I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 110: Kama Taj

Arthur looked for the Supreme Temple in New York but could not find it. He remembered that there should be a temple in New York, but Arthur drove around New York for three days without seeing the sign of the Supreme Temple.

Could it be that you have to travel to the Himalayas to find the Kama Taj? Arthur thought sadly.

Arthur and Wanda went on a trip that said they would leave. Of course, he still told Steve Rogers about the trip. Steve Rogers didn't want to complain about Arthur's behavior of leaving at every turn.

Arthur and Wanda dressed very casually, carrying schoolbags and sunglasses, and taking pictures while walking, even if they were traveling.

They took a plane to Kathmandu, Nepal, and the information shows that Kama Taj is here.

Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal and the largest city in Nepal. It is located on the southern **** of the Himalayas and has a strong religious atmosphere in the city.

Arthur and Wanda seemed to be traveling. They took pictures everywhere in Kathmandu, took a vlog of a day trip to Kathmandu, went to many places of interest, and tried local Nepalese snacks.

Wanda was very happy that Arthur could take her out this time. Every time she told Arthur that she wanted to act with him, Arthur refused.

Traveling with Arthur and Wanda this time is very happy, whether they finally find a destination or not, Wanda feels very meaningful.

Wanda also enjoys Arthur's playful actions. She knows Arthur very well. He is a person who enjoys life very much. Arthur said that his dream is to be an ordinary person and live a happy life in this world. go down.

Arthur usually enjoys life very much, and his pursuit of food is even more fanatical. Of course, in the eyes of other avengers, Arthur's character is lazy and greedy.

Wanda took Arthur's hand and walked on the streets of Kathmandu, looking east and west, and was very interested in what every vendor was selling.

There were so many people on the streets of Kathmandu that it was like going to a market. Arthur had already sent away three thieves who had targeted him.

Arthur brought Wanda to a restaurant. The owner of the restaurant was actually a Chinese. Arthur communicated with him in fluent Mandarin.

Wanda was eating Nepalese pilaf and curry xiao long bao, and couldn't understand what Arthur and the boss were talking about.

"We traveled here from New York, how long have you been in Nepal, boss?" Arthur asked.

"It's been almost ten years since I opened a store in Nepal. It turns out that I am Tibetan and my wife is Nepalese," said the boss.

"It's been a long time since I lived here, and I have a question I want to ask the boss," Arthur said.

"What's the problem? I'll tell you everything I know." The boss replied.

"Boss, do you know Karma Taj? We went to Nepal to find Karma Taj. It is said that Karma Taj has a group of very magical people." Arthur asked.

"...I know the location of Kama Taj." The boss stared at Arthur for a long time, hesitated and decided to tell him.

"Really? That's great! Thank you very much!" Arthur said happily. He was so lucky to ask them their destination after a meal.

"Kama Taj lives in a group of real saints, who are practitioners with great supernatural powers. Last year, my child suffered from a rare disease. I took him to many hospitals and he couldn't be cured. In the end, he was guided by an elderly man in Nepal. Next, I took my child to Kama Taj, and finally my child's illness was cured." The boss shared his experience.

Arthur nodded, and the people who went to find Kama Taj basically asked for medical treatment. No one knew that Kama Taj was the guardian of the earth.

The restaurant owner gave Arthur an address where he could find Karma Taj.

After eating, Arthur took Wanda to find the address given by the boss, only to find a very low-key house opposite a temple.

It's hidden enough. If I didn't tell me that this is Kama Taj, I would have thought it was the home of Nepalese civilians.

"Are you sure it's here? Did you make a mistake?" Wanda asked incredulously, looking at the small wooden door in front of him. Is this where the legendary Supreme Mage lived? It doesn't look like it anyway.

"It should be here." Arthur stepped forward and knocked on the door.

After a while, a dark-skinned man opened the door, looked at Arthur and Wanda vigilantly and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"This is Kama Taj, right? Let's find the ancient master." Arthur replied, looking at the familiar Karmodu in front of him.

"This is not the place you are looking for, let's go!" Calmodo looked at Arthur and Wanda vigilantly and said.

"I just said I'm in the wrong place! Let's go." Wanda took Arthur's hand and whispered.

Arthur patted the back of Wanda's hand, looked at Cal Modu and said to him, "You are Mage Mordo, we are from New York and have something to do with Mage Ancient One."

"You know me? Well...you come in." Calmodo let Wanda and Arthur enter the door and led them towards the hall.

When they came to the hall, they encountered two apprentices of Kama Taj, who also looked at Arthur and Wanda vigilantly and hurried away.

"What happened?" Arthur asked strangely. Why are people here so nervous?

"Wait here for a while, I'm going to invite my master, Master Gu Yi." Calmodo didn't answer Arthur's question and asked him to wait in the hall before leaving.

Arthur and Wanda are looking at this very historic hall.

After only a short while, a bald woman in black clothes walked in with her hands behind her back, and Arthur recognized that she was the Ancient One Mage they were looking for.

"Supreme Master, it's an honor to meet you!" Arthur greeted Master Gu Yi.

Wanda on the side was startled, this thin looking woman is the strongest person on earth that Arthur said? Supreme Mage?

"You are? It's strange...it's impossible!" Master Gu Yi stared at Arthur and looked up and down, showing an expression of disbelief.

"My name is Jon Arthur, she is Wanda, we are here to learn magic from you, Master Ancient One." Arthur explained his purpose.

"You shouldn't be alive, and she shouldn't be here now." Master Gu Yi said something that surprised Arthur.

"What do you mean I shouldn't be alive?" Arthur asked.

"Your fate should have ended when you were sixteen years old, and now you have not only survived, but I have also felt a powerful force in you." Master Gu Yi explained.

Wanda frowned when she heard this man say that Arthur should be dead at sixteen, is this woman fooling people? Wanda refrained from speaking.

Arthur was taken aback. Sixteen years old was when he crossed over. Could it be that the original Arthur was already dead? Is his soul occupying his body?

"Because of your variables, this world has deviated from its original traces and is developing towards an unknown future. It can be said that it has formed a new cosmic timeline." Master Gu Yi continued.

"What? Because of my existence, this world has deviated from the original cosmic timeline?" Arthur understood the meaning of the ancient master. This world is composed of many multiverses, and any variable will make the world change.

"Yes, your appearance has changed the original timeline! This universe has deviated from the main universe." Master Gu Yi replied.


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