I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 109: Stephen Strange

Arthur took Stephen Strange to a high-end restaurant, which is the high-end restaurant in Atlantis opened by Jack.

Atlantis restaurants have opened from six at the beginning to 18. Because the Avengers' reputation is getting bigger and bigger, everyone comes here.

Many people also met members of the Avengers when they dined at the Atlantis restaurant, and it is said that Tony Stark and Colonel Lord are regulars at the Atlantis restaurant.

Of course, other Avengers members are also regulars at the Atlantis restaurant. Arthur even said that Atlantis restaurant can be used as the canteen of the Avengers.

So Atlantis restaurant suddenly became famous for its low price, fresh and delicious ingredients, and authentic Chinese food. This is why everyone likes to eat at Atlantis restaurant.

Atlantis restaurant has also opened branches all over the United States. Jack is very business-minded. He nailed the high-end market and opened three high-end Michelin restaurants in Los Angeles, New York and London.

It turns out that the six friends of the Atlantis restaurant have all changed from migrant workers to millionaires, but they still miss the days when they used to be together in a small restaurant by the sea.

At that time, Arthur could still be seen often, and everyone often gathered at Arthur's house, but in the past two years, Arthur has basically been away from home, and they can only see Wanda and Pietro when they come to Arthur.

Recently, Wanda and Pietro also went to the Avengers on a mission, and they have no chance to meet again. Everyone knows that Arthur is very busy, so they did not take the initiative to contact Arthur.

Jack was very happy to hear that Arthur was bringing his friends to the restaurant for dinner. He hadn't seen Arthur for half a year.

Arthur came to the door of the Atlantis restaurant in Stephen Strange's sports car. Arthur looked at the statue in the fountain pool at the door of the restaurant very familiar.

Isn't this himself, a statue wearing a crown, armor and holding a trident. Jack is also exaggerating. Putting such a statue at the door of the restaurant makes him feel immortal.

Arthur looked at the statue in front of him, and his face was a little bit awkward, and Stephen Strange also saw the statue that was more than five meters high.

"This restaurant really has its own characteristics," Stephen Strange said.

"Haha, even though this is my restaurant, it's my first time here, and it makes you laugh. I don't know why they make it so exaggerated." Arthur said embarrassedly.

Jack was already waiting at the door. When he saw Arthur coming with a man, he immediately greeted him.

"Boss, you're here!" Jack said excitedly looking at Arthur.

When Arthur heard this, the boss missed him very much. This was the honorary title given to him by his friends.

"You call me your boss even after you've become a CEO. I should call you your boss," Arthur said jokingly.

"In my heart you will always be the boss, the boss has everything arranged, let's go in." Jack said.

Arthur and Stephen Strange walked into the Atlantis restaurant under the leadership of Jack. This restaurant is designed to be more upscale. After entering the door, it feels resplendent, as if coming to Asgard.

Arthur and Stephen Strange listened to Jack's introduction together, and felt very good looking at the very wide hall and the decoration of various Avengers elements.

There are many people dining in the hall, and the melodious music makes everyone's dining process very stylish.

"It's really good! As expected of you, Jack." Arthur said to Jack with a thumbs up.

Jack was very happy. It would be the best to get the boss's affirmation. After Jack led Arthur and Stephen Strange to a luxurious private room, he turned around and left without disturbing the boss and the guests talking.

After Arthur and Stephen Strange sat down, no waiter came in to deliver the menu, because the dishes Jack had already arranged.

"I'm very honored for your invitation, but I don't know what you have to do with me?" Stephen Strange was very curious about what the Sea King Arthur was looking for himself? He is just a doctor, does he want to invite himself to the hospital opened by the Avengers? Or did he have a friend who was injured and needed to do the surgery himself?

"Actually, there is nothing to do, I just want to make friends with you. I feel that we will have a lot of intersections in the future." Arthur said mysteriously.

"I don't quite understand what you mean." Stephen Strange was even more at a loss when he heard Arthur's words.

"Just think that I can predict the future. In the future, you will become an indispensable and important person on earth and one of our Avengers." Arthur said.

"I'll be an Avenger in the future? How is that possible, I'm just a surgeon." Stephen Strange thought Arthur was joking.

"There are many uncertainties in the opportunities of a person's life. Who can tell what will happen in the future?" Arthur shrugged and said.

"I still don't quite understand," Stephen Strange said.

"You will know later, I promise I will help you once, but after you join the Avengers," Arthur said.

At this time, the waiter of the Atlantis restaurant pushed the dining cart in and started to serve the dishes. There were many dishes, especially the eight dishes in the Chinese food were Arthur's favorite dishes.

Braised Pork, Kung Pao Chicken, Crispy Roast Duck, Saliva Chicken, Spicy Pot, Pot Pork, Boiled Beef and Braised Prawns. There were also a few American dishes, and a bottle of red wine was served for the two of them.

"I don't know if you like Chinese food or not. I like Chinese food very much, so I will bring you here to try it. We have hired a few Chinese chefs in our Atlantis restaurant to ensure that the dishes are very authentic." Arthur told Stephens Trange said.

"I've never eaten Chinese food. You know that I work in a hospital where my working hours are tight, and I rarely have the opportunity to try these dishes. Today, I was able to try the taste of Chinese food. Thank you very much!" Stephen Strange said.

Arthur introduced these dishes to Stephen Strange and gave him the allusions to these dishes.

After Stephen Strange tried it, he felt that Chinese food was much better than American food. The taste was very rich, which was indescribable for him. Two words, delicious!

Stephen Strange fell in love with Chinese food after eating it once, and he said he would eat at this restaurant in the future.

Arthur gave him a VIP card, so that he can come to eat here without making a reservation in the future. Stephen Strange thanked Arthur very much.

The two had a very happy meal, and the two chatted a lot. Stephen Strange is a very proud person and is very confident in his medical skills.

Arthur chatted with him and felt that he was very knowledgeable in medicine and very interesting. Arthur was also very happy to meet Stephen Strange as a friend.

In the end, Stephen Strange didn't understand Arthur's purpose, but just kept Arthur's words in his heart. He may have a relationship with the Avengers in the future, and he also recognized Arthur as a friend.

He thinks Arthur is also very interesting, he enjoys life more, and is especially interested in Chinese things. Arthur also told him about a place in the Himalayas called Kama Taj, where a group of magicians lived. .

Stephen Strange is also dubious. He knows that many people in the Avengers have mysterious powers. The magic that Arthur said might really exist, right?


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