I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 112: learn magic

the next morning

Mordo knocked on Arthur's door and woke Arthur up from his sleep.

Arthur yawned and opened the door. He was used to sleeping until he woke up naturally every day, but being woken up suddenly was a little uncomfortable.

"Wash up and have breakfast, and then start the morning class." Mordo looked at Arthur and said, then turned and knocked on Wanda's door.

Arthur washed up and woke up a lot, changed into the magic apprentice clothes prepared in the room, and walked to Wanda's room to wait for Wanda to wash up. Women wash more slowly than men.

Wanda also changed into apprentice clothes. Well, dark red clothes are Wanda's favorite style.

Arthur took Wanda's hand and the two walked to the kitchen. Many people had already had breakfast here. Kama Taj's breakfast was soy milk and doughnuts, very Nepalese style. Arthur liked it a little bit.

After breakfast, everyone came to a classroom to start a magic class, which reminded Arthur of Harry Potter, but it has a Chinese style.

Many apprentices are curious about the new Arthur and Wanda, especially Wanda, who is so beautiful that it arouses the interest of many male students. It is pleasing to have a beautiful girl in a boring magic school.

Wanda frowned as she felt the glances around her, and Arthur patted her hand to let her not care.

The morning class started. This is a defense magic class. A male teacher who looks like an old Taoist priest in a Chinese Xianxia TV series understands the use of the simplest magic shield for everyone.

Arthur listened with great interest. It was the first time he took this kind of magic class. The teacher was obviously from China. The lectures were very Chinese and he said a lot of idioms.

Wanda on the side couldn't figure out what these idioms meant, but she had an excellent talent for magic, and she understood the use of the magic shield at once.

The second session is the practice class. Everyone came to the square. The male teacher just now asked him to try to use the magic shield.

These apprentices have obviously been studying for a while, and all of them have easily used the magic shield.

Arthur closed his eyes and tried to communicate the energy in the universe. He could control the water. This kind of thing was not difficult for him. With the blessing of the spell, a blue shield was formed on Arthur's hand.

Arthur's situation has attracted everyone's attention, everyone has orange shields, only Arthur is blue, what is the situation.

Wanda also uses the magic shield easily, but her magic shield is composed of her own chaotic energy, and it is a dark red magic shield.

The two newcomers, Arthur and Wanda, successfully used magic on the first day, and they were different from everyone else. One was blue and the other was red, which was particularly eye-catching.

Even the teaching teacher didn't know why his two magic shields were different in color from everyone else's, he just thought they were a bit special.

Only the ancient master standing in the distance shook his head. The two of them had no problem using the magic shield, but the magic she taught everyone was to extract energy from the multiverse.

Wanda obviously uses his own chaotic energy, while Arthur has special energy and extracts water energy.

Master Gu Yi didn't go up to correct the two, so he couldn't say they were wrong, but their situation was different from everyone else's. In the opinion of the ancient master, as long as it is magical energy, whether it is dark energy or light energy, as long as it can be controlled by itself, there is no problem.

Cal Modu was also taken aback. He knew that the two were members of the Avengers, but he didn't expect them to learn magic so quickly. It took Modu more than a week to use his first magic. Are these two magical geniuses?

After finally having a two-hour break after lunch, Arthur and Wanda did not have the habit of taking a nap. They were holding hands and strolling around Kama Taj, very leisurely.

They are different from other people who come to Kama Taj to learn magic. They don't have such a strong desire to learn. Arthur is a little bit more Buddhist. He likes this kind of magic class, and it is also good to experience student life with Wanda.

Unlike Stephen Strange, who gave up the class when he came to Kama Taj, and studied hard by himself, just wanting to heal his injury quickly.

Arthur enjoyed all this, and learned a small attack magic in the afternoon, and his first day of study was over.

The dinner was actually Chinese food. It seems that there are many Chinese people in Kama Taj, which makes Arthur feel more attribution.

After dinner, Arthur and Wanda went to the library to meet Wang. They borrowed basic magic books from Wang and went back to read them.

Wang only borrowed the books of their basic magic history, Wang felt that the two newcomers had not yet borrowed advanced magic books.

Arthur didn't say anything, he wasn't in a hurry, and the Avengers didn't have anything he needed to do for the time being. Anyway, he was going to stay at Kama Taj for a while, and it would be interesting to learn more about the history of magic.

If Steve Rogers knew what Arthur was thinking, he would be very angry. He was so busy with the Avengers every day that Arthur wouldn't come to help, even if he didn't come to help.

Arthur and Wanda spent a week studying at Kama Taj School of Magic.

One day Arthur found Master Gu Yi, and he wanted to talk to Master Gu Yi.

"What's the matter with me?" Master Gu Yi asked.

"I want to ask you to teach Wanda to learn to master Chaos Magic, I know you can do it," Arthur said to the Ancient One Mage.

"Wanda's chaotic power is too powerful. If she masters chaotic magic, no one will be able to stop her once she falls," said Master Gu Yi hesitantly.

"Our earth will face a formidable enemy, and you should have noticed that so many Infinity Stones have appeared on the earth," Arthur said.

"I can't see the future, my destiny is about to end, so I can't understand what happened in the future." said Master Gu Yi.

"So I want you to help Wanda learn Chaos Magic, so that she has the power to fight against evil. I believe she can master her own power." Arthur said.

"Well, I once collected a Chaos Codex. The magic knowledge in it is not something that ordinary people can learn. I put it in the library. You can bring it to Wanda." Master Gu Yi hesitated. Said after a while.

"Thank you very much, in fact, I have another request." Arthur said a little embarrassed.

"Do you want to learn to travel through the multiverse?" Master Gu Yi saw through Arthur's mind. He had a great desire to return to the original world before.

"Yes, I want to find a way to get back to my old world," Arthur said.

"The multiverse is very obscure and mysterious. If you want to learn to travel through the multiverse, you should learn the basic magic knowledge first. When you have accumulated enough, I will teach you the method of the multiverse teleportation array." Master Gu Yi said.

"Okay, I see," Arthur replied.

In this way, Wanda began to listen to the individual teaching of the ancient master every day, and took her to learn the Chaos Codex.

Arthur, on the other hand, went to class honestly every day, and taught himself magic knowledge at night.

Their Kama Taj magic study life just went by day by day.


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