magic at Kama Taj." Master Gu Yi wants to teach Wanda how to control the power of chaos, and the learning of Arthur's magic is just the icing on the cake for him.

"What happened? I saw that the people of Kama Taj were panicking." Arthur finally asked the question in his heart. After he came in, he found that the expressions of Kama Taj were not quite right. .

Alas~ Master Gu Yi sighed and said, "I have a disciple named Casillas. He secretly learned dark magic and then fell, and took away a group of apprentices."

Master Gu Yi briefly explained what happened. After Casillas came to Kama Taj, he wanted to learn magic to save his wife and children, but he secretly watched when he found that ordinary magic could not save his wife and children. He took the forbidden magic book of Master Gu Yi, and also tore it up and took it away for two nights.

Since then he has fallen, and he has learned to gain strength from the dark latitudes, becoming a disciple of the Dark Lord Dormammu.

Moreover, Casillas also bewitched and took away a group of students who believed in dark magic like him. They believed that the practice of Kama Taj of the ancient master was wrong. After the earth should be integrated with the dark latitude, everyone will become an eternal existence.

Arthur was indignant after hearing this. Once he gained power, he became ambitious and thought he was superior and could become the savior of the world.

But they forgot why they came to Kama Taj in the first place. After Master Gu Yi selflessly taught them magic, not only did they not feel grateful, but also said that Master Gu Yi's approach was wrong, and it was really a group of white-eyed wolves.

"Don't worry, Master Gu Yi, if they come here again, I don't need you to take action, I will help you clear the door." Arthur said.

Master Gu Yi looked at Arthur with a smile and nodded, and asked Carmodo to take Arthur and Wanda to the arranged room to rest, and start learning magic tomorrow.

"Are you avengers? I thought you were familiar at first, and just remembered who you are." Mordo said.

"Yes, I thought you could recognize me at a glance." Arthur said, there are really too few people who don't know Arthur now.

"We are learning magic most of the time, and we only understand the news from the outside world." Mordo explained.

"This is your room. I think you two seem to be a couple, so I arranged two rooms next to each other for you, with hot water for bathing, and this." Mordo handed Arthur a piece of paper strip.

"WIFI password?" Arthur asked.

"Yes, you rest, I'll go first." Mordo turned around and left.

Arthur looked at the blushing Wanda and took her hand, "Go, I have something to tell you."

Arthur brought Wanda to the room. The whole room was made up of wooden structures and looked quite old. But there are all the furniture that should be there, as if coming to a homestay, it still has a different flavor.

Wanda watched Arthur change the door, his face was even redder, his heart was pounding, and he didn't know what Arthur wanted to do.

Arthur pulled Wanda to the chair and sat down. He watched Wanda whisper the secret of his crossing. Now that he was discovered by Wanda, Arthur didn't want to hide her anymore. Wanda was very special to Arthur.

Wanda felt very bizarre after hearing about Arthur's story. This kind of thing actually exists.

No wonder some of Arthur's daily behaviors are a little different from everyone else. He speaks Chinese very well, and he likes Chinese food very much, not American food.

Wanda didn't expect Arthur to tell himself such an important secret, Wanda suddenly got up and hugged Arthur and said:

"Whoever you are, I love you Arthur! I want to be with you forever, I won't tell anyone this secret, it's a secret for both of us!"

Arthur was a little confused by Wanda's sudden expression of feelings. In fact, the relationship between the two of them has always been vague, and Arthur is not very fond of expressing his feelings.

Unexpectedly, being confessed by Wanda today, Arthur, a virgin who has never been in love in two lifetimes, is a little overwhelmed.

But he was sure that he liked Wanda, Arthur reached out and hugged Wanda, stroked her hair and said, "Me too, I want to be with you too, forever!"

Arthur looked into Wanda's eyes, slowly approached Wanda and kissed her...


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